Mass sexual assault in Cologne, including rape cases

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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Simon_Jester »

ArmorPierce wrote:Then why don't they show a video of a Hispanic woman or a black woman instead?
Because the actress in question was found randomly when she answered a Craigslist posting for "Wanted: an actress who will walk around in circles for ten hours in a black T-shirt all over New York while remaining silent. Pays $200."

Roll the dice on a random actress in New York willing to spend all day walking around in circles for $200, and sometimes the dice come up 'white woman.' Who knew?

What, do you think white women are unqualified to act as poster girls for sexual harassment
Why I see is a privileged white woman angry that the lesser are approaching her.
That says more about you than it does about her, because she isn't saying anything. If there's an expression of distaste on her face, maybe it's from having people (invariably male people) randomly say hello to her boobs every six minutes for several hours, plus the occasional attentions of Creepo the Stalker and Angry Dickhead.
People from different cultures have different standards and customs. Did you know that Dominican women actually rate that they are far more satisfied with their men than American women are? Did you know that the Dominican Republic has a very machisto culture?
Er, are you arguing that this gives Dominican men the right to sexually harass, say, Syrian women? Or women from Argentina? Or Nigeria? Or, for that matter, oh, Ireland or Poland? Or women from any time or place, that didn't consent to be "Bless you, mami"-ed in a voice dripping with lust every five minutes as they walk down the street to get from Point A to Point B?"
The fact that this particular woman is white doesn't somehow mean that the video is 'about' pale women being sullied by dark men. This is an issue that affects all women, regardless of skin tone.
Why is every man in this video a minority? When we discuss power structures, color of skin tone in America does matter. Harassment is one thing, power structure is another.

Poor black men and Hispanic men can harass a white man walking down the street, does that mean that they are oppressing the white men? Does it mean that the black and Hispanic men have privilege over the white men?
You used the word "privilege," not me.

This video is, bluntly, about the fact that a woman cannot walk silently down the street in neutral clothes, with a neutral expression, while saying nothing, for ten minutes without getting leered at. And about the fact that every couple of hours or so, said woman can expect to be very blatantly harassed, berated, or stalked if she doesn't respond favorably to a come-on.

Which seems rather unfair.

That is the main point of the video, and it does not become untrue because "RACIST!" or because "You're oppressing our culture by walking past us in a black T-shirt and jeans with a neutral expression, bitch!"

Now, I DO think that the editing which shows overwhelmingly black and Hispanic individuals is... weird and worrying. I would have liked to see selected highlights of her treatment from white men; in interviews she has explicitly come out and said that she got similar comments from white men. So yes, after we recognize that there's an issue here, we can wonder about that. It would be a very interesting exercise to try this again and deliberately not put a racial bias into the editing of our highlights reel.
Two, even if we drop all the people who were 'just' saying "Hi there!" in tones that made it fairly obvious they only ever notice when a pair of large breasts walks by... the woman doing the walking still encountered Creepo Who Follows, Asshole Who Berates, and Other Creepo Who Follows, plus a couple of overtly sexualized comments ("I just saw a thousand dollars!" and the "American Eagle" remark)...
There is nothing wrong with a man being interested in a woman and saying hi and approaching her. Following is another issue completely, I honestly don't see why anyone would have a problem saying they just saw a thousand dollars.
Because they were staring blatantly at her ass the whole time and comparing her to a sum of money is degrading in that it makes her sound like a hooker?

I bet that a large fraction of all women would be uncomfortable having their butt compared to "a thousand dollars" by random leering men on the street. In which case that by itself makes it wrong to do so, unless you have some prior reason to think the comment will be well received (e.g. a for-sale sticker, and I say that with my eyes rolling).

And "there is nothing wrong with a man being interested in a woman and saying hi and approaching her." So if ten or twenty men do this in the course of an average day, with nakedly lustful tones of voice, you don't see a problem? Because gee, I see a problem with that. Among other things, because if every reasonably attractive woman is being hit on twenty or thirty or forty times a day, by men who don't know her and know nothing about her except that she has big breasts... What are the odds that a woman who experiences this will ever want to respond favorably to a random come-on?

