Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Metahive »

Ah, but see the GOP's problem is that their electoral base is dying off, BillO's and Limbaugh's average listeners are 70+ years old. They absolutely do need to expand their outreach, even most of the 16 republican clowns currently vying for the nomination have kind of figured it out.
German administrations since 1998 dismantled the social state and took part in wars even if the people hated it.
Some wars, Schröder did get a second term out of refusing to participate in Iraq.
Politicians lost elections, but with the permanent propaganda in the media Germany became step by step a less and less social country.
I'm seeing this as less of a failure of the media than of the opposition to the Merkelregime being so ineffectual and self-destructive. Merkel herself is just using Kohl's old strategy of sitting everything out and being mostly passive.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Zaune »

I think the point that Simon's trying to make is that however bad a job Reagan may have done as President, he did an infinitely better job of it than Donald Euphemism-For-A-Fart is going to do in the hopefully unlikely event he wins.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Thanas »

Personal and ex officio dignity are only two of multiple components in play here. Others, which I have explicitly mentioned before, include:

-The ability to (consistently) address opposition figures with respect, which contributes to...
Nope. That is not dignity, that is common courtesy. Adolf Eichmann was a very courteous person, yet would you say he had personal dignity?
Now, to be clear, are you conceding that Reagan exhibited these other things, whereas Trump's ability to do so is in question?

Or were you planning to dispute these points at some later time, presumably by arguing that Reagan did not exhibit the traits in question?
No, actually I was planning - and did - to ask you to identify dignified acts of Reagan. Not acts of common courtesy which is really just be base minimum.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Channel72 »

Can we just agree that Reagan was ... less of a circus sideshow than Trump? That's essentially what Simon seems to be saying. Of course, any extended formal defense of that notion will inevitably lead to stumbling around, grasping for evidence of Reagan's "stateliness" - but I think most people, in general, when shown a random selection of Reagan footage vs. a random selection of Trump footage would at least instictively think "okay, Reagan behaves more like a typical US President", whereas Trump could very well be at home on an episode of Jerry Springer.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Thanas »

That I have no problem with, Reagan was a trained actor after all.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Welf »

Eternal_Freedom wrote:Hmm...I do remember reading an article demonstrating you can win the Electoral College vote with only ~22% of the popular vote, though that does require winning something like thirty states by exactly one vote.
I think it could probably theoretically be less, since the number of votes in the electoral college is determined by population size, but the votes are awarded by relative vote. So with enough discrimination you could tip the balance even more. Which makes the recent decision of the Supreme Court to kill the voting bills so dangerous.
Simon_Jester wrote:Just to clarify the structure of your argument, and to determine whether it is only about dignity, or also about other things...

Personal and ex officio dignity are only two of multiple components in play here. Others, which I have explicitly mentioned before, include:

-The ability to (consistently) address opposition figures with respect, which contributes to...
-The ability to compromise with opposition figures, which assists in...
-Coming up with competent or semi-competent responses to crisis situations demanding an urgent and, frankly, not-very-partisan response (e.g. national disasters, direct attacks by foreign powers, and so on).

Now, to be clear, are you conceding that Reagan exhibited these other things, whereas Trump's ability to do so is in question?

Or were you planning to dispute these points at some later time, presumably by arguing that Reagan did not exhibit the traits in question?
I'm not going to argue that Regan was less of a clown then Trump in absolute terms But I would like to add a thought or two.
After reading Irbis' comment I did remember how Reagan was depicted in Europe back in the day. It was a bit before my time, but I do remember that he was considered a clown, at least by European leftists. A guy who declares world war as a joke, a cowboy, a cold warrior who might kill as all with his ideology/incompetence. See this video from genesis from 1986. Interestingly enough it took a bit till I remembered that. The mind altering power of US media is frightening :|
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by bilateralrope »

Eternal_Freedom wrote:Hmm...I do remember reading an article demonstrating you can win the Electoral College vote with only ~22% of the popular vote, though that does require winning something like thirty states by exactly one vote.
You're probably thinking of this video.

Skip to 4:18 to see exactly how. Yes, it's a bit contrived. But the entire electoral college system is something that seems convoluted.
SCRawl wrote:
Eternal_Freedom wrote:On the matter of electoral votes with a genuine 3rd party running, do you need an actual majority or just more than the other guys?

