You made this as long as it is. Remember that. If you're looking for sympathy you've come to the wrong place.The Romulan Republic wrote:I haven't responded to all of your post here because this is plenty long enough as it is. I've tried to focus more on the main points I felt needed to be addressed.
Then perhaps you shouldn't have started something you weren't willing to finish. Feeling the pressure yet?This has already taken up a lot more time than I wanted it to.
Spare me one of your hollow attempts at any apology. It has as much value as the rest of the hot air that you love to spout.Apologies if I missed anything important.
You're full of shit as always, TRR. If you were truly sincere about that you wouldn't have posted in the first place. You wouldn't have tried to impose your viewpoint on me or tried to convince me that Hawkeye's family was a worthy inclusion within Age of Ultron (you've failed miserably on that score).And where did I ever say you didn't have a right to your opinion? You have just as much right to it as I have to dispute it, which is kind of the fucking point of a discussion forum.
Ah, now we get to the heart of the matter. You're still bitter that I thoroughly demolished your pathetic, apologist arguments for Grant "I'm a traitorous, murderous piece of shit" Ward the last time we tussled. You used that same hollow "wannabe tough guy" jab at me last time. I have no idea where you getting that from. If I hate a villain and wish to see him dead that doesn't make me a "wannabe tough guy". That just means I'm a human being.As far as I can see, you're just being a petty, snide, posturing, wannabe tough guy asshole.
Well, I'm not a fan of you either. I think that you're a pompous, preachy and alarmist blowhard. You're a two-faced prick who has the temerity to act outraged when people call him out on his bullshit. An ivory-tower liberal living in a dream world who's heading for a rude awakening. You're overly self-important, believing that your world-views have weight when in reality you're just an indistinct, impotent guppy in an ocean of sharks. Silly little man, the world doesn't give a shit about you and it's going to keep turning regardless of what you think.
But I'm sorry that I took you away from your busy schedule of shrill histrionics in the News and Politics forum. Wait, wait, no I'm not. See, unlike you I'm sincere. I have convictions. You have hollow platitudes, self-righteous rhetoric and ill-conceived statements.
Exactly! If only you had been this perceptive before.Useless as direct combatants maybe.
I never said that they were useless in all roles.Useless in all roles?
It's not an example of her directly defeating Loki, which was my point, you blithering moron. The Hulk was responsible for that. She only learned how to seal the portal after Selvig told her the pertinent details. Her contribution in the climax amounts to being the right person in the right place at the right time. Any member of the team (with the exception of the Hulk) could have done that since it amounted to shoving the scepter into the energy bubble.And of course, Black Widow only figured out closing Loki's portal and managed to get vital intel out of Loki. That's nothing at all.
And since when did superpowered characters suddenly become incapable of interacting with others or fail to possess non-combat abilities? One does not have to equal the other.But bottom line, I care a lot more about what the characters bring in terms of character interactions and non-combat abilities than I do about what powers they have.
You calling me a condescending twit is the most hypocritical, deeply ironic mountain of shit you've shoveled into this thread and that's saying a lot given your posting history.Of course not, you condescending twit.
Those people are idiots. The fact that you assumed I was one of them right from the get-go instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt reflects poorly on you.But a lot of people seem to act like they are. You know, the people who complain about characters being angsty or emo because they have human emotions.
Does my spelling have any bearing whatsoever on the merits of my argument? If so, explain how.
No, but you keep doing it repeatedly when, in theory, you should know better.
Your argument doesn't have any merits. It was predicated on a false assumption that I preferred to have superpowered characters at the expense of decent characterisation. I've thoroughly invalidated that.
This "petty, snide, posturing, wannabe tough guy asshole" and "condescending jackass/twit" laughs at your hypocrisy. You're under the delusion that you're better than me, I see. Do me a favour and don't pretend that you're somehow above it all.If not, I'm going to call ad hominem.
All of these things are important actually. Proper literacy is one of the foundations of good writing. Spelling errors disrupt the flow of the story and take the reader out of that story (at least they do for me). When you start talking about the weather instead of whether or not such things are important you start to confuse matters.And frankly, I'd rate characterization and plot over a few spelling errors when it comes to writing fiction, but that's just me.
You can argue over weather Batman qualifies as a Superhero,
Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. I called you out on that, you actually acknowledged that you had made spelling errors and you went ahead and did it anyway. Do you have some sort of mental defect that prevents you from using the correct words? Why do you keep doing this?
And I think that he's overexposed, overrated and over-wanked. I've enjoyed specific stories (The Dark Knight film, Batman: Year One and The Dark Knight Returns to name a few) and shows (the DCAU) that he appears in but otherwise his value in extraordinary situations is over-stated. "Batman can breathe in space because he's Batman" is one such joke about how ridiculously over-prepared he is but it's not that far off from what's in the comics.but in my opinion he is an interesting enough character, and brings enough to the table, that he's worth having along with the powerhouses regardless.
