LaCroix wrote:@Simon
I understand you, but frankly, the barycenter definition is an axiom for a binary system. I never heard any system (which I admit doesn't mean anything) called a binary without meeting that criterium.
Anyway, my entire point is that the barycenter definition is
flawed, among other things because we have good reason to think that planets migrating in the early formation of a star system can play an important role in how those planets evolve. Having the same planet be part of a binary system and not part of a binary system at different times because of angular momentum transfer is WORSE than having no clear dividing line between what constitutes a planet and what constitutes a brown dwarf.
I accept that you want to define that Stars should only be counted as binary if they have at least another star as a minor, but in this case it walks and quacks like a duck, if only very quiet. Increase the mass of Jupiter 5times, and it would still be very much below brown dwarf threshold, but definitely have more influence on the system.
Again, I have heard cutoffs for the lower bound on brown dwarf mass as low as two Jupiter masses. The IAU uses a more stringent definition at the moment- but if the IAU weren't in the middle of redefining a lot of basic vocabulary we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Personally I am quite prepared to define 'brown dwarfs' as stars for purposes of whether or not a star system is a binary.
I bet they will find one of those down the line, and then you'd need to shift the definitions, again, because you can't ignore that one.
No need- we can use simulations to sort out the relevant criteria and have very clearly defined standards for what does and does not qualify as a brown dwarf, long before any such body is discovered.
My point is that if you are forced to draw an ambigous line just to keep an unwanted definition (that binaries could be formed with a gas giant as a minor) out, you are not creating a stable system.
Thing is, I'm not doing this to "keep an unwanted definition out." I'm doing this because the alternative is a definition that is both scientifically useless and deeply flawed. It'd be like if we came up with a definition of "life" that included rotting corpses and limestone. Such a definition does not serve a useful purpose, because it lumps together fundamentally different categories of thing as though they were the same.
When actual scientists DO adopt such definitions, it just results in them having to create another entirely different set of terms so that they can take the over-broad category and break it down into subcategories that are actually useful.
madd0ct0r wrote:Oh for God's sake.the paper quoted above uses earth. Stop being pretentious the lot of you.
I've been using "Luna" and sometimes "Sol" but not "Terra..." I think.
LaCroix wrote:You're misinterpreting me - I know Jupiter is no brown dwarf. I never intended to blur the brown dwarf category, I only forgot to add "or a star and a big gas planet" into the list I made.
Currently, 60-70 % of the systens we know are binary or more complicated. So we should start seeing solitary systems as an outlier and regard binaries as the norm. And keep the terms straight, while we do it, or else we'll run into more and more special cases taht blur them.
And to me, saying that Sol is a G2+Gasgiant binary system or that Alpha Centauri is a G2+K1 binary is nothing that would make the term binary less useful. Saying that a system isn't binary just because the gasgiant wasn't massive enough to go brown is special pleading. If it is massive enough to move the barycenter outside of the other object, then they form a binary. Period. Having a (relatively to the solar mass) huge gas giant as a companion doesn't make that star a slut or is in any way shameful. Let's accept stellar relationships as they are.
The catch is that referring to a "binary" system as one that contains
two stars is even simpler, and has secondary advantages.
One, it means the term 'binary' always refers to a specific class of object likely to be of scientific relevance, we don't have to invent a new term like "bistelliferous systems" or some other silly term in order to convey the relatively simple idea of "this system contains two stars."
Two, it means that 'binary system' is independent of the orbital radius of the smaller body. Barycenters
move. It's silly to construct a definition under which the Sun-Jupiter or Earth-Moon system is 'binary' today but was not 'binary' at some time in the past, purely because the smaller object in the system moved out to a larger orbital radius. Especially since under some recent theories of planetary formation, Jupiter had a much more significant impact on our solar system
before it was a binary partner (i.e. when it was in the inner system) than it does today.