It's like saying "spam advertising fake penis enlargement products is okay because there's nothing wrong with sending an email." And then saying "you should be okay with receiving fifty pieces of spam a day even though you have never done anything to indicate your interest in getting spammed that much."

The actress here got hit on a lot more than ten or twenty times.
That's averaging one incident of pretty blatant sexual harassment every two hours on the streets. So if you're a woman in New York... walk ten minutes each way in New York each and you've racked up ten hours in a month. So you can expect to get sexually harassed like that five times a month.
Lets be honest, she walked through poorer neighborhoods for a reason here.

Hey when I was in hs and walked around a poor neighborhood I had guys approaching me nearly on a daily basis at times to try to mug me. Oh no! I'm oppressed by blacks!
So... it's okay for women to be sexually harassed multiple times an hour when walking through poor neighborhoods? Because it's not like black women and Latinas aren't getting followed by Creepo. Or berated for not responding to random men telling them their boobs look good.

Why are we making this conversation about "black men are menacing white women" when every indication is that if we repeat the experiment with a black woman the same thing will happen, because exactly the same thing happens to black women every damn day?
If her experience is typical (and we have no reason to assume it wasn't) then you can look forward to two creeps who for all you know might be rapists following you, and at least three guys making very blatant "I'm staring at your butt" comments or yelling at you for not deigning to respond to them when they come on to you.

Five times a month. Two of whom are people who follow you for extended distances, won't take silence as an answer, and who become agitated when you try to turn them down.

How is this not excessive?
This is outside of the scope of my comments that I made. I am speaking specifically of this video of video taping a privileged white woman prancing around poorer disadvantaged community with the implication that she is the oppressed one.
She's not "prancing," she's walking along public sidewalks, which people have a right to do. She's performing a normal activity, and she's getting harassed for it, and the same thing happens to black and Latina women who do the same thing.

Plus, this is the direct and simple logical consequence of the video. This is what happens to a woman who spends ten hours on the streets of New York. It follows that if the same woman walks around for 20 minutes every day for a month, she will get harassed roughly this number of times, including several incidents that are blatantly creepy (like "follow for five minutes" guy), sleazy, or spectacularly unwelcome.

If your comments don't cover this issue, then your comments don't address the video.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by BabelHuber »

Metahive wrote:Everyone listen to the magnificent expert on women's rights and his accurate appraisal of exactly how much Westerners are bettererer than them brown-skinned rabble. Sociologists, listen up! Cosmical Ali, future-noble price winner is in town.
I get so tired of this racism-bullshit, really!

When somebody says that the comparatively high number of Neonazi-scum in east Germany/ former GDR compared to west Germany originates from the communist dictatorship and the cultural difference it brought with it, then it is perfectly OK.

But when somebody points out that people from Muslim countries and the Middle East are more violent towards women because of the cultural difference, then he is a Nazi/ racist or whatnot.

This is a double standard!

Note that some of my best friends were born in Persia (their families fled from the Mullahs in the 1980ies). But they were born into middle-class families, so the cultural difference was small and they just needed to learn a new language to integrate into society.

On the other hand, somebody who has been raised in a more extreme Muslim environment, were women are second-class citicens and where people believe that women who walk around at midnight without a man next to them are whores anyways, things look quite different.

When such people come to Europe, they of course bring their medieval world view with them, and of course this can cause troubles.

