If they actually knew it was real, I'd agree they'd be guilty. But again, 4chan where everything is all jokes and fake shit. As I pointed out this shit has happened before and right alongside shit like loch ness monsters and pedobears. Its just this time it turned out to be real.The Romulan Republic wrote:A "witch hunt" implies going after people who are innocent/persecuting people unfairly, at least to me. I'm talking about arresting people if they were advocating mass murder, which is and bloody well should be illegal, regardless of weather the shooter would have committed murder anyway.
And don't give me this slippery slope horse fuckery. While I suppose their could be posts that are ambiguous, their is no right to explicitly advocate murder, nor should their be. It does not require "...severely limiting peoples free speech rights." to not allow that.
I doubt you'll find a person on this forum who is a stronger supporter of the First Amendment than I am. I don't support hate speech bans. I even have ethical misgivings about being able to sue people for slander sometimes. But their is a line, and this is about as basic and essential a limit as you can get.
Also, its not about "...blame everyone else...", at least not for me, and I'll thank you not to make false assumptions about my motives. Its about enforcing the fucking law.
And inadvertently my ass. What, did the posters accidentally support mass murder? I don't give a shit if they didn't take it seriously- their are some things you should always take seriously, and this is one of them.
People were not advocating murder, they were posting in what they thought was a joke thread with the FBI and the hacker known as 4channel in it. A thread people even acknowledge these type threads have happened alot and always were bullshit.
And this is blaming everyone else, I need not make assumption of your motives, that is a fact. These idiots, whether or not they were in the wrong for posting crap in what they reasonably thought was yet another troll thread, did not kill anyone. They did not force the shooter to kill anyone. Their encouragement did not send him over the edge, anyone willing to go commit mass murder is already long since gone. They are idiots maybe but they are not to blame.
Troll threads about mass shootings that have always turned out to be bullshit except this one time should be always taken seriously? Are you freaking kidding me, you think anytime someone with too much time on their hands and not enough brain cells makes something like this the FBI needs called? The thread I linked mentioned there has been possibly hundreds of "watch the news" threads akin to this. All of them you wanted to be taken seriously despite that fact that only one ever turned out to be true?
Should someone call the FBI next time someone makes a thread about a anthropomorphic bear who plans to kidnap Dakota Fanning or a bunch of camo clad morons who plan to invade Zimbabwe and restore Rhodesia and get Mugabe's collection of lost Doctor Who? Because until yesterday they were as much a reality as the mass shooting threads.
Unlike 4chan, thankfully, this site isn't some anything goes shithole that has a history of such things happening on a regular basis. Unlike 4chan this isn't some site where everything is all jokes and trolling. The closest thing to 4chan here was testing and that was thoroughly reviled and I'm relatively sure no one there ever advocating committing violence in jest even when that area was given the most latitude.Alyrium Denryle wrote:You know what would happen on this board if someone went into OT and started talking about their plan to shoot up a university campus?
The post would be reported 80 times, and Dalton would contact the authorities with the IP address of the individual, their email address, and screen shots.
Depending on jurisdiction, there are crimes that the site admins could be charged with, and possibly even the individual posters.
4chan is a very not serious site. Most of the content is I guess like Batman here posting in character, with no offense meant towards Batman by comparing him to those fucks. He acts like he really is Bruce Wayne but nobody actually believe he really is (or I hope not). Its fake, its a character, much like most of the stuff on 4chan. He's no more actually Batman then the people who say they are Chris Hansen on 4chan are.
What legal or ethical obligations does one have to what as far as they know is a very poor taste joke that has been done multiple times before with no connection to reality?That does not discharge ethical and legal obligations.