Terralthra wrote:This is, essentially, the reverse of what I'm saying in terms of talking about our system being a binary. No, Jupiter isn't a brown dwarf, but in terms of composition, there is very little distinguishing Jupiter from a brown dwarf. Jupiter could be ten times as big (and ten times as perturbing), and still be Not-A-Brown-Dwarf, despite being externally identical (its radius wouldn't increase as its mass does due to gravitational compression). Twelve times as big, and now it's significantly perturbing all the other orbits, the Sol/Jupiter barycenter is way out near Venus's orbit, but it's still Not-A-Brown-Dwarf, hence is technically a planet...
As noted, I've heard cutoff thresholds for brown dwarf status as low as two Jupiter masses or so.
but I'd say the planet and star are at least as significant to the system as a red dwarf/red giant system are, and they get the "binary" label. Where do you draw the line? Get it just shy of self-sustaining fusion and it's a planet, by that definition, but I'm not sure that's the most useful definition, because there's no compositional difference or sharp line between "big gas giant" and "small brown dwarf", and both will affect the system they're in a lot.
Another issue is that almost every star system we look at, for purposes of finding exoplanets, has gas giants. They seem to be a very common, normal byproduct of stellar formation processes. It becomes almost pointless to even talk about 'binary' star systems as a separate category if
ALL systems are 'binary' on account of virtually all such systems having gas giants.
On the flip side, consider that Ganymede is an order of magnitude smaller than Mars, but even Mars has some captured asteroids we call "moons." It'd take a hell of an accurate shot, but it's certainly conceivable that Ganymede could capture an asteroid and thus have its own moon. Given the right orbital path, it could stay there indefinitely. What do we call the moon of a moon? A moon-moon?
A satellite of Ganymede. Simple.
As I understand it... "Fortunately" this is unlikely to arise frequently, as it tends to be hard to form stable orbits around such bodies. Close orbits around 'airless rockball' bodies (like Luna) tend to be unstable due to gravitational anomalies, and distant orbits are so vulnerable to perturbation that they don't
stay in orbit around the moon for long.
I think we're in agreement on the larger point, which is that we don't have clear and obvious distinctions between "moon" and "planet", and uh, really, at the top end, there's no sharp distinction between planet and star, either. I can point at Sol and Jupiter and say, "yes, there's obviously a difference there," but I can't when they're much closer in size.
"Moon" refers pretty specifically to bodies that are in orbit around a planet and which are much smaller than the planet. In compositional terms there's no difference but we can work around that- because to say something is a 'moon' is NOT to make a statement about its composition. It's a statement about the orbital mechanics.
Remember that my idea was to define only four categories of object in compositional terms: "star," "gas giant," "planetoid," and "asteroid." Everything else is either a statement made based on counting the number of such objects which are present, or based on the orbital mechanics of relationships between them.
jwl wrote:Simon wrote:Hm. I did not know this, and do not know if it is true. I fully accept and embrace this definition of "brown dwarf" if it is the mainstream definition used by science. Among other things because it lets me say compact, simple things like "Lord Kelvin expected the sun to go out in thirty million years- because he thought it was a brown dwarf and you can analyze the physics of a brown dwarf using 19th century science."
No, this isn't right. A brown dwarf, using the standards outlined in this paper at least, can undergo deuterium fusion but not hydrogen-1 fusion, and it gets it's energy from that.
To be fair this is true to a point- but a low-end brown dwarf will stop undergoing fusion within a short amount of time (on the order of millions or tens of millions of years), after which point its only source of energy is gravitational collapse.
Sedna's orbit (or most of it, anyway) is way outside the Kuiper belt. According to the calculations in this paper, Earth would clear the kuiper belt over time if it was put there, look at the graph and imagine the Earth was moved on top of Pluto or Eris. Also, doing a calculation based on Jupiter's given Π value, it should stay a planet way further out than that, up to 64000 au or a light year ((4e4)^(8/9)*5.2), which is much further than Sedna's orbit.
I overgeneralized- what I was getting at is that we might reasonably include an exception in our definition of "planet" for anomalous, large planetoids found very far from the parent star.
Based on our surveys of the Kuiper Belt, such objects would necessarily be
rare, which removes the main objection to classing dwarf planets as planets in the first place. The objection being that such objects are so numerous that it subverts our attempt to classify only a limited number of outstandingly massive and significant bodies as 'planets.'