As an outside observer, if the "Trump runs as 3rd party and splits the GOP" outcome occurs, I'm very interested in what the result woudl be for US politics afterwards. Woudl we get a genuine 3rd party from the GOP split? Or would we get the GOP cleaning itself of the more insane elements and reformatting itself?
Wikipedia wrote:A candidate must receive an absolute majority of electoral votes (currently 270) to win the Presidency or the Vice Presidency. If no candidate receives a majority in the election for President and/or Vice President, that election is determined via a contingency procedure established by the Twelfth Amendment. In such a situation, the House chooses one of the top three presidential electoral vote-winners as the President, while the Senate chooses one of the top two vice presidential electoral vote-winners as Vice President.
I notice that the tiebreaker method has nothing to do with the number of votes each person received as long as they placed in the top 3 for president, or top 2 for VP.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Broomstick »

If I recall, the twelfth amendment tie-breaker system was put into place after the election of 1800, where not only did Jefferson and Burr tie for the electoral college but when it went to the House for a vote to decide between them there were thirty five more tied votes!. Ah, politics! Eventually, on the 36th go-round, Jefferson wound up the winner.

Alexander Hamilton actually came out in support of Jefferson, which was rather remarkable given the politics of the time, but while Hamilton did not like Jefferson or his politics he preferred Jefferson, thinking he'd make a better president and was less of a hazard to the nation. He was correct. Four years later Burr would kill Hamilton in a duel. Well, maybe Burr wouldn't have been a hazard to the nation, but he certainly proved to be the death of Hamilton. By 1807 things had gotten bad enough between Jefferson and Burr that Burr was arrested and tried for treason and Jefferson was really pushing for conviction. (Burr was acquitted)

Anyhow, I don't recall any other tied electoral votes in US history, so the 12th amendment system has never actually been put into practice.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Simon_Jester »

Reagan was thought, with good reason, to be an empty-headed old buffoon, a silly, hollow suit in the White House. This was thought of him by many people both foreign and domestic.
Irbis wrote:
Gaidin wrote:For all of Iran-Contra and the crapshoots that happen during any given presidency, Reagan did have a legitimate presidency.
I am sorry, I don't consider poisoning the whole planet by 'greed is good, deregulate' mentality as shining success. Then, you have him (as you pointed out) illegally support genocidal right wingers all over the world, illegally invaded several countries, created Taliban, and give jumpstart to USA being corrupted by cancer of colossal military-industrial complex spending more than the rest of the world combined. All while ballooning US debt.
Stop. Think.

Gaidin isn't saying Reagan did a good job, or even an adequate job! He's saying he had legitimacy.

The American people voted him into office expecting him to do certain things, he did those things. They were bad things, but he did more-or-less faithfully carry out policies that he and his supporters (including some intellectuals with real graduate degrees, inexplicably) had settled on and thought (I still can't understand why) would be good for the country.

Almost every other president the United States has ever had did a better, or rather a less-bad, job than Ronald Reagan in my opinion. But Reagan did show appropriate conduct in public, generally refrained from turning American politics into a circus, and in general managed to at least sort-of kind-of carry out the duties of his office. He carried them out badly, he carried them out in ways that were based on skewed, stupid policies and ill-informed worldview. but he didn't let sheer raging immaturity prevent him from even attempting to carry them out at all.

None of this is impressive. Please try to comprehend that what I and others are saying is NOT the same "Reagan was the greatest president ever!" crap you're apparently expecting all Americans to deliver at every opportunity. Indeed, Reagan was one of the worst presidents the US has ever had in my opinion.

But he was a bad president in the sense that a bad lawyer loses your case by delivering unpersuasive speeches. Trump would be a bad president in the sense that a bad lawyer loses your case by showing up to court drunk and dropping his pants in the courtroom.
What part of the above strikes you as legitimate, exactly?
My poli-sci 100 professor said that the 'legitimacy' of a government had two parts.

One part is being 'responsive:' does the government do what the people tell it to? The other is being 'responsible:' does the government make actual attempts to deal with the situations it's supposed to deal with?

The Reagan administration was 'responsive' in that it did what voters were telling it to do. Those voters were fools for voting for Reagan... but they did vote for Reagan, knowing what he said he was going to do. And even reelected him, and elected his vice-president in 1988 to put the icing on the cake.

