Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending arms

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Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending arms

Post by Thanas »

Erdogan Gov. demands life sentence for videotaping Turkey sending arms to Syrian extremist rebels.
Messages of support pour in for Dündar over possible life sentence

Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief Can Dündar -- for whom President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is demanding a life sentence, an aggravated life sentence and an additional 42-year term of imprisonment for publishing video footage of what the daily said were arms being transferred to Syria on trucks operated by the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) -- has been receiving more and more support both from Turkey and overseas.

Erdoğan filed a criminal complaint against Dündar on Tuesday after prosecutors launched a probe investigating the newspaper and Dündar for the publication. The footage released by Cumhuriyet on Friday showed gendarmerie officers and police officers opening crates on the back of trucks that contained what the daily said were weapons and ammunition sent to Syria in January 2014. The footage contradicts the government's earlier claim that the trucks were only carrying humanitarian aid to Turkmens in the war-torn country.

The prosecutor has requested the maximum penalty of an aggravated life sentence, one life sentence and an additional 42 years in jail, Cumhuriyet said.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has harshly criticized Turkey over the criminal investigation started against the Cumhuriyet daily and its editor-in-chief for the daily's report on Syria-bound trucks carrying arms from Turkey, stating that the probe targeting the daily should be dropped immediately.

Calling the issue a matter of public interest, the HRW stated: “It is the latest assault on media that challenges the government, days before Turkey's June 7, 2015 general election. The investigation should be dropped immediately.”

“Cumhuriyet and Can Dündar should not be facing a criminal investigation for doing their job of researching and reporting the news,” said Emma Sinclair-Webb, Turkey researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The criminal investigation should be dropped and Turkey's political leaders should stop threatening journalists.”

The HRW stated that the incident has raised serious questions about the “murky dimensions of Turkey's involvement with the conflict in Syria and the Turkish government's effort to prevent any legal or journalistic scrutiny of Turkish intelligence operations.”

“Threatening the Cumhuriyet newspaper and its editor with charges like spying for reporting on alleged arms transfers comes just weeks after four prosecutors were jailed for investigating the incident,” Sinclair-Webb said. “The criminal investigation and threats against the newspaper are part of an alarming pattern of the government clamping down on any scrutiny of its conduct.”
IPI criticizes ‘disturbing lack of respect' for media freedom, democracy in Turkey

One of the leading international press freedom watchdogs, the International Press Institute (IPI), also released a written statement about the targeting of Cumhuriyet and its chief editor on Tuesday, saying the series of attacks by Erdoğan and his supporters against media critical of the government ahead of the upcoming parliamentary election is very alarming.

Mentioning the fact that Erdoğan publicly threatened Dündar, the IPI statement said: “Erdoğan's attack on Dündar came on the heels of efforts by authorities to block opposition media from broadcasting via state-owned resources and a specious attack by Erdoğan on the newspaper Hürriyet over a report on the death sentence handed to deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi -- a report that Erdoğan claimed constituted a threat on his life.”

IPI Director of Advocacy and Communications Steven M. Ellis said there is a “disturbing lack of respect for the principles of media freedom and democracy” ahead of this Sunday's election.

“Reporting that apparently shows a politician saying one thing and then doing another is absolutely in the public interest, and the Turkish public has a right to know what their leaders are doing in their name, especially as they go to the polls,” Ellis said. “If Turkey's voters can't have the information they need to hold their elected leaders accountable, if they aren't allowed make an informed decision about their future, then what's the point of holding an election?”

The IPI statement also included Dündar's Tuesday comment on Erdoğan's threats. Dündar had said in a tweet on Tuesday: "We are journalists, not civil servants. Our duty is not to hide the dirty secrets of the state but to hold it accountable on behalf of the people.”

Highlighting the IPI Special Report “Democracy at Risk,” published in March, the IPI statement continued by saying that Turkey has seen a continuing deterioration of media freedom in recent years, particularly ahead of recent elections. The report highlights then-Prime Minister Erdoğan's role -- first as prime minister then as president -- in many of the major threats to media freedom, including economic pressure on media outlets, the promotion of a toxic political climate and manipulation of the legal framework.
Domestic support for Dündar

Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has expressed his support for Dündar, saying, “No one can intimidate Dündar and his friends.”

