I'm come across this one a few times now, and it's interesting.
I've long assumed the propagators are mostly American because no European right winger worth their salt would talk about Europe over their own country. That's not to say each Euro country doesn't have a far right element screaming about brown tides, but I'm not sure if they would talk about it as 'Europe'.
So what is driving it? From an american point of view, I guess Europe is seen as more of an equal then the individual countries, so that sets the scale. They are also closer to the perfidious brown Asia, where all the bad things come from (Russia, China, Mooslims ect)
The Muslim flood meme is nearly always coached in terms of being outbred, with an old nod back to classic race fears.
But ultimately, I think the Muslim Flood meme is a way for those american groups to make themselves feel superior to Europe - "See they tried to be nice and now there's no go areas in London." or other such lies. It's a bogeyman example, to point to to justify their own starting points.
Muslims Flooding Europe meme
Moderators: Alyrium Denryle, Edi, K. A. Pital
Muslims Flooding Europe meme
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- cosmicalstorm
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Re: Muslims Flooding Europe meme
I think the people who worry the most do not have a good grasp of the kind of technological explosion that will likely take place during this century. One that might well make such concerns a lot less relevant. But I do worry, opening the Euro borders to Africa right now is a nutty left idea that ignores the population explosion and invites social turmoil to Europe. You can keep an eye on Sweden in the next few years, we are running a nationwide experiment that combines insane rightist free market liberalism privatize everything logic with open borders and free immigration leftism. The result is likely to be disastrous, many areas, maybe entire citys will take the Detroit path. We will get an American model of social security but without the lower taxrate. On top of this our current political leades seem content with holding their ground until they die and invite a weirdo Putin friendly rightist party to make a landslide electionvictory come 2018. [/alarmist-rant]
Re: Muslims Flooding Europe meme
The meme is old. At the beginning of the 20th century Slavs and Jews held the honor of being the "demographic invaders" who were constantly demonized and suspected of trying to displace the locals. It's simple tribalist xenophobia. It's also that poor immigrants make for excellent scapegoats since they not only trigger xenophopic mistrust easily but also have the least amount of political cloud and therefore can't fight back effectively.
Once you look past the faux- "reasonable" exterior the power of such memes melts away and nothing but bog-standard assholishness remains.
Once you look past the faux- "reasonable" exterior the power of such memes melts away and nothing but bog-standard assholishness remains.
People at birth are naturally good. Their natures are similar, but their habits make them different from each other.
-Sanzi Jing (Three Character Classic)
Saddam’s crime was so bad we literally spent decades looking for our dropped monocles before we could harumph up the gumption to address it
-User Indigo Jump on Pharyngula
O God, please don't let me die today, tomorrow would be so much better!
-Traditional Spathi morning prayer
-Sanzi Jing (Three Character Classic)
Saddam’s crime was so bad we literally spent decades looking for our dropped monocles before we could harumph up the gumption to address it
-User Indigo Jump on Pharyngula
O God, please don't let me die today, tomorrow would be so much better!
-Traditional Spathi morning prayer
Re: Muslims Flooding Europe meme
By "Europe" they mean EU, or in even more limited sense, Eurozone. That is, bastion of WHITE POWER AND SUPREME CULTURE, undiluted by these pesky Slavs and Southerners that are half mixed with Arabs anyway (who only sometimes get a pass thanks to supremacist call backs to Rome). I guess scaremongering works better when it's not just one country being "threatened", but whole continent.madd0ct0r wrote:I've long assumed the propagators are mostly American because no European right winger worth their salt would talk about Europe over their own country. That's not to say each Euro country doesn't have a far right element screaming about brown tides, but I'm not sure if they would talk about it as 'Europe'.
And it's not just limited to nutjobs - before 2004 EU enlargement and opening of the borders even a lot of somewhat 'normal' people had feel everything east of Germany is 'not-Europe' where dogs bark with rear end. Even though that diminished now with social exchange, the feeling simply shifted to ex-Soviet Union and ex-Yugoslavian areas, again, out of ignorance.
And speaking of right wingers, here, have some examples of archetypal ones and defending Europe:
So it's not like they aren't using old, very worn out messages, far from it.