Code: Select all
Distance from Sol: 28.377 ly
Right Ascension: 6h 52m 18s
Declination: -5 Degrees 10' 25"
Ecliptic Longitude: 104.78 Degrees
Ecliptic Latitude: -27.94 Degrees
Galactic Longitude: 217.64 Degrees
Galactic Latitude: -2.16 Degrees
I guess what I am looking for is an easy way (or at least a set of formulas I can write down and use) to convert between the various different astronomical coordinate systems. Annoyingly enough, .DSC files (which define the positions and properties of nebulae within Celestia) define Right Ascension in fractional Hours rather than fractional degrees, for no obvious good reason. This makes precise alignment of stars and nebulae within Celestia an irritating game of trial and error. Thanks Obama!
Any help would be appreciated. I don't expect many people here to have experience with Celestia, but since my precise problem is with celestial coordinates rather than with anything idiosyncratic to the program itself I'm hoping that someone here might be able to help. Thanks in advance and apologies to the mods if this thread could have been better placed.