Speaking to reporters at the Adana airport before his flight to İstanbul on Tuesday evening, Kılıçdaroğlu said: “Dündar just did his job. I heartily congratulate him.”

CHP İzmir deputy Erdal Aksünger also spoke up for Dündar in a statement on Wednesday, saying such oppression and unlawful deeds were not even seen during the military coup periods in Turkey. Aksünger said those who commit a crime should be punished, not those who exposed the crime and brought it to the public's attention.

Pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) parliamentary group deputy chairman İdris Baluken, who attended his party's campaign rallies in Adana province on Wednesday, said Erdoğan's threat to Dündar clearly shows there is no longer media freedom or an independent judiciary in the country. Emphasizing that the judiciary is under the influence of the political administration, Baluken said independent media outlets and journalists are being targeted via government-initiated operations.

HDP Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş said Erdoğan's threats and the complaint targeting Dündar are very serious, adding the threat not only targets Dündar, but all journalists in Turkey.

The Çukurova Journalists' Community (ÇGC) also expressed its concern over the increasing attacks on journalism and members of the press in Turkey, stating journalists were not subjected to such extreme attacks even during the Sept. 12, 1980 coup era.

In its statement released on Wednesday, the ÇGC stated considering that a journalist was openly threatened by the president, no one can argue there is still democracy and freedom of the press in the country. The ÇGC also said no one will be able to restrict people's right to information regardless of the pressure, violence or threats journalists are currently exposed to by the government.
Press Council members visit Cumhuriyet headquarters to show solidarity

The Press Council, an independent journalism foundation in Turkey, announced on Wednesday it is fully in support of Dündar.

Visiting the headquarters of the Cumhuriyet daily on Wednesday along with other members of the Press Council, Press Council President Pınar Türenç said, “If it is necessary to pay the price, we are ready to pay this price together.”

Türenç told Dündar that they had come to congratulate him for the example of good journalism Dündar provided by exposing the images of arms in the MİT trucks. “We are in full solidarity. We are powerful. The whole world is watching us. They are all aware of what is going on here.”

In response, Dündar said the whole world learned about the issue after the Cumhuriyet daily published the report, adding that the more journalists remain silent, the more they are exposed to pressure.

World-renowned Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic, Slavoj Žižek, also expressed his support for Dündar in an interview with Sendika.org on Wednesday. He stated in his message that Dündar is the link at the end of the chain of real journalists such as Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden, all who represent “real journalism for people and humanity that is called ‘spying'.”

“Progressive intellectuals and people of the world must stand behind this hero type [Dündar],” he added.

The trucks in question were intercepted by gendarmes on two occasions in January 2014 after prosecutors received tips that they were illegally carrying arms to Syria. There have been allegations that the arms were going to extremist groups fighting against the Syrian regime. Ankara, on the other hand, has insisted that the trucks were carrying aid to Syrian Turkmens and branded their interception an act of "treason" and "espionage."

The photos in question, taken from the video footage and published on the daily's front page, show containers filled with mortar shells and ammunition underneath boxes of medicine. The daily also published a video showing the containers on trucks being opened and searched by gendarmes.

Cumhuriyet said the trucks' cargo included 1,000 shells, 1,000 mortar shells, 50,000 machine gun bullets and 30,000 heavy weapons bullets.
Two comments:
1. It is well known that Turkey has sponsored ISIS and other extremists, this is just one in a long line of Turkish support for those groups.
2. Glad to see Erdogan is carrying out his plans of turning Turkey into his personal fiefdom.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by Flagg »

Seriously, guy reminds of Putin for some reason. It's like he's almost read the same "Authoritarianism For Dummies" guidebook.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by ArmorPierce »

Was it widely agreed that ISIS was the greater threat than Assad in late 2013? Although perhaps US did not directly give such groups weapons, American weapons made there way into such groups.
Moderate rebels who had been armed and trained by the United States either surrendered or defected to the extremists as the Jabhat al-Nusra group, affiliated with al-Qaeda, swept through the towns and villages the moderates controlled in the northern province of Idlib, in what appeared to be a concerted push to vanquish the moderate Free Syrian Army, according to rebel commanders, activists and analysts.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/us- ... story.html