People who think that somebody who points this out is a racist by definition are stupid morons who can go fuck themselves.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by mr friendly guy »

Thanas wrote:This thread is quickly approaching HoS level of idiocy. Yeah, how dare a white woman be outraged minorities are harassing her.
From what I recall TYT did a story on this. Apparently the people who shot the video admitted that she was also harassed by whites, but they focussed on showing the minorities because the minorities apparently said more interesting things. Neither of which excuses the fact that the woman is harassed nor the editing to show predominant minorities.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Thanas »

I can get the outrage over the editing, but to go and say "Machismo culture is totally ok for people of that culture" like Armorpierce did is not even remotely logical or acceptable.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by ArmorPierce »

Thanas wrote:I can get the outrage over the editing, but to go and say "Machismo culture is totally ok for people of that culture" like Armorpierce did is not even remotely logical or acceptable.
I did not actually state it was okay, I don't give an opinion regarding whether it's okay or not.

What I am presenting is that different cultures have different standards and that white person commenting on how women from a minority group should feel is treading on thin ice.

It iis harkening beliefs that the white man save minority women from their father's, brothers, and sons. And for their own good, they don't even know that they are being oppressed!

How about instead of saying how minority women should feel, we work to fix the wage gap. The minority white wage gap is actually far greater than the sex wage gap, and it transcends educational and background level.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by General Zod »

ArmorPierce wrote:
Thanas wrote:I can get the outrage over the editing, but to go and say "Machismo culture is totally ok for people of that culture" like Armorpierce did is not even remotely logical or acceptable.
I did not actually state it was okay, I don't give an opinion regarding whether it's okay or not.

What I am presenting is that different cultures have different standards and that white person commenting on how women from a minority group should feel is treading on thin ice.

It iis harkening beliefs that the white man save minority women from their father's, brothers, and sons. And for their own good, they don't even know that they are being oppressed!

How about instead of saying how minority women should feel, we work to fix the wage gap. The minority white wage gap is actually far greater than the sex wage gap, and it transcends educational and background level.
I think it's funny that whenever people are confronted with subjects that makes them uncomfortable they suddenly clam up and say that we should be focusing on "more important things" like it's magically impossible to work on more than one problem at a time.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Thanas »

Then why don't they show a video of a Hispanic woman or a black woman instead? Why I see is a privileged white woman angry that the lesser are approaching her. People from different cultures have different standards and customs. Did you know that Dominican women actually rate that they are far more satisfied with their men than American women are? Did you know that the Dominican Republic has a very machisto culture?
One unfounded accusation of racism (at least on part of the actress).
A defence of machismo culture and harassing women.

I rest my case.

I did not actually state it was okay, I don't give an opinion regarding whether it's okay or not.
But you just so happened of formulating a defence for that kind of behaviour, a two-pronged defence. (1. She is racist 2. Different cultures, don't you dare judge them, their women are happy anyway).
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Vendetta »

ArmorPierce wrote:
Thanas wrote:I can get the outrage over the editing, but to go and say "Machismo culture is totally ok for people of that culture" like Armorpierce did is not even remotely logical or acceptable.
I did not actually state it was okay, I don't give an opinion regarding whether it's okay or not.

What I am presenting is that different cultures have different standards and that white person commenting on how women from a minority group should feel is treading on thin ice.
No, what you actually did was, when confronted with evidence of widespread harrassment of women, look for a way to redefine the problem in a way that made you feel less bad. So you focused on the race of the people involved rather than accepting the evidence as evidence that, holy shit women get harrassed in public by men in western countries!

People are calling it racist, because, well it is. You're attempting to localise a widespread problem to people of other races and call it their problem so you don't have to think about it.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by ArmorPierce »

I don't state that she is racist as she is just an actress. The video intent is to appeal to racist to make people foam at the mouth. People are less likely to have stated anything if it was white people. I'm going to make another post to may out my thoughts in concise points later today.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by ArmorPierce »

Vendetta wrote:
ArmorPierce wrote:
Thanas wrote:I can get the outrage over the editing, but to go and say "Machismo culture is totally ok for people of that culture" like Armorpierce did is not even remotely logical or acceptable.
I did not actually state it was okay, I don't give an opinion regarding whether it's okay or not.

What I am presenting is that different cultures have different standards and that white person commenting on how women from a minority group should feel is treading on thin ice.
No, what you actually did was, when confronted with evidence of widespread harrassment of women, look for a way to redefine the problem in a way that made you feel less bad. So you focused on the race of the people involved rather than accepting the evidence as evidence that, holy shit women get harrassed in public by men in western countries!