The Reagan administration was not 'responsible' in the sense of doing the RIGHT things in response to the problems of the 1980s... but it still DID things. It didn't just entirely ignore problems and abdicate its responsibilities and blame the opposing party for everything. It did what it sincerely (wrongly) thought it should do, what it had told everyone it was going to do. It made everything or nearly everything worse in countless ways... but it did in fact take actions and claim responsibility for the results. Mostly.

Thus, while the Reagan administration was bad, it was not 'illegitimate' in the sense that a bunch of unelected squatters moving into the White House would be illegitimate. Or in the sense that a military coup of unelected generals running the country would be illegitimate. Or in the sense that a president who simply threw up their hands and spent all their time playing table tennis would lose legitimacy.
Simon_Jester wrote:Reagan, at least, had a measure of dignity. As long as politicians show some dignity and refrain from childishly mocking their opponents, then there are limits to how far they can fall apart even if they're wrong about policy issues.
Dignity? He had only as much dignity as he could fake by acting. He was the clown who joked about delegalizing Soviet Union and launching all missiles on TV. He also authored Able Archer 83, operation that looked so close to what NATO would do to launch sudden first strike, without any warning, that Soviets raised all units to Defcon 1 equivalent. All it would take during these two critical periods to launch full scale nuclear war would be something like freak meteorite strike or military communication failure.

Does that strike you as someone who ever bothers to think about possible consequences of what he yaps about?
Reagan's foreign policy was staggeringly incompetent and he had literally no concept of how to handle or interact with the Soviets, and he could have gotten us all killed because he was an idiot. It was fortunate for the US that the US could afford the military buildup he arranged, and that the Soviet Union was conveniently starting to unravel, during his time in office. Neither of those factors was his doing.

But you're dodging the point. Able Archer 83 was incredibly poorly advised, but that reflects on whether Reagan was a good president or a bad one, not on whether he was such a clown that he was unable to be a president at all.

I never want to see the day America has yet another president as bad as Reagan. But Trump would, amazingly, manage to be worse in important ways.
Zaune wrote:I think the point that Simon's trying to make is that however bad a job Reagan may have done as President, he did an infinitely better job of it than Donald Euphemism-For-A-Fart is going to do in the hopefully unlikely event he wins.
Channel72 wrote:Can we just agree that Reagan was ... less of a circus sideshow than Trump? That's essentially what Simon seems to be saying. Of course, any extended formal defense of that notion will inevitably lead to stumbling around, grasping for evidence of Reagan's "stateliness" - but I think most people, in general, when shown a random selection of Reagan footage vs. a random selection of Trump footage would at least instictively think "okay, Reagan behaves more like a typical US President", whereas Trump could very well be at home on an episode of Jerry Springer.
Thanas wrote:That I have no problem with, Reagan was a trained actor after all.
Channel and Zaune have very accurately represented my point, between them.

There are a number of metrics by which we can judge whether someone is 'presidential.' I can't think of a single such metric on which Trump scores higher than Reagan, even though Reagan himself would score below average on nearly every one of them.

And in my mind there is some dividing line between a "serious presidency" and a "farcical presidency."

In my eyes, Reagan managed (perhaps by virtue of his acting skills, perhaps because it was a more sober time) to stay mostly above the line. That didn't make him in any way a good president; I can't think of two presidencies that caused more long term harm to the US off the top of my head. But he at least passed one of the many, many standards to which we should hold our presidents.

Trump would, based on his conduct and words, fail this same standard. And of course at the same time he'd be failing all the same ones Reagan failed.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by bilateralrope »

Broomstick wrote:Anyhow, I don't recall any other tied electoral votes in US history, so the 12th amendment system has never actually been put into practice.
I wonder if it would trigger, or if faithless electors would select a president to avoid triggering it. Either way, that's likely to be a shitstorm if it ever happens.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Skipping past the side discussion of Reagan for a moment...

The notice of Trump has been something I have watched for a while, both on various right wing blogs and news sights, (largely for comedic purposes) And so far the most surprising aspect of his "popularity" has been the rabid and almost fanatical way that his supports are eviscerating other Republicans.

I honestly wonder if what we are seeing is the Sheepdog-ness obedience that has been 'bred' into Republicans over the last 40 years being taken to the Nth degree.
The far right follow almost blindly, who ever stirs them up them most and can whip them into the most energetic frothing mass.
Trump has done this to a masterful degree and seems to be doing it almost "trolling" the Other Republican candidates at this point.
His supporters, seeing Trump attack and badmouth all other candidates, seem almost compelled to do likewise.
I mean for YEARS I have seen rapid far right conservatives defend their brethren from even the slightest of insults fro the Left Wing in America...
Yet now that it is one of their own throwing the insults, they almost slavishly seem compelled to turn on one another in a massive circular firing squad.

