mr friendly guy wrote:Balrog wrote:
Perhaps you can actually try addressing the words on the screen instead of what you think is written there.
Oh that's rich coming from you. Lets addressed the words on the screen shall we?
Balrog earlier wrote:Most citizens would prefer the country in which they reside in is one of the strongest on the planet and is able to exert its will at will, with all the benefits (as they perceive it) that come with attaining such a position.
And I asked you to back that up. You failed.
Are you seriously doubting that people would prefer that their country was so strong that it wouldn't be subject to the deprivations of other countries' will? That, if it chose to implement a policy (for good or ill) which they agreed with, another country can't swoop in and go "Nuh uh, not gonna let you"? I mean, I suppose I could go look up studies supporting that view, they're probably kept in the same database which shows most people enjoy fair weather and most people like eating their favorite foods.
I did also point out even if my country was strongest, I wouldn't want it to play world's policemen for various reasons.
That's not what I said though and you know it, it just doesn't conform to the type of strawman you wish to knock over.
Metahive wrote:Y'see, the problem is it's those countries who harbor such a need for looking super-awesomely powerful-strong badass due to deep-running feelings of insecurity that tend to not mind other people's business and think they should meddle everywhere.
And? Did I deny that such abuse wasn't possible? However, if given the choice between living in a superpower which is invading a smaller country for bullshit reasons, and living in a country being invaded by a superpower for bullshit reasons, I know which choice I would prefer. And I imagine I know what most other people would choose as well (though perhaps I ought to find a study for that too!

K. A. Pital wrote:Wow. I like you, but that is nonsense. Not every independent state is a "client state".
If they aren't, then its only because of one of the previously-indicated reasons, not because of some intrinsic value of being small, weak and/or peaceful.
Whose client state is independent Ireland that kicked British ass? Whose "client state" is Singapore that got independence not just from Britain but also from Malaysia? Whose client state is Germany and do you really think it is incapable of taking good care of its subjects?
used to be independent until they were conquered by their stronger neighbor, and only recently regained that independence after several hundred years of dominance when the cost of maintaining that possession became too high (and issue with their conquerors still remains over the northern part of that island). They currently enjoy the fact that their relations with their former conquerors and their immediate neighbors are peaceful at the moment and enjoy a close relationship with the preeminent superpower. There are no eternal friends though (a couple hundred years ago the US and GB were at war with each other, now they have a "special relationship") and if/when that situation changes Ireland would be in no position to defend itself.
Singapore, which started as an evil imperialist colony, gained independence due to the magnanimity to its founding superpower and the fact that Malaysia decided it wasn't worth it to try and hold on to them (though not before some lovely race riots broke out and continued strains between the two). Their current independence, such as it is, is helped in no small part by their close relations with the US, including allowing the US to use their facilities to help in its imperialistic bullshit dickwaving.
used to be strong enough to have client states of its own, until even greater powers smacked it around a couple of times and, for a few decades, was actually split it in two for use as proxies in the contest between the two strongest superpowers at the time. At the current time their defense is guaranteed by their membership in NATO, and they have regained enough power of their own to have tremendous influence on the domestic governance of its smaller and weaker neighbors ("You better make these spending cuts or no more moneies for you!")
You are simply parroting imperialist bullshit coming probably from Project for a New American Century or some other right-wing stink-tank.
Fuck right-wing think tanks and fuck you for trying to lump me with them rather than face facts.
Yes, rather be unimportant than being ashamed of citizenship of an idiotic country that invades everyone around at a whim with flimsy reasons.
The problem is that unimportance is entirely relative. Very quickly a location of no importance in the ass-end of nowhere could suddenly become very important for one or more greater powers, then suddenly you find the bombs dropping on your house or one of your country's provinces develops a strong desire to become "independent."
Your views are abhorrent to me.
The world is abhorrent. International relations are basically just anarchism/libertarianism on a grand scale. The only difference is that the current great powers are more magnanimous than in the past.