That can still occur at the Watchtower instead of a conflict zone. Stop parroting this idea that I want to get rid of Batman. I don't. I think that he would work better as the League's general. That would be better than entertaining the foolhardy scenario that he could tussle with fucking Darkseid.In particular, he makes an excellent foil for Superman.
What was that about being entitled to one's opinion again? Oh right, that's only the case if I agree with you. I'm entitled to my interpretation of him. You don't have the monopoly on comprehending hisThanks for showing you don't get Batman's character very well.
Thanks for failing to address any of my criticisms of him, by the way.
It's amazing how well one can apply this to anything else you have to say.I don't know.
No, no it wouldn't. The biggest problem actually stems from conveying the supposed friendship between Steve and Tony. They've fought more than they've ever been friends. These are two people with radically different personalities. They've been building up the tensions between them ever since the first Avengers movie. Their little fight over The Vision in Age of Ultron was but a preview of what's to come. Of course, the fact that they're fighting doesn't mean that they'll kill each other.It would take a lot to sell them actually trying to kill each other after everything they've been through, and it would be even harder to pull of without making one or both permanently less sympathetic.
Given that it's based on a comic book storyline where that actually happens and the trailers indicate that this is what the film will be about I don't feel that there's room for any ambiguity. What, do you think they'd be stupid enough to turn the whole conflict between them into one of Scarlet Witch's visions? This is the MCU not Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (a...piece of media...which I could only view with Rifftrax commentary).Of course, that's part of the tragedy of civil war- friends and family turned against each other. It can be done well. Time will tell if it will be. I'd prefer not to judge off teasers. Its not like a teaser has never been misleading.![]()
No, it's just another excuse for you to type because you love the sight of your words on a computer monitor. You know that we both feel similarly about Black Widow's backstory yet you felt the need to make your redundant contribution anyway. As though I'm that desperate for your input.Obvious or not, they're valid points, and relevant to the topic.
No more than you've allowed your animosity of me in this thread to colour your interpretation of my posts, or your responses. I don't believe that you're capable of being honest.Interesting phrasing. I hope you are not allowing animosity over previous threads (I can't honestly remember the last time I argued a point with you) colour your interpretation of my posts, or your responses.
I did both. Whedon talked a good game in the lead-up to Age of Ultron's release. He said that her past would be further flashed out in a satisfying way. The trailer seemed to confirm that with Natasha being placed on an operating table. What we got failed to live up to that.Because you seemed to be criticizing Whedon for what was on screen not living up to what the trailers suggested.
You keep using that word as some sort of attack against me but you fail to realise that I'm only emulating you, sunshine. You're the true condescending jackarse here, not me.Well, I would argue that both approaches have their merits, your condescending jackassery aside,
Incorrect. You're the one who falsely believed that I was some sort of die-hard purist without any evidence. You're the one who claimed that I was a "whiner". You assumed that I was incapable of writing decent characters. You did all of those things.Pot calling the kettle black.
Oh, you did. You absolutely did. You did so with flying colours. That's all you've been doing. You're not sorry in the slightest. What a fucking joke you are.However, if I misinterpreted your position, I'm sorry.
Absolutely!You think Natasha the super soldier is great? Fine.
You've mistaken "dislike" for "get rid of." The distinction is lost on you. Reading comprehension isn't one of your strong-suits, clearly. And Hawkeye is very much worthy of my disparagement. He's not front-line combatant material. In The Avengers he was mind-controlled by Loki, in Age of Ultron he was seriously wounded by HYDRA weapon fire and another hero died protecting him. Not an impressive track-record.But do that, and get rid of Hawkeye who you've so thoroughly disparaged
That's exactly what I'm saying. The Avengers should be a super-science/superpowered-only team. When someone like Thanos shows up on the battlefield that sure as shit makes ordinary human beings irrelevant. In the face of such power they're lambs to the slaughter. I think that at a certain point they're a liability. They stop being team members and start becoming victims forcing the actual superpowered combatants to prioritise their safety over dealing with the crisis at hand.and you're running short on Avengers who are actually ordinary humans. Kind of risks sending the message "Humans are irrelevant now that the super humans are here."
You've made it abundantly clear that it's not fine. Don't lie through your teeth.Edit: I mean, if, at the end of the day, you just don't like Hawkeye and his family... fine. That's a matter of personal taste, obviously.
I like it when characters stay in their proper place. Street-level heroes and global-scale superheroes don't mix.Ditto if you only like superheroes with actual superpowers. Etc.
The alternative approaches end up shuffling them away from the battlefield and into other roles. Thanks for reinforcing my argument.But I hope you can appreciate that their are alternative approaches which are not necessarily less valid.
Did you miss the part where I said that he could still be the strategist/team-planner? I may not like Batman as a character but he could still be utilised within the Justice League without wrecking the credibility of the narrative.Personally, I think the Justice League would be a hell of a lot less interesting without the God Damn Batman.
Nothing that you're saying here contradicts my point about non-superpowered characters being part of a superhero's support network. That's where they belong.And I think that there's a place in a film like Avengers for non-superpowered superheroes and ancillary characters who, without adding anything to the action, add to the characterization and themes (even if Whedon admittedly could have handled it better).