So? These numbers aren't that different. At best it is 5% difference. This is easily enough explained by the fact that you have to play the New Orleans a whole different way than the Pensicola, whereas the Mogami isn't that different. In essence, people are used to one, but not the other playstyle.Jub wrote:Care to explain the large win rate and damage differences between the New Orleans and her non-premium counterparts the Mogami and Admiral Hipper? If the New Orleans is comparable to these ships why is her best W/R differential 2.8% and her best damage differential 4,118?Thanas wrote:They are not head and shoulders above. There is a difference, but I do not lack confidence engaging an Atago in my NO. It is a fun ship to play IMO.
Which is enough to get citadelled.You can fire at least one spread by turning your ship a few degrees of center
Which takes time.and if you're inclined to wiggle on your way in you can use the other set of forward tubes as well.
The ability to not be food for CVs. And IMO better armor too.The same is true if something is giving chase. Now these torpedos probably won't hit, but even missed torpedos can wind up forcing a course change which can cause ships to expose a broadside to you or your allies, make them run aground, or even make them break off the chase entirely. This is all something the Atago and Mogami can do that the New Orleans can't hope to accomplish. Even the Hipper can panic torpedo something that surprises them coming around a corner, or set ambushes for the less skilled players on the enemy team. What does the New Orleans get to replace this added level of tactical flexibility?
Nope.You're ignoring the widely known fact that premium vehicles in WGs games always have depressed stats in a desperate attempt to win this debate.
The Tirpitz for example has very similar stats to the NC.
The Marblehead has the best stats of all Tier V cruisers.
Followed by....the Murmansk. Another premium ship.
Fujin has by far the best stats of any T5 DD despite having lower ingame stats than the minekaze.
The Blyskawica has far better stats than the US and IJN DDs, only beat by the Kiev.
Would you like to try that again?
I ignored it because it does not do a good job explaining why WG does the shit they do. None of it amounts to a defensible argument of their business practices, like for example the giant XP flag nerf they pulled. Not a single thing in it shows why they treat the EU server like shit. Their promise to stop bundling is worthless considering they only sell bundles with new ships atm. Their excuse of it being different teams is pure horseshit, considering they have no trouble coordinating other global events to be the same like the Arpeggio stuff.This is lower than calling me out for exact time stamps in a video series and then ignoring the post where I do exactly that.
Trust me, you do not want this getting personal.You can go fuck yourself Thanas.