K. A. Pital wrote:With Nazi Germany, the situation was clear: it was attacking everyone around it and directly slaughtered 20 million civilians in E. Europe (Poland, Yugoslavia, occupied parts of USSR). If Nazi Germany kept their Nazi thing to itself, sadly, I think it might have survived.
Should it have been destroyed? My opinion is yes.
But should Iraq have been destroyed? Can Iraq theoretically take over a landmass as huge as Europe and start slaughtering every Jew, Slav and other "subhuman" who looks at them funny? I think not.
That's why I think this is a bit of a false dilemma here. Let's see recent history. Sukharto's Indonesia, an undeniably fascist state, which also mass murdered like 1,5 million leftists and other "sympathizers" (liberals, feminists, etc.) in just two years, openly invades East Timor in a war of aggression. After the invasion? Genocide. The local population is being exterminated. Personally Sukharto is way above Hussein's rank here.
The question is, would attacking Indonesia directly at this point improved things? No idea. My opinion, of course, is that in such cases intervention is warranted. But... intervention by whom?
Let's look at Cambodia. It was invaded by Vietnam, who stopped Pol Pot's massacre - which really was a slaughterhouse, one third of the population destroyed. Surely people in Cambodia wanted this to end. But perhaps the fact that it was Vietnam (not the US) is what led to the later stability of the solution. Vietnam kept an eye on the Khmer Rouge, made sure it doesn't come back.
You see where this is going? If Saddam's regime had to fall, it would be good if it was done by someone who knows the land, its people, the customs. By the locals. Or at least with mass dedication of an army that could rebuild the place from the ground up: like the twenty or so million various occupant personnel that was poured into the Third Reich (Germany, Austria, etc.) by the USSR, US, France and Britain. Seriously: that's how you do it if you really want to do it right.
Hope that wasn't too complicated. In the end, intervention caused the worst of both worlds: the regime was not ended by its own population (outside aggression) or even by neighbors, not enough effort was dedicated to reconstruction and finally, nobody cared about the fact that the population is being massacred during the "occupation" and afterwards by various militias and islamist paramilitary forces. The result is not the fall of fascism to internal forces, like in Greece, or Portugal, or Chile, where the population or the Army ended it, but, instead, the rise of ISIS.
I ain't saying we had to intervene or that Iraq was a threat beyond its borders (though it was, it attacked its neighbors).
Saddams crimes were mostly an internal matter and while in a perfect world the UN or Team America would go in and fix that situation we don't live in a perfect world and their is no easy solution. Meddling in other peoples affairs, especially when half-cocked and unwilling to fully commit, can make a situation worse.
But all that is aside from what has my ass blasted. What has me butt hurt is the defense of Saddam.
If you think Saddam was an internal matter, fine I partially agree, but I don't agree that Saddam wasn't a monster, wasn't a genocidal piece of shit, wasn't a blight on his country.
He murdered 100s of thousands of people. Not people killed in wars, not soldiers on the other side, people he ordered to be killed, civilians, women and children targeted on purpose. He tortured and maimed scores of others. Sure he lifted up the lives of alot of Iraqi but that doesn't mean shit to all those people he killed. Where was their education, where was their freedoms, where was their happy lives? Nowhere, because all they could look forward to was to be shot and dumped in a mass grave.
That infuriates me that people defend that piece of human garbage, say people had it better under his rule while ignoring the huge numbers of dead. Its a bit like when some fuckwad Confederate apologist tries to defend the South by pointing to all the rights and freedoms people enjoyed under the stars and bars while ignoring the human beings treated as cattle. Its goddamn insane and pretty disgusting.
Channel72 wrote: That analogy sucks, and it's especially ironically bad considering that, unlike in Nazi Germany, Jews enjoyed religious freedom and tolerance in Saddam's Iraq, as did Christians. Nazi Germany was actively engaged in genocide as part of their ideology and policy, Saddam was not. Saddam's party represented secular Pan-Arabism (which is a good thing) and socialism - Hitler's party represented right-wing fascism and Aryan Supremacism and was ideologically genocidal.
Saddam's brutal crimes are way more comparable to something like Stalin's purges, rather than anything Hitler did, and even in that case on a much smaller scale. What Iraq needed was a Khrushchev - somebody to come along and "de-Saddamify" Iraq by dismantling the police-state, but keeping the existing social and technological infrastructure.
If anything is comparable to Nazi Germany, it's ISIS, with their ideological commitment to genocide.
Wow the Jews enjoyed freedom in Saddam's Iraq? Well good for freaking them, that must make the TENS OF THOUSANDS of Kurds killed feel great. His treatment of Christians must be a great relief to those stuffed inside mass graves.
My analogy isn't that Saddam was a Hitler clone, my analogy implies he was a freaking genocidal madman who murdered, killified, brutalized, and deaded 100s of thousands of Kurds, Shites, Iranians, Kuwait people, and his own people during vicious campaigns of torture, murder, and genocide. He, like Hitler, targeted entire groups for extermination. He like Hitler has his crimes ignored by retar......... people who apparently don't know the extent of his crime or disbelieve them because for the people still alive in the country everything was honky doory.
Genocide might not have been part of their ideology but Saddam and his people damn sure acted like it was. They might have believed in different things but the results are the same, piles and piles and mounds and metric fuck tons of dead people.
Saddam might have even had some good ideas. Hitler had some pretty good ones too, that autobahn is pretty sweet and assault rifles are fun for the whole family except in schools and theaters. But any good ideas either man had are kinda meaningless when compared to their crimes.
And I don't mean to attack you personally with my angry anger but this shit pisses me off. I've known people who's families had to escape the horrible carnage unleashed by Saddam Hussein Obama, people who've had their family tree snipped by the progressive and joyous state you seem so keen to defend. To ignore the suffering they had to endure because other people were comfortable, other people had it nice, other people weren't being tortured, raped, and murdered.
Its the same damn anger I feel when fellow Mountainer Americans and others ignore or outright lie about the deaths of 6 million jews (and 6 million people nobody gives a shit about) and the suffering of countless others while they jack off over how totally awesome the fucking Nazis are, how stable and ordered their society was.