Alyrium Denryle wrote:That is one of them, yes. There are a few more, but marriageable age is just the age of majority, of independence from their parents. That is not 9. In no culture I am aware of, is that 9.
1. We know that the Quran says marriageable age is when they display "sound judgement", that's the only criterion I've found. So if a child displays sound judgement at 9 then the Quran is fine with it.
2. We also know from 65:4 that the Quran is fine with marrying pre-menstrual girls.
So according to the Quran the lower age limit for marriage is both extremely vague and entirely too young for a modern progressive society, the exact opposite of your assertion. This is my issue here. You can keep redefining things and shifting the goal posts all you want but I've provided a perfectly valid interpretation of the Quran by which someone could conceivably marry a child.
Alyrium Denryle wrote:That verse does have a provision for women who have not menstruated yet, yes. On the other hand, it was possible back then to reach the age of majority without menstruating. In france in the early 19th century, the average age at first menstruation was 14-15, and that stays pretty stable when you back in time to the 7th and 8th centuries. The earliest a girl would get married in ancient rome was 12 (marriage alliances... though 15 was more common), in ancient greece it would be about the same. In historical judaism it was 12 for girls, 13 for boys. Seeing a trend?
We would (rightly) consider all of those under age, but this was not the case in the ancient world, or even the medieval period when the age was 12-13 (while puberty happened at 14-15). Marriages were done in large part as family alliances, and there were allowances in marriage for not consummating until after puberty.
I'm aware of the fact that child marriage was practised in many ancient societies. It's pretty irrelevant to modern progressive views where slavery and genocide are now seen as bad things too.
Alyrium Denryle wrote:The only people who interpet the age of marriage at 9 (or even earlier) are Sunnis. Particularly Wahhabis and Salafists (which you find in places like SA, Yemen, Pakistan...), and both of those are decidedly modern theological constructions, completely divorced from what was, in the 7th century, the culturally accepted age of majority.
Salafists are fundamentalists who follow the Quran as closely as they can, and seek to emulate the prophet as best they can. When the result of that is child marriage, does that really surprise you? Don't you see how these things are related? The prophet did it and the Quran condones it, so we should do it too. It's an understandable interpretation of Islamic religious texts.
The Pakistani clerics are right that it would be un-Islamic to outlaw child marriage, since they would effectively be labelling their own prophet a criminal, and maligning the prophet is ACTUALLY expressly forbidden "33:58 Verily, those who malign Allah and His Messenger — Allah has cursed them in this world and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them an abasing punishment". That's what express forbearance looks like.