Superman wrote:I can look through other forums on this board and find multiple posts and topics on Japan, anime, etc.
Let me tell you, my finace's is Japanese and we go to Japan a few times per year. My children are going to be half Japanese. That being said let me say that I DON'T UNDERSTAND this fascination with this culture. I love to travel and I love Japan, but not for the same reasons.
What is it about anime that fascinates you? What is it about Japan, in general, that fascinates you? What's the big deal about Japan "backing the U.S?"
Please, enlighten me.
Nice looking cat in your avatar.
I dunno about Japan itself, but I know this: I hate most anime with a passion. Sailor Moon? Some masturbatory shit old men might watch when they don't have their glasses and can't make out what's going on in REAL porn.
Dragon Ball, which always seems to focus on some stupid, big-eyed, spike-haired kid shrieking for minutes at a time while he tries to pull off some magical karate move? Oh, and one frame per MINUTE?! Bull SHIT!
Even some of the better ones like a few of the Gundams seem awfully damn dumb. Transformers and G.I.Joe really churned out some junk, but they at least had a few frames of animation going every second, didn't dub like those old kung-fu movies, and usually avoided making some pre-pubescent little pudknocker or some young teenager into the hero. I also don't recall those two ever gender-bending or skipping rocks across Pedophile Pond. Gundam does that, showing about a 12 year old boy wearing tight "Daisy-Duke" style shorts...ugh! (Yeah, I'm putting on a bit. It's NOT pedophilia or child porn in the least, but the artists HAD to know it was a bizarre get-up for the kid. They certainly didn't draw any other boys as if they were some little 2 cent whores.)
I'm sure there are good ones out there that I've simply never seen, but even Cowboy Bebop gets on my nerves: more shit dubbing, loud-ass jazz soundtracks, and contrived dramaticism. Mind you, this is a show I kinda like! Still, its quirks jump out and slap me in the face. A guy with green hair, who mumbles all his words and rarely speaks? Ok, the show wants to have fun with archetypes from American "Spike" is the strong, silent type. Borrrrrring. Have fun with the stuff, but *don't* beat me over the heat with it!
Maybe I'm not giving anime as a whole a chance...entirely possible. I hated the first LEXX I saw with a passion, but I gave it a try, and BAM! It quickly became one of my favorites.
Of course, LEXX had Xenia Seeberg. Cartoons ain't got anything on her.