The thing is mass shootings are actually pretty rare. I think there have been like 70 in the past 30 years with aboot 500 killed. Thats alot, especially with the uptick recently, but it still means you are unlikely to get killed by some terroristic mass shooter motherfuckers.Simon_Jester wrote:The problem is, if you decide to not carry one on the grounds that you probably won't need one... well, someone like this can show up and easily make you into one of his many, many casualty statistics.
Its like being worried about getting hit by meteorites, theres little chance you can predict or prevent the things from happening (save maybe not being in a gun free zone in regards to shootings). Theres of course more you can do compared to getting smacked by a space rock like carrying a weapon to defend yourself, but its like wearing a helmet to stop the space rocks. Its most likely never going to get used.
Now again, thats not me saying you shouldn't carry a weapon if you feel the need but most people don't feel the need. Honestly I can't blame them. Most people don't want to be victims of fear. Most people who even carry a weapon, from the super duper scary firearm to the equally scary knife if you're british, aren't a carrying to stop some irate nutbar trying to get a new high score but just to defend themselves personally from other dangerous threats that society throws at them.
Probably also the zombie apocalypse. There is a reason neon green zombie crap is so popular with the shooter crowd and its certainly not the butt ugly pain-job the shit has. Just blech, like someone threw up on an AR-15 and decided to sell it.
There is no easy solution really. One can either criminalize law abiding citizens and punish them for the actions of a few, which would go over very well both for the fact most people who aren't criminals don't want to be treated like criminals and the connotations that everyone is responsible for the actions of a few in their chosen fraternity. Have a disarmed population that cannot defend themselves from whatever threats, including goddamn zombies, might come their way but at the same time have a harder time preying on their fellow citizens. Treat people like children who can't be trusted to have something dangerous, that the government and others know what is best for them but less people blowing their brains out.Except that there really aren't a lot of choices here. Turning society into an armed camp makes it harder for random murderers to make you a victim- but it increases the death rate from suicides and impulse killings. In a society where most people are unarmed, but a few people decide to be massively violent and have easy access to weapons, you get... this.
Or they can have a bunch of weapons and everyone from a 500 pound fat dude with tits bigger then a porn star, a 80 pound grandma, and a weak nerd or woman can defend themselves from muggers, rapists, criminal scum, attackers, rogue police especially if they are black, and the undead menace. But there are easier suicides (though I honestly don't think thats a completely bad thing, suicide is terrible but I'd rather someone push a button and die then swallow a bunch of pills, slit their wrists, walk out into traffic, try to hang themselves, or any of the other ways people try to die that can easily fail and make them a cripple or vegetable but I'll get more into the suicide thing later) and easier mass killings. People are more likely to just shoot a potential threat rather then retreating or trying to diffuse the situation. Improperly stored weapons are highly dangerous in the wrong hands. Combine firearms with America's other past-time, drinking, and we have a not nice combination.
Of course many of the ills of firearms are not really the fault of the firearm unless you are one them there fucknuggets of gooey stupid who think firearms are liek the one ring of power that warps peoples minds and whispers to them to go kill people. Its doesn't, except for the mentally ill. Which is why its good to disarm the mentally for the fact the mentally ill are easily preyed upon by many and nearly as likely as our swarthy friends to be killed by some Barney Fife asshole with a gun and a badge.
But just disarming them fruitloop crazy people of their god given right to have murder machines of the bullet spewing kind (man spewing is such a nasty word, even typing it makes me feel dirty) while a good idea (so long as there is plenty of ways for them to get back their extended assault clip murder death kill devices after they are stable but as it stand now alteast in Murica if you get your guns taken away its nearly impossible to get that right returned to you) ignores WHY some fruitloop nutter felt like shooting up something. WHY aren't they able to get help? WHY is there such a stigma of mental illness in the US that even when someone has access to mental health services, which many do not thanks Obama.......I mean Reagan, they choose not to? WHY are so many civilians and veterans thinking that suicide is the best solution?
The WHY, that is the important question, even beyond insane in the membrane people who leave safety pins in the arms until the skin holding it in place rots enough to let the metal fall away like their pain.
WHY do people do the mass shootings? WHY are inner cities violent? WHY are so many people so desperate that robbing places and turning to crime is the only thing they can do? WHY does the McDonalds dollar menu only have like two things that are a dollar? WHY are people so afraid of cops that they need guns to defend themselves from the people that are supposed to be protecting them? WHY are people so afraid of other citizens raping, harraging, and attacking them?
If one can answer those questions and solve the problems related to them, gun violence wouldn't be a problem so much.
I look to a country like Switzerland, a country with pretty damn high gun ownership but very low violence. There are is a gun for every two people and thats only registered guns, there are supposed to be quite many guns that aren't registered, yet their gun violence is less then a third of what America's is.
Is it because they are a superior Euro-communist cuntry all superior in their Euro ways? Possibly but probably not. Some people like Mr Roof would say its because they are a bunch of white bread white people without waves of damn dirty immigrants stealing jobs there but thats bullshit because like a signifigant portion of the population there is dirty foreigners.
More likely its because its a very stable country with limited drug and poverty problems plus a healthy education system both in general and in regards to firearms safety.
The US on the other hand..........well we've got inner city ghettos and low income areas that would be more at home in some shitty 3rd would country. These areas got an economy that is shit, an education system that is shit, social safety net that is full of some many holes it might as well not exist, ooh and plenty of fucking racism and police that think they are still in downtown Kabul.
That is the WHY of it, not the guns. Gun violence is a SYMPTOM of the problems plaguing our streets, also roofs, maybe sidewalks too.
To just go after gun violence is only treating a symptom of the larger problem. Its akin to taking aspirin for a headache. A headache you got from being stabbed. Sure the headache is gone but the thing that created it still persists.
Some links..... ... ed-states/ ... otings-map ... guns/32578 ... ationality