Channel72 wrote:Broomstick wrote:So... you are expecting the country that fucked things up in the first place to fix things? Are you sure that wouldn't just make things even worse?
Administration that fucked everything up is out of power, and their ideas were insane. Obama voted against the war, and would not have caused this situation in the first place, so at least saner minds are in control.
Obama is lame duck and will be leaving office very soon. His replacement might be another Bush (literally!), or Donald (You're Fired!) Trump or something of that ilk. Are you
sure you want to risk that?
Regardless, it's difficult to conceive of many hypothetical scenarios at this point which are in any way worse than what is actually occurring. Really, the only way things could possibly get worse is for ISIS to successfully defeat Syrian forces, take control of Syrian government resources, and then proceed to ethnically cleanse Damascus and everyone in West Syria. I don't consider that outcome particularly likely, but I also don't see how things can really get worse than the current status quo. We have already reached peek clusterfuck.
I doubt that very much. I could list off a number of ways things could get even worse, but I've had a good day so far and don't want to depress myself. But to throw you a bone - they take Damascus and keep going, taking over more territory. Or they use even more gas weapons than they have. Or they make a dirty bomb.
What, exactly, do you want/expect the US to do?
Allocate ground troops to help the Kurds and Iraqi army retake Mosul and drive the remnants of ISIS out of Iraq.
Ah, I see - you want to send
other people to fight and die in a war. How very nice of you. Easy enough when they're not your neighbors or family I suppose.
Then establish a permanent military base in South Kurdistan to prevent elements of the Syrian civil war from spilling over again into Iraq.
What in the hell makes you think that the US wants to be there permanently? There's a decades-long history of the US pulling out too soon, and you expect a
permanent presence? What are you smoking?
There is zero political will in the US for that. It will not happen regardless of who wins the next election.
That way we deprive IS of their major revenue source, and wind the clock back to 2011 at least - which still leaves us with a shit situation, but one that is at least more tolerable for now.
So... you going to help foot the bill for all that? Or is the US just supposed to pull another trillion out of its collective ass for your pleasure?
K. A. Pital wrote:Redeploying to Iraq might actually make history repeat in the dumbest possible way: US deploys to Iraq, steamrolls over IS who go into hiding until the US leaves (at some point it will leave). By that time, Saudi and Qatari sponsors of the thing transfer more cash, IS "reactivates" and keeps fighting. Kind of like the Taliban in modern Afghanistan, another well-known failed state.
The US just needs to help finish pushing IS out of Iraq so they lose a major source of revenue (oil). If they are pushed out of Iraq and discredited, they will likely be confined to Syria. That kind of major setback may also disillusion many of their GCC financiers, who will decide to spend their money elsewhere.
Oh, please - getting beat up by the US is not going to "discredit" these guys, it will just feed their persecution fantasies. And "just" confining them to Syria leaves Syria a fucked up shitty hellhole only marginally better, if at all, than North Korea - except in a more unstable part of the world. Pital is right - that would only drive ISIS underground for awhile, after which it will resurge.