Here states there were sentiments from McCain to arm rebel groups which included ISIS back in 2013

http://bluenationreview.com/john-mccain ... -arm-isis/

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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by ArmorPierce »

Now correct me if I am wrong, but if Americans were arguing for supporting and arming of rebel groups which included what turned out to be ISIS during the time, why are we pointing fingers at Turkey.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by K. A. Pital »

Secular forces in Turkey are outnumbered by the AKP-supporting islamist morons - and here's the inevitable result of that. Of course, we can wonder whether Erdogan is an autocrat at the core (he is, like many elected leaders who overstep the limits of their power), but the ugly truth is - very much like Putin, he enjoys the support of the majority.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by Thanas »

ArmorPierce wrote:Was it widely agreed that ISIS was the greater threat than Assad in late 2013? Although perhaps US did not directly give such groups weapons, American weapons made there way into such groups.
Having weapons end up in the hands of militants is completely different then what Turkey was doing, which included the fucking disgusting act of giving ISIS fighters medical treatment while they were attacking Kobane and at the same time sitting idly by and watching ISIS slaughter civilians from the next hill. Seriously, Turkey was acting like a fucking field hospital for ISIS and you wonder why this is different?
ArmorPierce wrote:Now correct me if I am wrong, but if Americans were arguing for supporting and arming of rebel groups which included what turned out to be ISIS during the time, why are we pointing fingers at Turkey.
Because the USA did not treat ISIS fighters like they were their best friends and are currently not ruled by an autocrat who is turning his country into his own religiously backed distatorship, all the while being backed by the even more moronic Turkish electorate which keeps voting for this asshole and therefore diminishes their own country.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by Pelranius »

I can't see Turkey arming ISIL directly, but Ankara might not care too much (if at all) if any weapons sent over the border ended up with Daesh, who'd just buy/steal/barter said weapons.

And Ankara will keep on sending weapons simply because their strategy is get rid of Assad at all costs, and sending weapons is just the simplest thing for them to do.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by ArmorPierce »

Acting as a neutral country providing medical services is not with out precedent. Switzerland would provide medical services to German soldiers that arrived at their hospitals during world war 2. Red cross provided taliban with medical services.

Although I wouldn't be surprised, is there any evidence that turkey directly supplied isis rather than arm terrorist groups in general?

In my opinion, Going back to events that occurred prior to 2014 to fault turkey, an action that had mainstream support in the United states is pure propoganda. United States supported the taliban and saddam hussein at one point. Does that mean that anyone who worked with those folks at that time are evil and anti American?

I think the European Union deserves a lot of blame for turkeys slide toward conservative Islam influences. Secular supporters in Turkey made joining the European Union and the west a major goal. Turkey was blocked with one of the reasons being the military being involved in politics. The military acted asa safeguard and supporter of secularism. The moment the military involvement was scaled back they reverted back to conservative Islamic influence.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by Thanas »

ArmorPierce wrote:Acting as a neutral country providing medical services is not with out precedent. Switzerland would provide medical services to German soldiers that arrived at their hospitals during world war 2. Red cross provided taliban with medical services.
But none did gave one side preferential treatment. Turkey refused to aid kurdish and syrian refugees, but was okay with providing private shuttle service to the sex-slaving fundamentalists.
In my opinion, Going back to events that occurred prior to 2014 to fault turkey, an action that had mainstream support in the United states is pure propoganda.
There is nothing propaganda about the fact that the Turkish state provided the private shuttle service to sex slavers in 2014 and still continued it for a long time even while the fighting in Kobane was still going on.
I think the European Union deserves a lot of blame for turkeys slide toward conservative Islam influences. Secular supporters in Turkey made joining the European Union and the west a major goal. Turkey was blocked with one of the reasons being the military being involved in politics. The military acted asa safeguard and supporter of secularism. The moment the military involvement was scaled back they reverted back to conservative Islamic influence.
That just proves the EU was right to refuse them, as any state where the military has to protect the rest of society from Islamic influence is not a society fit for the EU. The fact that Turkey was unable to deal with the Islamists and is overwhelmingly in support of the shithead Erdogan just shows that they are not a nation fit for Europe.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by Thanas »

BTW, the same paper published images of Turkey shuffling recruits to ISIS:
ISTANBUL: A Turkish daily Friday published images it said showed the Turkish spy agency helping to smuggle jihadis into Syria, the latest allegations by the newspaper accusing the authorities of aiding extremist groups across the border.

