There's other reasons it's more effective; all the characters were going to Alderaan, so it's a near-miss for Han, Luke and others, they see the asteroids, they refuse to believe it briefly.Channel72 wrote:Yeah, sort of... Leia doesn't really seem to care much about Alderaan a few moments later, and they never talk about it again. She's back to sassy Princess mode two minutes later. The main reason we care about the destruction of Alderaan is because it demonstrates how evil the bad guys are and how critical those Death Star plans are, and it also demonstrates what they can potentially do to Yavin IV during the final battle sequence. It's more or less the same idea in TFA, but I agree that the whole Starkiller Base subplot feels somehow disconnected from the rest of the movie, most likely because, as you said, the whole thing has been about the map, up until after they have the battle on Maz Katana's planet, after which there's suddenly this new urgency about dealing with Starkiller Base. Honestly, it probably would have been better if the end of the movie was just like a rescue operation to get Rey - but the problem is we need some kind of ending space battle.Patroklos wrote:It would have made you give a shit about the New Republic and the destroyed planet/moons. The main reason why the Empire was such an evil villain, and why we understood the destructive capability of the Death Star as really menacing, is because we cared about Alderaan through Leia.
We even hear about Leia's father who was on Alderaan, even if he's not given a name. We don't hear about a specific person on Hosnian Prime.