People are calling it racist, because, well it is. You're attempting to localise a widespread problem to people of other races and call it their problem so you don't have to think about it.

. Look at my earlier post in this thread. I'm actually one of the people arguing that there IS widespread harassment of women in the western world. I take issue with that video specifically.

Yes I know it's difficult to believe that someone can be a feminist (yes I'm a feminist) but disagree with feminism and racial power interaction and relations
Last edited by ArmorPierce on 2016-01-06 09:58am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Thanas »

Yeah, I applaud your back-pedalling but everybody can see your "different culture" spiel earlier in the thread.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Vendetta »

ArmorPierce wrote:I don't state that she is racist as she is just an actress. The video intent is to appeal to racist to make people foam at the mouth. People are less likely to have stated anything if it was white people. I'm going to make another post to may out my thoughts in concise points later today.
Except that wasn't the intent of the video. The intent of the video, which is one and a half minutes edited down from ten hours, is to show the shit that women have to put up with from men.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by ArmorPierce »

Thanas wrote:Yeah, I applaud your back-pedalling but everybody can see your "different culture" spiel earlier in the thread.
Definitely not back pedaling. I am expressing it as a point of consideration when starting that another race of women must feel a certain way when they in fact thin very differently than what you may expect them to.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by ArmorPierce »

Vendetta wrote:
ArmorPierce wrote:I don't state that she is racist as she is just an actress. The video intent is to appeal to racist to make people foam at the mouth. People are less likely to have stated anything if it was white people. I'm going to make another post to may out my thoughts in concise points later today.
Except that wasn't the intent of the video. The intent of the video, which is one and a half minutes edited down from ten hours, is to show the shit that women have to put up with from men.
They edited and removed any white men making comments. They have stated this
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Vendetta »

They edited it down because it was ten hours of footage. They chose the most shocking examples from their ten hours of footage because that most strongly presented the point they were making.

You are confabulating racist motives for other people whilst also making racist excuses about "macho cultures".
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by ArmorPierce »

Vendetta wrote:They edited it down because it was ten hours of footage. They chose the most shocking examples from their ten hours of footage because that most strongly presented the point they were making.

You are confabulating racist motives for other people whilst also making racist excuses about "macho cultures".

In not making excuses, it is there, it is what they do, and the women may not feel about it how you may expect because you are looking at it through the lens of your culture and experience.
Brotherhood of the Monkey @( !.! )@
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by cosmicalstorm »

Womens rights groups have protested. The police complain they are stationed on the border in Bavaria. A local politician tried to advice women on how to avoid getting raped.

Again, this issue is not going away with wishful thinking and hushhush games. You will see that tactic working less and less well soon.

Germany has a big BNP and has so far received fewer refugees proportionally than Sweden so it can continue to blunder about in this issue for a couple of more months.
But if it continues with this game while the Islam world edges closer and closer to a Shia-Sunni war, with Denmark and Sweden having stopped the "pass it forward" game by imposing border controls, expect serious political turmoil in Germany in the near future.
BBC News
Cologne sex attacks: Germany's De Maiziere criticises police

21 minutes ago
From the section Europe

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Media captionOne woman described how a firecracker put in her hood has left her scarred for life

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has strongly criticised police handling of gang sex attacks on women and girls in Cologne on New Year's Eve.

"The police shouldn't work like this," he said, as it emerged that three suspects had been identified.

More than 100 victims have complained of being attacked by gangs of up to 30 men outside Cologne station.

Witnesses and police said that the men involved were of Arab or North African appearance.

A crowd of around 1,000 men had gathered in the square outside the station during New Year's Eve letting off fireworks. Many were drunk and aggressive.

Police eventually evacuated the area because of the risk of injury from the fireworks.

But gangs of youths soon returned and carried out dozens of attacks over a number of hours with little apparent response from the local authorities until well after midnight.