The "Attack" on McCain I think shocked me most. To even slightly question the patriotism of a "War Hero" like Mc Cain would be utterly unthinkable.. And yet in less than a day, I witness hundreds of commentaries going on about how Right Trump was, and how everyone else is too "scared" to speak the "truth" that Trump is speaking....

I am curious how many others seem to notice this within the states...

I am Also curious how long Trump will stay in before he drops out.. Because there is not a single person who could convince me that Trump ACTUALLY believes he has a chance of winning and is doing this purely to stroke his own ego and make him feel important.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Hillary »

Simon_Jester wrote:Reagan was thought, with good reason, to be an empty-headed old buffoon, a silly, hollow suit in the White House. This was thought of him by many people both foreign and domestic.
You can say that again - this was essentially the UK view of him.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Broomstick »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:The "Attack" on McCain I think shocked me most. To even slightly question the patriotism of a "War Hero" like Mc Cain would be utterly unthinkable.. And yet in less than a day, I witness hundreds of commentaries going on about how Right Trump was, and how everyone else is too "scared" to speak the "truth" that Trump is speaking....

I am curious how many others seem to notice this within the states...
Well, I've noticed...

It's definitely been noticed by the less whackadoodle arm of the Republicans, but they're realizing they are no longer in control of the crazies.

If the current trends continue Trump is going to wind up screwing the Republicans this time around, which would mean Hillary gets to be PotUS. I'm not enthused about Ms. Rodham-Clinton being elected to that office, nor would I be thrilled to (once again) be voting for the lesser evil. I do think she's more suited to the job than Trump, but that's such a low bar it's ridiculous.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by blowfish »

If Trump crashes and burns, won't the Republican ticket go to Bush The Lesser, Jr?
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Adam Reynolds »

One thing about Reagan that I find wonderfully ironic is that Ayn Rand hated him(due to his religiously driven ideas), actually denouncing him in her final speech. So of course modern Republicans, who generally consider Regan their saint, believe quite strongly in the ideas of Ayn Rand.

Another absurd fact is that Reagan consulted an astrologer to plan his affairs while president.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

blowfish wrote:If Trump crashes and burns, won't the Republican ticket go to Bush The Lesser, Jr?
That is pretty much what already is/will happen.
If you recall in 2012, we went through a host of Nutters on the right before (mostly only after each one dropped out going down in flames) the Party establishment finally was able to install Romney as the Candidate.
The same thing will pretty much happen again (IMHO) starting with Trump, and working its way through theo theres, till only Bush-III remains as the lone choice that the far right will grudgingly go along with.

As far as "Crashing and Burning"
I don't think that can happen to Trump, mostly because he already IS Burning to a certain extent, and also because he doesn't really care.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Borgholio »

blowfish wrote:If Trump crashes and burns, won't the Republican ticket go to Bush The Lesser, Jr?
Yes but Trump still will have enough votes as an Independent candidate to prevent the GOP from gaining the majority. So the Democrats will not have a solid voting block of Republicans to stop them.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Simon_Jester »

Hillary wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:Reagan was thought, with good reason, to be an empty-headed old buffoon, a silly, hollow suit in the White House. This was thought of him by many people both foreign and domestic.
You can say that again - this was essentially the UK view of him.
I would argue the British were right to think so. But the longer the modern Republican party goes on, the more consistently it teaches us that there is no lower limit on the bad qualities it can produce in a presidential candidate...
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Welf »

Metahive wrote:Some wars, Schröder did get a second term out of refusing to participate in Iraq.
Only thanks to a timely election. A year earlier or later and he would have acted "responsible" and joined the war as the Beltway wanted.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Metahive »

Welf wrote:
Metahive wrote:Some wars, Schröder did get a second term out of refusing to participate in Iraq.
Only thanks to a timely election. A year earlier or later and he would have acted "responsible" and joined the war as the Beltway wanted.
Unlikely, considering how unpopular joining wars in general and joining this war in particular was in Germany. There was also the fact that he had international backup in the form of Chirac. I don't even like Schröder and his neo-liberal antics but I think you're giving him too little credit here.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Joun_Lord »

