Very nice to see them all together like this. I really do appreciate the effort made to have them form a distinct evolution right on down the line. It's pretty neat.
Moderator: Vympel
It's visibly smaller for a start, and I don't just mean because of the perspective. Basically what seems to be happening is as the line goes on the tops of the helmets become less spherical which in turn means a shorter helmet. Also notice the lack of those black square things (some sort of join?) on the sides of the helmet. I think that might indicate that even though they look similar the assembly process has been changed somehow.Ziggy Stardust wrote:What are the differences between the 3rd and 4th (from the left)? From this angle, they look identical to me.
How can you tell? It looks perfectly consistent with a similarly sized helmet to me, accounting for perspective. Without a shot from another angle, it's impossible to really know how their relative sizes compare more specifically.Purple wrote: It's visibly smaller for a start, and I don't just mean because of the perspective.
We can't tell whether or not it has those joins from this angle. The helmet in the forefront is blocking that part of the helmet.Purple wrote:Also notice the lack of those black square things (some sort of join?) on the sides of the helmet.
That wasn't the helmet I was asking about. That one is clearly different. It's the 3rd and 4th in line that don't appear at all different to me. (FaxModem1 wrote:Also, the breathing apparatus is connected to the eyepiece, and is missing the grill that the previous models had.
Observe the curvature of the helmet top.Ziggy Stardust wrote:How can you tell? It looks perfectly consistent with a similarly sized helmet to me, accounting for perspective. Without a shot from another angle, it's impossible to really know how their relative sizes compare more specifically.
The third helmet is from ANH and the fourth is from TESB. Starwarshelmets.com has a page describing the minor differences that the TESB stormies had from the ANH stormies. Essentially, the helmets are the same with some minor changes like the color of the grimace grill, the size of the eyes, which were trimmed more on the TESB helmets, and the vents on the helmets which were painted on in ANH but were decals/stickers in TESB.Ziggy Stardust wrote:What are the differences between the 3rd and 4th (from the left)? From this angle, they look identical to me.
I think you're thinking of the ROTJ helmets, which is the fifth one in that line up which are indeed smaller than the ANH/TESB helmets. Starwarshelmets.com details the differences.Purple wrote:Observe the curvature of the helmet top.Ziggy Stardust wrote:How can you tell? It looks perfectly consistent with a similarly sized helmet to me, accounting for perspective. Without a shot from another angle, it's impossible to really know how their relative sizes compare more specifically.
My post wasn't super clear, but this was pretty much what I was thinking. It isn't really an "evolution" of helmets, per se, but the natural variation you expect in a large military. I guess it is really semantics. But in my mind when we talk about the "evolution" of military hardware I think about the progression from, say, the Sherman to the Abrams tank, but not so much the differences between an M48A1 and M48A2, for example. Though maybe that's not the best analogy.Purple wrote:I would not at all be surprised if there are like 20 different patters of helmets floating about among the stormtroopers.
I get what you mean but basically I disagree with your definitions. What you define as evolution is a massive break where you completely scrap one thing in favor of something absolutely different. That does not really fit the term in any way, shape or form. Evolution is in fact the kind of gradual change you dismiss.Ziggy Stardust wrote:My post wasn't super clear, but this was pretty much what I was thinking. It isn't really an "evolution" of helmets, per se, but the natural variation you expect in a large military. I guess it is really semantics. But in my mind when we talk about the "evolution" of military hardware I think about the progression from, say, the Sherman to the Abrams tank, but not so much the differences between an M48A1 and M48A2, for example. Though maybe that's not the best analogy.Purple wrote:I would not at all be surprised if there are like 20 different patters of helmets floating about among the stormtroopers.
This is only an evolution/lineage in an out-of-universe sense, going from Episode II - Episode VII.Ziggy Stardust wrote:Thanks, applejack.
The differences between the ANH and TESB helmets are incredibly subtle. Even with side-by-side pictures and a description of the differences it is hard to really distinguish them. And, obviously, the differences were purely a result of slight changes from the practical effects side of things when making the movies. It's a bit silly that they are being considered different stages of the helmet evolution, like the way that the different comic books spawned dozens of new types of Star Destroyer because one in the background was drawn a little crooked or whatever.