What went wrong?

Cologne mayor's 'code of conduct' attacked

Two women in Cologne have told police they were raped and many were groped, including a volunteer policewoman. Justice Minister Heiko Maas said the attacks appeared to have been co-ordinated and spoke of "a new scale of organised crime".

Women were also targeted in Hamburg and Stuttgart. More than 30 complaints have been filed by women saying they were indecently assaulted or robbed on Hamburg's Reeperbahn. More incidents are being investigated and no arrests have been made.

Police in Stuttgart say several women were attacked at Schlossplatz in the city centre.
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Witnesses described being intimidated throughout the evening by large groups of youths
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Police in Cologne acknowledged they had been slow to respond and the police union blamed poor resources

Hundreds of people protested near Cologne station on Tuesday night, angered by the brazen attacks and by the slow response of political leaders.

Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed outrage over the "disgusting attacks" and the interior minister was asked about the police response on national TV.

Mr de Maiziere criticised police for allowing the attackers to return. It should not be the case that the square was evacuated, he said, "and then later these events take place and they wait for complaints. The police shouldn't work like this."

The widespread identification of the attackers as North African or Arab in appearance has also caused considerable alarm because of the influx of more than one million migrants and refugees in the past year. Many have fled the conflict in Syria.
Cologne's night of violence

One man described how his partner and 15-year-old daughter were surrounded by a crowd outside the station and he was unable to help.

"The attackers grabbed her and my partner's breasts and groped them between their legs."

Media captionFemale residents of Cologne speak out over the New Year's Eve assaults

Another woman was robbed of her mobile phone at the station entrance after midnight and went to police to report it. "There were lots of girls, all crying uncontrollably."

A British woman visiting Cologne said fireworks had been thrown at her group by men who spoke neither German nor English. "They were trying to hug us, kiss us. One man stole my friend's bag," she told the BBC.

"Another tried to get us into his 'private taxi'. I've been in scary and even life-threatening situations and I've never experienced anything like that."

What went wrong in Cologne?

The "anti-Islamisation" Pegida movement and the right-wing AfD said the attacks were a consequence of large-scale migration. AfD leader Frauke Petry asked if, after the sex attacks, Germany was now sufficiently "diverse and cosmopolitan".

Mr de Maiziere emphasised there should not be any general suspicion towards refugees, at least "at this stage of the investigation".

"But if North Africans were the perpetrators, for which there is some indication, there should not be a taboo and people should not gloss over it."
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker was mocked on social media for her advice to young women

Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker had earlier said it was "completely improper" to link the attackers "who appeared to come from North Africa" with refugees.

But she was herself mocked for urging young women and girls to adopt a code of conduct that meant keeping an "arm's length" distance from strangers and sticking to a group of people.
'New dimension'

Police stopped and questioned men near Cologne's central station on Tuesday.

North Rhine-Westphalia Interior Minister Ralf Jaeger told journalists on Wednesday that three suspects had been identified although no arrests had been made. He declined to go into details.
Image copyright EPA
Image caption Up to 300 people, mostly women, demonstrated outside the station on Tuesday

Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers has rejected criticism of his force, describing what happened as "a completely new dimension of crime".

And police union chief Rainer Wendt said a lack of resources meant that the Cologne force had been unable to clear the square properly.

Mr Wendt was critical of the Berlin government, arguing that federal officers who had the task of policing the station itself had been deployed in recent months to strengthen border security in Bavaria.

Cologne authorities are particularly concerned that the attacks may ruin the city's reputation ahead of its February carnival, when hundreds of thousands of revellers are expected on the streets.

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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Imperial528 »

ArmorPierce wrote:They edited and removed any white men making comments. They have stated this
I watched the video, and there were three instances of white men very loudly and intentionally commenting on her.