Adamskywalker007 wrote:One thing about Reagan that I find wonderfully ironic is that Ayn Rand hated him(due to his religiously driven ideas), actually denouncing him in her final speech. So of course modern Republicans, who generally consider Regan their saint, believe quite strongly in the ideas of Ayn Rand.
I find it ironic that conservaturds who jack off to Ayn Rand tend to be big Christians wackknobs. The teachings and ideals of charity and loving thy fellow man and not being a greedy cunt that Jesus taught are so goddamn opposed to the greed is good, fuck the little people, fuck the poor ideals espoused by libertarian morons that its only slightly funny like getting a piece of glass jammed into your funny bone.

Its even more fully dummy when these dimmies who bitch and moan about government intrusions into peoples lives and muy states rights want to create FEDERAL legislation stopping babby killin' and gaymosexual marriages. Even Saint Ron Paul, the poster boy for libertarianism for libtards (and the poster boy for fucking crazy for everyone else), multiple times introduced the federal Sanctity of Life Act and also the Marriage Protection Act. I guess his libertarian ideals end where his religious views begin.

Don't even get me started on the stupid shits who bitch about guns rights being infringed but then want to strip rights from gay people.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Thanas »

The swift-boating of McCain has been going on long before this, so the GOP is simply used to it.

Remember when Rove told lies about McCain's military service, implying he was a traitor and a softie?
Remember when Rove told lies about McCain having a black baby born out of wedlock?

Why would the attack of Trump find less resonance than the previous, very successful attacks on McCain?
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Gaidin »

Simon_Jester wrote:Reagan was thought, with good reason, to be an empty-headed old buffoon, a silly, hollow suit in the White House. This was thought of him by many people both foreign and domestic.
Irbis wrote:
Gaidin wrote:For all of Iran-Contra and the crapshoots that happen during any given presidency, Reagan did have a legitimate presidency.
I am sorry, I don't consider poisoning the whole planet by 'greed is good, deregulate' mentality as shining success. Then, you have him (as you pointed out) illegally support genocidal right wingers all over the world, illegally invaded several countries, created Taliban, and give jumpstart to USA being corrupted by cancer of colossal military-industrial complex spending more than the rest of the world combined. All while ballooning US debt.
Stop. Think.

Gaidin isn't saying Reagan did a good job, or even an adequate job! He's saying he had legitimacy.

The American people voted him into office expecting him to do certain things, he did those things. They were bad things, but he did more-or-less faithfully carry out policies that he and his supporters (including some intellectuals with real graduate degrees, inexplicably) had settled on and thought (I still can't understand why) would be good for the country.

Almost every other president the United States has ever had did a better, or rather a less-bad, job than Ronald Reagan in my opinion. But Reagan did show appropriate conduct in public, generally refrained from turning American politics into a circus, and in general managed to at least sort-of kind-of carry out the duties of his office. He carried them out badly, he carried them out in ways that were based on skewed, stupid policies and ill-informed worldview. but he didn't let sheer raging immaturity prevent him from even attempting to carry them out at all.

None of this is impressive. Please try to comprehend that what I and others are saying is NOT the same "Reagan was the greatest president ever!" crap you're apparently expecting all Americans to deliver at every opportunity. Indeed, Reagan was one of the worst presidents the US has ever had in my opinion.

But he was a bad president in the sense that a bad lawyer loses your case by delivering unpersuasive speeches. Trump would be a bad president in the sense that a bad lawyer loses your case by showing up to court drunk and dropping his pants in the courtroom.
What part of the above strikes you as legitimate, exactly?
My poli-sci 100 professor said that the 'legitimacy' of a government had two parts.

One part is being 'responsive:' does the government do what the people tell it to? The other is being 'responsible:' does the government make actual attempts to deal with the situations it's supposed to deal with?

The Reagan administration was 'responsive' in that it did what voters were telling it to do. Those voters were fools for voting for Reagan... but they did vote for Reagan, knowing what he said he was going to do. And even reelected him, and elected his vice-president in 1988 to put the icing on the cake.

The Reagan administration was not 'responsible' in the sense of doing the RIGHT things in response to the problems of the 1980s... but it still DID things. It didn't just entirely ignore problems and abdicate its responsibilities and blame the opposing party for everything. It did what it sincerely (wrongly) thought it should do, what it had told everyone it was going to do. It made everything or nearly everything worse in countless ways... but it did in fact take actions and claim responsibility for the results. Mostly.

