CS degrees dont require anything like Organic Chemistry. My BS in biology required Organic Chemistry. A CS degree might require a few general science elective courses. One might take introductory chem or physics, maybe biology. But no more than a class or two. Just one of the introductory survey courses.AniThyng wrote:If you got an A in organic chemistry and can't write code for shit though, applying for a job in IT is probably not the best idea regardless.
Coming from someone who just defended his dissertation in biology, there is immense value in the liberal arts curriculum in US universities. They dont just let you "find yourself", that is what flitting around for a few years and taking 6 years to graduate is for. It helps make you a roundly educated person. I spent my time in those courses learning ethics (General, Biomedical, Environmental) and formal logic (oh yeah, truth tables baby), psychology (given that I study behavior, good choice), comparative religion, and womens studies. All of which were extremely valuable. I am a better person for taking those courses.
If you think organic chemistry is something to pad your GPA with, you are either insane, or a complete fucking moron.What else would you do if you majored in computer science but wasted your time getting an A in chemistry in order to inflate your GPA? If it were a four unit class, it would have a larger impact on your GPA than the presumably 3 unit programming class.