Does that make up for the video mostly showing minorities? I'd say no, but to be fair to the video's producer, we'd have to see the whole footage to really get the whole story. But I would not be at all surprised if there were a significant number of white men in the original footage, or if they more or less said the same thing every damn time one of them harassed the woman.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Metahive »

Thanas wrote:We have not managed to identify or even track the majority of the refugees in our country. The increased scrutiny is a joke. I personally believe that they were indeed refugees.
I find that hard to believe, let me explain why:

Let's consider what kind of position the refugees are in. They have little or no money, the don't speak German, they don't know the area and they lack shelter. These are all factors that would make it very hard to disperse and disappear into the ether in Germany. Germany isn't that big of a country and its bureaucracy is infamous for its anal-retentiveness (speaking from personal experience here).If you want anything, you need papers of some kind and they check them for weeks if necessary. Any refugee who would like to relieve his or her situation would have to come in contact with the authorities in one or another way. It would also not be in their favour to hide their identity since chancellor Merkel issued a general invitation for refugees which would make it more advantageous to clearly show one's origin from, say, Syria or Iraq. Let's also consider the fact that the Syrian or Iraqi community in Germany before the recent crises wasn't that large, so refugees from there would have even less means to go underground.

I must also point out that if you walk the streets of any major German city, you can't make ten steps without seeting a person with visible migratory background, which makes it even harder for me to peg this crime on refugees, not when the vague description would fit on so many other people, especially in a large metropolis like Cologne.

BabelHuber wrote:I get so tired of this racism-bullshit, really!
Why? I mean you sought to engage in a debate about it on your own volition now, did you?
When somebody says that the comparatively high number of Neonazi-scum in east Germany/ former GDR compared to west Germany originates from the communist dictatorship and the cultural difference it brought with it, then it is perfectly OK.
If one would peg it all down to "well they were all communists so them simply falling for the other extreme is totally obvious" then no, that would be not OK, because that would be indulging in the same fallacy as you do right now. East-Germany is a haven for right-wing extremists isn't so much explained with the authoritarian background (and most of today's Neo-Nazis today wouldn't have grown up under it anyway) but simply because the whole area was severely mismanaged following reunification.
But when somebody points out that people from Muslim countries and the Middle East are more violent towards women because of the cultural difference, then he is a Nazi/ racist or whatnot.
Because you both tar an entire religion and an entire area with a very broad brush based on nothing but popular stereotypes. I mean, as a German you do know that Germans themselves are often target of exactly this kind of ignorant prejudice, right? I mean, fuck, I get the same "look, a German, he must be a humourless authoritarian Nazi guy"-spiel when I tell people I'm from there and I don't even look German.
Note that some of my best friends were born in Persia (their families fled from the Mullahs in the 1980ies). But they were born into middle-class families, so the cultural difference was small and they just needed to learn a new language to integrate into society.

On the other hand, somebody who has been raised in a more extreme Muslim environment, were women are second-class citicens and where people believe that women who walk around at midnight without a man next to them are whores anyways, things look quite different.
Serious question, what do you know about Syria and Iraq? What was the situation of women in both countries before the recent crises? What kind of rights and limitations did they have? If you want to make definitive statements like that about them, I expect some work to have been put behind it. Syria was and actually still is a secular authoritarian dictatorship. Iraq was likewise before Bush Jr. fucked the country up. Both countries weren't actually all that deeply steeped in religious "piety" before they become conflict zones. I shall also remind you that it's ISIS that wants to install a fanatical Islamic regime in both countries and that the refugees coming here are running away from that very prospect!