Thus, while the Reagan administration was bad, it was not 'illegitimate' in the sense that a bunch of unelected squatters moving into the White House would be illegitimate. Or in the sense that a military coup of unelected generals running the country would be illegitimate. Or in the sense that a president who simply threw up their hands and spent all their time playing table tennis would lose legitimacy.
Simon_Jester wrote:Reagan, at least, had a measure of dignity. As long as politicians show some dignity and refrain from childishly mocking their opponents, then there are limits to how far they can fall apart even if they're wrong about policy issues.
Dignity? He had only as much dignity as he could fake by acting. He was the clown who joked about delegalizing Soviet Union and launching all missiles on TV. He also authored Able Archer 83, operation that looked so close to what NATO would do to launch sudden first strike, without any warning, that Soviets raised all units to Defcon 1 equivalent. All it would take during these two critical periods to launch full scale nuclear war would be something like freak meteorite strike or military communication failure.

Does that strike you as someone who ever bothers to think about possible consequences of what he yaps about?
Reagan's foreign policy was staggeringly incompetent and he had literally no concept of how to handle or interact with the Soviets, and he could have gotten us all killed because he was an idiot. It was fortunate for the US that the US could afford the military buildup he arranged, and that the Soviet Union was conveniently starting to unravel, during his time in office. Neither of those factors was his doing.

But you're dodging the point. Able Archer 83 was incredibly poorly advised, but that reflects on whether Reagan was a good president or a bad one, not on whether he was such a clown that he was unable to be a president at all.

I never want to see the day America has yet another president as bad as Reagan. But Trump would, amazingly, manage to be worse in important ways.
Zaune wrote:I think the point that Simon's trying to make is that however bad a job Reagan may have done as President, he did an infinitely better job of it than Donald Euphemism-For-A-Fart is going to do in the hopefully unlikely event he wins.
Channel72 wrote:Can we just agree that Reagan was ... less of a circus sideshow than Trump? That's essentially what Simon seems to be saying. Of course, any extended formal defense of that notion will inevitably lead to stumbling around, grasping for evidence of Reagan's "stateliness" - but I think most people, in general, when shown a random selection of Reagan footage vs. a random selection of Trump footage would at least instictively think "okay, Reagan behaves more like a typical US President", whereas Trump could very well be at home on an episode of Jerry Springer.
Thanas wrote:That I have no problem with, Reagan was a trained actor after all.
Channel and Zaune have very accurately represented my point, between them.

There are a number of metrics by which we can judge whether someone is 'presidential.' I can't think of a single such metric on which Trump scores higher than Reagan, even though Reagan himself would score below average on nearly every one of them.

And in my mind there is some dividing line between a "serious presidency" and a "farcical presidency."

In my eyes, Reagan managed (perhaps by virtue of his acting skills, perhaps because it was a more sober time) to stay mostly above the line. That didn't make him in any way a good president; I can't think of two presidencies that caused more long term harm to the US off the top of my head. But he at least passed one of the many, many standards to which we should hold our presidents.

Trump would, based on his conduct and words, fail this same standard. And of course at the same time he'd be failing all the same ones Reagan failed.
I don't usually mean to answer long posts in such short fashions but I'm not sure where what I said a while ago ends and Trump v Reagan starts. My original post was originally intended as a 2015 Reagan Mythos v Actual Reagan which regardless of his faults and acting skills which I would likely agree with I believe are hilariously different.
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Channel72 »

Donald vs. Ronald? Who is less classy? The debate rages on.

(The answer is Donald.)
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Re: Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted

Post by Steve »

bilateralrope wrote:
Broomstick wrote:Anyhow, I don't recall any other tied electoral votes in US history, so the 12th amendment system has never actually been put into practice.
I wonder if it would trigger, or if faithless electors would select a president to avoid triggering it. Either way, that's likely to be a shitstorm if it ever happens.
It wasn't a tied vote, but 1824 also saw the Presidency and Vice Presidency decided by Congress because, with four canadidates, nobody won a sufficient number of votes in the Electoral College. It ended up going to John Quincy Adams. Which in turn caused the enraged Jacksonians to declare his Presidency the result of a ""Corrupt Bargain". Which was, given the record Jackson's Presidency would later have, a real case of comedy.
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