Adamskywalker007 wrote:Batman wrote:How exactactly is the (nonexistent) Endor Holocaust connected to Traviss' '3 million clones' garbage?
I presume he meant that it was commentary on the debate in the same way.
^^ This, basically. If it was primarily inserted
just to quash the "Endor Holocaust" thing that's a terrible idea, and reminiscent of what Traviss got up to. Not to the same degree, obviously, but still a bad precedent regardless.
Galvatron wrote:RogueIce wrote:That would be tons better. I suppose it's a logical assumption due to the radar dish thing that looks similar to the DS Shield from the movie.
Also note the two Echo Base-style power generators flanking the base and its gargantuan defense turret. Yes, I'm making an assumption that it was a shield generator since no one explicitly calls it that, but I think it's a fairly safe assumption to make.
While I wouldn't doubt they did such a thing, you would at least agree this raises more questions than they bothered to answer? Like, in addition to all the questions before about how the Rebels got on the planet to celebrate and the fighters doing fireworks...well ok, maybe it's some kind of theater shield.
Except, if it is supposed to refute the Holocaust idea, that won't cut it because the rest of the planet is getting ravaged. It has to be around the whole moon for that to work, but then we're back to, "How did all those Rebels get down there?"
And even if it's a theater shield, how did that Rebel aerial transport get right on top of them? Like, what's even the
point of shields if that happens? Why didn't the Empire just use TIE Bombers on Hoth if you can fly shit through them? (Or their version of LAAT gunships but there's out-of-universe reasons for that; TIE Bombers did show up in ESB however). No TIE Fighter support for their walkers?
If it's some secondary base (let's say communications because of the dish, why not?) that's one thing. But a shield generator just raises way too many questions. Especially if it's supposed to be active. I could buy it if it's deactivated; a prototype or what they used before the main shield went online and they took away parts or power and now it's nonfunctional. But a working shield generator just doesn't fit and raises all sorts of issues.
And to reiterate for
Batman this is why, if they did it solely for the Endor Holocaust debate, I compared it to Traviss. Inserting nonsensical bullshit in the story purely for the purposes of debunking fan theory/speculation. At least put in your nonsensical bullshit for legitimate story-telling purposes!