In the 1960s, when Kennedy was aiming for the US presidency, a popular attack against him was that as a Catholic, he was unqualified to lead the US since all Catholics pledge allegiance to the Pope and he would thereore be compromised as a leader of the country. These people were ignorantly tarring an entire religious community with a very broad brush based on nothing but popular stereotypes, exactly like you're doing now. You don't know how women fared in Syria or Iraq, you don't know how people were or are educated there and yet you think you can render judgement on those people simply because you buy into the bigotted narrative concerning them.
When such people come to Europe, they of course bring their medieval world view with them, and of course this can cause troubles.
I shudder whenever I meet an American here in Germany, because of course they must bring their whole gun-craziness, religious fundamentalism, litigousness and violent self-righteousness with them. O wait, that was me being like you and indulging in bigotted stereotyping, my bad.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Metahive »

Ghetto edit:
Cosmical Ali wrote:Womens rights groups have protested. The police complain they are stationed on the border in Bavaria. A local politician tried to advice women on how to avoid getting raped.
Women's rights groups have protested against a lot of things in the past and now, but it's nice to know that they become something to throw your weight behind if they can be instrumentalised for xenophobic bigotry. Otherwise the usual douchebro response to women's concerns ranges from dismissal to death and rape threats.

It's also doubly funny that this generates such an outrage, but the near constant cases of arson of refugee shelters and harassment of right-wingers against refugees do not. There's your double-standard, BabelHuber.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Thanas »

Metahive wrote:
Thanas wrote:We have not managed to identify or even track the majority of the refugees in our country. The increased scrutiny is a joke. I personally believe that they were indeed refugees.
I find that hard to believe, let me explain why:
I don't really care if you find that hard to believe or not. My village took in 100 refugees. Guess how many went missing after the first few hours? Over 60.

The truth is simply that we are so overwhelmed we cannot track them. We do not track them.

And people are reluctant to kick them out of trains anyway so they don't even really need money to travel.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by ray245 »

Metahive wrote:
But when somebody points out that people from Muslim countries and the Middle East are more violent towards women because of the cultural difference, then he is a Nazi/ racist or whatnot.
Because you both tar an entire religion and an entire area with a very broad brush based on nothing but popular stereotypes. I mean, as a German you do know that Germans themselves are often the target of exactly this kind of ignorant prejudice, right? I mean, fuck, I get the same "look, a German, he must be a humourless authoritarian Nazi guy"-spiel when I tell people I'm from there and I don't even look German.
I think it is a bad idea not to acknowledge such prejudice has some ( very minor) basis in reality. All stereotypes are invented from somewhere but via a series of social interaction on a limited scale. There're tons of stereotypes about East Asian being good in maths and science but bad in humanities, there are stereotypes about westerners being more concerned with human rights than non-westerners and etc. All these stereotypes are based on people hearing stories from their peers and having constant reaffirmation throughout their lives.

Just because the overwhelming majority of people from the middle-east/Arab world aren't sexist does not mean it is a society that tolerate a much greater amount of sexism. Trying to deny this only weakens the overall arguments against racism/accepting refugees.
Serious question, what do you know about Syria and Iraq? What was the situation of women in both countries before the recent crises? What kind of rights and limitations did they have? If you want to make definitive statements like that about them, I expect some work to have been put behind it. Syria was and actually still is an secular authoritarian dictatorship. Iraq was likewise before Bush Jr. fucked the country up. Both countries weren't actually all that deeply steeped in religious "piety" before they become conflict zones. I shall also remind you that it's ISIS that wants to install a fanatical Islamic regime in both countries and that the refugees coming here are running away from that very prospect!
Being secular does not mean the country is equal to the west in terms of gender equality. I'm from Singapore, a country that is as secular and as "westernised" as you can get in Asia. Do I still think that there is a much greater degree of tolerance of sexism over here compared to many countries in Western Europe? Yes. Does that mean the majority of men in Singapore are sexist? I don't think so.

I dislike the black and white narrative both sides tend to paint about people coming from non-western countries. It's not a very nuanced approach.
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by Simon_Jester »

ArmorPierce wrote:
Thanas wrote:I can get the outrage over the editing, but to go and say "Machismo culture is totally ok for people of that culture" like Armorpierce did is not even remotely logical or acceptable.
I did not actually state it was okay, I don't give an opinion regarding whether it's okay or not.

What I am presenting is that different cultures have different standards and that white person commenting on how women from a minority group should feel is treading on thin ice.
Using the same "Death of the Author" standards you used to claim the person who made the original video is racist, I claim that you didn't present what you intended to present, you presented what my reading of your post says you present.

