I like how someone can look at report which states that..
1. Secretary Clinton and her people lied to the support staff saying her setup was approves.
2. Secretary Clinton IT person shut down her server because of an active hacking attempt, this was not reported to the network security team (Let THAT sink in)
3. One of the better parts, at the same time as she was using an unsecured private server her department was disciplining officials for using private email accounts.
4. Despite record keeping rules to the contrary she deleted those 30k emails and she was told at the time State had to review the emails not her. So she was told she could not delete the emails that State had to review them... then she reviewed and deleted them anyway.
5. Secretary Clinton and several of her people refused to meet with the inspector general or cooperate in the investigation at all despite Press statements to the contrary.
6. I mean look at these wonderful footnotes
ESP-16-03 wrote:
[159 In another incident occurring on May 13, 2011, **two of Secretary Clinton’s immediate staff discussed via email the Secretary’s concern that someone was “hacking into her email” after she received an email with a suspicious link. Several hours later, Secretary Clinton received an email from the personal account of then-Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs that also had a link to a suspect website. The next morning, Secretary Clinton replied to the email with the following message to the Under Secretary: “Is this really from you? I was worried about opening it!”** Department policy requires employees to report cybersecurity incidents to IRM security officials when any improper cyber-security practice comes to their attention. 12 FAM 592.4 (January 10, 2007). **Notification is required when a user suspects compromise of, among other things, a personally owned device containing personally identifiable information. 12 FAM 682.2-6 (August 4, 2008).** ***However, OIG found no evidence that the Secretary or her staff reported these incidents to computer security personnel or anyone else within the Department
On January 9, 2011, the non-Departmental advisor to President Clinton who provided technical support to the Clinton email system notified the Secretary’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations that he had to shut down the server because he believed “someone was trying to hack us and while they did not get in i didnt [sic] want to let them have the chance to.” Later that day, the advisor again wrote to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, “We were attacked again so I shut [the server] down for a few min.” On January 10, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations emailed the Chief of Staff and the Deputy Chief of Staff for Planning and instructed them not to email the Secretary “anything sensitive” and stated that she could “explain more in person.
Yep nothing there, the Secretary of State was using a private email server for government work which contained hundreds of SECRET or higher emails and she thought she had been hacked on two occasions and never reported it to Network Security that's just a minor everyday thing that all Secretary of State have done before her.
Jesus Titty Fucking Christ to someone who used to hold a clearance this violates so many different OPSEC rules and US laws... listen if any commoner did 1/100th of what Secretary Clinton did they would have lost their job and their clearance. Doing 1/2 of what she's done would be enough to warrent charges and unfortunately the FBI investigation is still ongoing.
But no... the FBI spent almost two years over a hundred thousand man hours on "nothing".