SpottedKitty wrote:I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet (just watched the repeat, so it's fresher in my mind).
So, Davros has had the Doctor's sonic screwdriver in his back pocket all along. Haven't we frequently seen Davros' travel machine use a little detachable joysticklike thingummy? Has it been right there in front of us all this time (or a lot of it, anyway), and we never realised the significance?
Davros' chair has a pair of joysticks, but not the Doctor's screwdriver.
Chimaera wrote:Interesting theory...are you saying the Time Lords could in fact be an offshoot of humans?
Wild speculation, but yes, Time Lords are an off-shoot human. Could have started much earlier than the 51st, in fact: Orson Pink was only 100 years into the future!
Want the mind-bender? So are the Daleks! The Kaled (human stock!) got into a 1000 year war, and Davros created the Daleks to fight "the enemy". Then things got interesting, and they went off on their mission, like a Saberhagen Berserker.
Consider: in "Bad Wolf", the Daleks are harvesting humans from the games at Satellite Five, sieving each for "suitable cells" ("one in a billion" - so of 37.2 trillion cells each human, that's ... a whole lot, actually!), but why would human cells be suitable for Daleks? Because Daleks are humans!