The 2380 UFP Presidential debate

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Who do you think would win?

Jaresh Inyo and the Infrastructure party
Pascal Fullerton and the New Essientialist party
No votes
Jean Luc Picard as an Independent
Total votes: 13

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The 2380 UFP Presidential debate

Post by FaxModem1 »


"Hello everyone, welcome to the 2380 Federation debates. I'm Robert Donalds."

"And I'm David Sato."

"This is the only debate for the nominees, and let's review what they said over the debate.

First off, from the Infrastructure party, is Jaresh-Inyo, going for another run after his loss in the 2372 re-election. His platform seems to be focused on mostly rebuilding and upgrading the entire infrastructure of the Federation, from its core members such as Vulcan and Andor, to newest members such as Bajor and Volan III."

"That's right Bob. Many consider him weak on foreign policy, and many conservative voters note that they disapprove of his limited funding of Starfleet to support this plan. Though he is polling popularly with liberals with his progressive policies. This also garnered him a lot of support in the mid-rim and outer rim Federation worlds, who have felt that since the war with the Dominion has been over for years, which they are rather overdue for getting Federation upgrades in technology."

"Yes, that is what New Essentialist candidate Federation Councilor Pascal Fullerton attacked Inyo for several times in his campaign, saying that the man would utterly ruin the Federation and make it open to attack. It's worth noting that he rose to popularity during the Dominion War for his campaign against the Federation's excesses, and how a more moral and hardened society would have been prepared from the get go against the Borg and the Dominion."

“Inyo seemed to attack right back, noting that the Dominion are behind the wormhole, the Cardassians are going to take at least another decade to rebuild, the Romulans are in civil war, the Borg have taken a huge blow, and the Klingons are our allies.”

“Yes, there was bickering back and forth on that front for several minutes, until the moderator stepped in.”

"But that's wasn't the only topic on the table, newcomer Ambassador Picard, running as an Independent, with his wife Captain Beverly Picard in the audience tonight, campaigned for the civil rights of artificial beings."

"That's right Dave. A lot of people say that this run from the famed former Starfleet Captain came from the death of his friend Lt. Commander Data a year ago. A lot of the Admiralty have been quiet about this, but Admiral Janeway has put in her support. Most of the admiralty seem to think that her politicking and blatant support of a candidate goes against Starfleet, but her popular support has has boosted Picard's campaign."

"Aside from that, Picard has been seen as a middle of the road candidate, working towards rebuilding the infrastructure destroyed in the Dominion war and increasing ship production in Starfleet, but at a slower pace than either candidate in those areas.

"Dave, what did you think of Fullerton's comments on Picard's record?"

"It was a mistake, Bob. Though Picard has lost two ships in his distinguished career, both times were venerated by Starfleet, and before his retirement, he still commanded the flagship of the Federation. That might have cost him some points with some core members, due to Picard's action in saving the Federation against the Borg and the Remans."

"Inyo seemed to join in on the mudslinging, bringing up Fullerton's famous stunt with the Risian Weather Control system."

"Yes, but most people seemed to regard that as a warning to be ready for the upcoming war with the Dominion."

"That very action seemed to launch his career into the Federation Council."

“He also seemed to have garnered support from having established his new running mate, William Ross, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who like Picard, was non-political and retired before this election.”
“Jaresh Inyo’s running mate, Ambassador Lojal, seems to be helping him with the core worlds. And during the vice presidential debates, his calm reserve seemed to go against Picard and Fullerton’s running mates.”
“That might be Picard’s hidden strength, with Lwaxana Troi, and her many years of service in the Diplomatic Corps, running as his vice president. Many have argued that this balances out his inexperience in non-Starfleet affairs due to his only serving as an ambassador for over a year.”
“She has been a lifelong friend of the Picards, as the mother of one his subordinates on both Enterprises.”
“Then there was the arguments for relations with the Ferengi Alliance and the Cardassian Union, both of which are facing tough times due to internal problems.”
“Yes, all three agreed that in normal cases, this would be under the Prime Directive, but each one had a different argument about what to do.”
“Fullerton, of course, arguing that all resources the Federation had were to be kept at home, for Starfleet, and what we could spare for the rebuilding of shipyards.”
“Which seemed rather similar in spirit to Picard, who seemed to argue that grooming both empires would be better in the long run, as Alpha Quadrant stability counted on it.”
“Which seemed to push to Inyo’s platform, which was that we needed more friends on the galactic stage, and that we should do all we can to ensure that both empires embrace Federation ideals.”
"So, who do you think won the debate?"
"I'm not sure, they all gave a good game, but we'll have to see what the Federation public thinks."