The government had last week lambasted the Cumhuriyet daily for publishing video footage the paper said showed the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) helping send weapons to Syria early last year.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said its editor Can Dundar would pay a "heavy price" and promptly filed a criminal complaint demanding he serves multiple life sentences.

But Friday's story showed the staunchly secular Cumhuriyet is not giving any ground in an increasingly tense standoff with the Islamic-rooted government ahead of Sunday's legislative elections.

Cumhuriyet said that a group of jihadis were first brought to the Turkish border town of Reyhanli on January 9, 2014 from Atme refugee camp in Syria in a clandestine operation.

From there, they were smuggled into Tal Abyad, a border town used by ISIS as a gateway from Turkey, on two buses rented by the MIT, Cumhuriyet claimed.

The daily showed images of the buses, which it said were stopped by police a day after the operation following a tip-off that they were smuggling drugs into Syria.

It was revealed that the buses had been used to smuggle jihadis after investigators found bullets, weapons and ammunition abandoned in the buses, the paper said.

The drivers of the buses, who were briefly arrested, said in their testimony they were told that they were carrying Syrian refugees and the vehicles were rented by the MIT.

Last week Cumhuriyet published footage from January 19, 2014 showing Turkish security forces discovering boxes of what it described as weapons and ammunition being sent to Syria on MIT trucks intercepted near the Syrian border.

The story touched a nerve as it accused Erdogan of covering up arms shipments to Syrian rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad, a claim the president vehemently denies.

In his complaint to prosecutors, Erdogan demanded Dundar serves two life sentences and 42 years in prison for espionage and publishing false information, sparking outrage at home and abroad.

Tensions are running high in Turkey in the run-up to Sunday's parliamentary elections where Erdogan wants his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) to secure a commanding majority in parliament.

This would allow the party to rewrite the constitution and create the powerful executive-style presidency Erdogan yearns for.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by Sea Skimmer »

Yup they super support ISIL. But then they also have openly let other rebel groups attack across the border and supported said operations with fire multiple times, so its not like they only support ISIL. They are supporting everyone opposed to Assad. That does not include the Kurds. Aside from all the other history, its just a fact that the Syrian Kurds cut a deal with Assad early in the war for autonomy, Turkish refusal to support or allow support for them is entirely consistent in that respect.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by K. A. Pital »

Sea Skimmer wrote:Yup they super support ISIL.
And you super supported them.
Sea Skimmer wrote:But then they also have openly let other rebel groups attack across the border and supported said operations with fire multiple times
I thought attacking across the borders of another nation is bad. Is it?
Sea Skimmer wrote:They are supporting everyone opposed to Assad.
As if that excuses anything.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by wautd »

Thanas wrote: 2. Glad to see Erdogan is carrying out his plans of turning Turkey into his personal fiefdom.
I'm reliefed to see that the AKP lost 10% of the votes during yesterdays elections.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by Thanas »

Yeah, that was awesome. Props to those who voted against him and voted for the Kurdish party.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by K. A. Pital »

AKP's plans for giving more power to the president have failed, for now, thanks to the strong vote against it. It seems that no opposition party is willing to enter into a coalition with Erdogan's guys.
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Re: Turkey: Life sentence for leaking video of Gov sending a

Post by salm »

wautd wrote:
Thanas wrote: 2. Glad to see Erdogan is carrying out his plans of turning Turkey into his personal fiefdom.
I'm reliefed to see that the AKP lost 10% of the votes during yesterdays elections.
There were quite some celebrations on the streets here in Berlin.
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