And my reading is that you presented "Dominican machismo-men satisfy their women better than white men" as counterevidence to my claim "what, you don't think minority women get harassed too?"

In which case, hell yes you are, by implication, saying it's okay that Dominican machismo-men do things like randomly hitting on "their" women whenever they walk past on the sidewalk.
It iis harkening beliefs that the white man save minority women from their father's, brothers, and sons. And for their own good, they don't even know that they are being oppressed!
Have you asked them? We have people here noting that the minority women they know are being made uncomfortable by unwanted sexual advances.

I get the sense that you're expecting minority women to be willing handmaidens to their "fathers, brothers, and sons' " counterproductive behavior even when it hurts those women.

But that is not right or fair. Women are just as important and large a part of any given racial minority as the men are, and the interests of the women should not be subjugated to the interests of the men.
How about instead of saying how minority women should feel, we work to fix the wage gap. The minority white wage gap is actually far greater than the sex wage gap, and it transcends educational and background level.
How about we fix a number of problems at the same time?

There's no reason we should have to wait until the wage gap (between any two groups) is closed, before we think about whether a woman can walk from one side of a city to the other in a straight line without being harassed.
ArmorPierce wrote:I don't state that she is racist as she is just an actress. The video intent is to appeal to racist to make people foam at the mouth. People are less likely to have stated anything if it was white people. I'm going to make another post to may out my thoughts in concise points later today.
In fairness to you, you didn't say the actress personally was racist. You said that whoever made the casting decision for that video was racist by daring to choose a white actress for a job that would involve wandering around New York City at random.
ArmorPierce wrote:
Vendetta wrote:They edited it down because it was ten hours of footage. They chose the most shocking examples from their ten hours of footage because that most strongly presented the point they were making.

You are confabulating racist motives for other people whilst also making racist excuses about "macho cultures".
In not making excuses, it is there, it is what they do, and the women may not feel about it how you may expect because you are looking at it through the lens of your culture and experience.
What they did do was edit out most* of the white men who were hitting on or harassing the actress.

Why they did it is an open question. Their stated reason is because the Latinos and blacks were the ones who said things that were funny, shocking, or both. Whether I believe them, I do not know.

And the part where you say "the women may not feel about it how you may expect..." Again, the point is that this is not going to be a monolithic thing. Not all white women want to be hit on in public, not all white women resent being hit on in public. Not all Latinas or black women or women from the planet Mars or women from whatever will feel the same way about the same thing.

But women do have a right to walk around in public without being subject to constant, unwelcome interruptions that make them uncomfortable. If 10% or 20% of women welcome the interruptions, that doesn't mean that all men get automatic license to interrupt all women.

So the default is "don't catcall, and certainly don't stalk women or chase after them if they don't respond favorably to your catcalling." It is not "stop oppressing my culture for wanting me to stop catcalling!"

*I would not say they edited out ALL, since I can't always tell at a glance who is "white" and who is "Latino." I mean honestly, if you just looked at the actress's face and someone told you "she is Latina," could you disprove that just by looking at her picture?
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by ArmorPierce »

Don't have time fora in depth response right now, apologies, but the video is calling for legislation to make it illegal to approach women in public effectively (as demonstrated by then including comments off 'hi there!).

Are you in favor of this? Do you not feel that this presents opportunity for cops to further harass minorities? Makes me think of racist expressing: how dare you attempt to talk to our women!
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Re: Mass rape/molestation in Cologne

Post by General Zod »

ArmorPierce wrote:Don't have time fora in depth response right now, apologies, but the video is calling for legislation to make it illegal to approach women in public effectively (as demonstrated by then including comments off 'hi there!).

Are you in favor of this? Do you not feel that this presents opportunity for cops to further harass minorities? Makes me think of racist expressing: how dare you attempt to talk to our women!
Are you suggesting that catcalls and stalking are effective methods of approaching women in public?
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