So, what do you, the viewer at home, think?
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Re: The 2380 UFP Presidential debate

Post by LadyTevar »

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Re: The 2380 UFP Presidential debate

Post by Nephtys »

<slow, semi-deep masculine voice cuts in, over holoimages of Picard at the podium>
"Jean Luc Picard wants your vote as Federation President."
"He talks about honor and the prime directive."

<cuts to black and white slowed down footage>
"Yet... why did he violate the Prime Directive on 17 seperate occasions?"
"Picard points to his military career... but committed what he called 'direct violations of his orders' 7 seperate times."
"And why exactly won't Jean Luc Picard release his subspace records regarding the Wolf 359 Incident?"
"What does Jean Luc Picard have to hide?"
"The Federation needs real leadership to become great again. Don't let Jean Luc Picard's lies flush your future down waste reclamation."

<cuts to slowly waving image of UFP flag>
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Re: The 2380 UFP Presidential debate

Post by Solauren »

Let's see....
Idiot that nearly left the Federation open to the Dominion
Criminal/Borderline terrorist willing to cause social, economic, and ecological chaos to get his point across
Possible Borg sleeper agent backed by a homicidal maniac.


Do we need a new ambassador to the Ferengi?
I've been asked why I still follow a few of the people I know on Facebook with 'interesting political habits and view points'.

It's so when they comment on or approve of something, I know what pages to block/what not to vote for.
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Re: The 2380 UFP Presidential debate

Post by Simon_Jester »

I am not voting for Picard. He can't have a heart attack (artificial heart, right?) but he COULD die of a stroke or something.

Which, if I read this right, would put Lwaxana Troi in supreme command of the Federation.

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Re: The 2380 UFP Presidential debate

Post by Zaune »

You know, the attack ads going after Picard's Prime Directive record do raise a point worth discussing. I may regret saying these words, but I'm going to do it anyway because they need saying: Prime Directive Reform. Where the hell was it in Picard's platform?

Look, don't get me wrong, what happened on Sigma Iotia II was a terrible catastrophe and something we should do our damndest to make sure never happens again. But like the old saying goes, hard cases make bad law. And General Order #1 is as bad as laws get. Warp capability as the cut-off point is ridiculous -how many time have we had generation-ships make the first move with contact now, five?- and the only reason the thing hasn't been sued out of existence by the humanitarian organisations is that no JAG has ever had the balls to actually enforce it when there are clear extenuating circumstances like, you know, the possibility of allowing the preventable deaths of sapient beings. Hell, Jim Kirk bent it plenty often himself, and his testimony to the Board of Inquiry is largely responsible for creating the damn thing.

Can we please find the political will to fix the damn thing instead of working around it with a jury-rigged mess of selective enforcement and rules-lawyering? There's a symbolic new start we could all get behind now that nobody's actively waging war on us.
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Re: The 2380 UFP Presidential debate

Post by Simon_Jester »

I always figured the Ekos incident had more to do with the creation of the Prime Directive in its original form. At least the mess on Sigma Iotia was an accident!
Solauren wrote:Let's see....
Idiot that nearly left the Federation open to the Dominion
Criminal/Borderline terrorist willing to cause social, economic, and ecological chaos to get his point across
Possible Borg sleeper agent backed by a homicidal maniac.


Do we need a new ambassador to the Ferengi?
Er... Picard might be a Borg sleeper agent, but how is Troi a homicidal maniac? Maniac, yes, but homicidal?
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Re: The 2380 UFP Presidential debate

Post by Lord Revan »

Simon_Jester wrote:I always figured the Ekos incident had more to do with the creation of the Prime Directive in its original form. At least the mess on Sigma Iotia was an accident!
Solauren wrote:Let's see....
Idiot that nearly left the Federation open to the Dominion
Criminal/Borderline terrorist willing to cause social, economic, and ecological chaos to get his point across
Possible Borg sleeper agent backed by a homicidal maniac.


Do we need a new ambassador to the Ferengi?
Er... Picard might be a Borg sleeper agent, but how is Troi a homicidal maniac? Maniac, yes, but homicidal?
I think he was talking about Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway.
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Re: The 2380 UFP Presidential debate

Post by FaxModem1 »

Chapter 2:

April 27th, 2379: 7 months before the presidential debate:
Jaresh Inyo presidential campaign headquarters:
Grazer Capital city, Planet Grazer
Inyo for President commercial filming outtakes:

Inyo: “Is this really necessary?”

Lojal: “You asked me to join your campaign. Campaigns require public awareness. Therefore, making public addresses are always necessary and logical.”

Inyo: “I meant the makeup.”

Lojal: “It helps with the holocameras, and appeals to the youth vote. How do you think Hiram Roth got voted out?”

Inyo: “The Genesis incident?”

Lojal: “History eventually sided with him, as it will with you.”

Inyo: “I was voted out for being too soft. I hope the Federation realizes that they need to rebuild. You’ve seen Grazer’s once lush farms? Still barren after four years of peace with the Dominion.”

Lojal: “People will often vote for the illusion of short term safety rather than long term survival. It is a matter of illogical perspective.”
Inyo: “I agree with everything you’re saying, I just forgot how much showmanship came with being a politician. I think I got too used to teaching at university.”

June 2nd, 2379: five months before the presidential debate.
Councilman Fullerton’s office transcript

Secretary: “Sir, your 11 o’clock is here.”

Fullterton: “Send him in.”

Sirna Kolrami: “Councilman. Nice to finally meet you.”

Fullerton: “Please, call me Pascal. Apple?”

Kolrami: “No thank you.”

Fullerton: “So, what can I do for you? And more importantly, what can I do for the Citizens for a Safe Federation?”

Kolrami: “Two decades ago, almost no one had heard of the New Essentialists, you were a fringe group, just as anyone who wanted Starfleet to rearm did. Then we were introduced to the Borg, and we were given a bigger voice in the Council. Of course, the pacifists still held power until Wolf 359, and then we actually started gaining traction again.”

(Sounds of eating)

Fullerton: “I remember that day. So many people couldn’t believe that Earth could ever be threatened.”

Kolrami: “Yes, and that’s when you founded the New Essentialists. I kept well versed on you.”

Fullerton: “Then, the Federation poked its nose where it didn’t belong, and we got the Dominion after us. And we had a war that nearly cost us the entire Federation, we weren’t ready.”

Kolrami: “But it did make your (slight chuckle), star rise. You became a rather popular politician and quickly got a seat on the Federation Council, with quite a sizable majority.”

Fullerton: “With sizable support from your group.”

Kolrami: “We saw it as an opportunity to get our agenda forward.”

Fullerton: “So, why this meeting? Is there some bill you’re going to sell me on?”

Kolrami: “We saw another opportunity. Inro is running for President, and we want you to oppose him.”

(sound of chair creaking)

Fullerton: “That idiot? Really? If it wasn’t for patriots like Admiral Leyton, Inro would have been in office when the war started. Probably would have surrendered before the first battle.”

Kolrami: “Yes, we at the CSF aren’t what you would call excited about it. We want someone in Paris who can make the hard decisions, and keep the Federation safe if something happens. We want you.”

Fullerton: “I have to say, I’m flattered. How much support will I have?”

Kolrami: “We’re going to give you as much as we can, but we’ll have to work quickly. People forget that strength is more important than individual comfort.”

Documents recovered from A History of Federation politics: the untold stories by Damin Tro, History professor of Trill University.
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