jwl wrote:You assume that there are no low-hanging fruit because....?
Obviously people haven't tried everything, because you can only get access to e.g. heavy water as technology progresses, and indeed can only prove that barely-working devices work as technology progresses.
The blunt answer to "why can't electrolysis in cold water be low-hanging fruit" is "
atoms don't work that way, you moron."
The reason there are no or nearly-no "low-hanging fruit" is that once you have a systematic, competent approach to science and engineering, low-hanging fruit become
childishly obvious. This is precisely why technology has changed as radically in the past 100-150 years as it did in the millenium or two before that: the cumulative effect of large numbers of logical, methodical, organized thinkers exploring the implications of what was available to them, and constructing increasingly complete theories.
Understanding atoms has allowed us to predict and design numerous technologies that wouldn't even function if we were that
wrong about atoms, wrong enough for electrolysis in heavy water to enable cold fusion. If it
were that simple, the odds are overwhelming that the phenomenon would have been observed already. It's not like the first person to stick electrodes in heavy water suddenly magically got a huge surge of thermal energy or something, either- people were trying this both before and after Pons and Fleischmann, with consistently disappointing results.
Many people have tested this and the results aren't replicable.
I was thinking more of this:
http://www.phys.lsu.edu/faculty/gonzale ... p51_56.pdf
As he says in it, everyone prior to that generally said that bicycles work because of gyroscopic effects, but since the bike was relatively *easy* to ride without gyroscopic effects, and URBIII worked with weights on without a passenger, that really isn't even approximately correct.
You're being obtuse. There's no force acting on a bicycle in motion to make it fall over; therefore it doesn't. If you're genuinely concerned about this, feel free to demonstrate why a bicycle should fall over; this is the physics equivalent of the trolley problem.
I suggest you attempt to balance a sharpened pencil point-down. There is no force acting on the pencil to make it fall over, so why should it?
still being obtuse. Early bicycles
would fall over, and did, and this was precisely why bicycles took so long to be adopted. Eventually, more stable bicycles were developed through a combination of engineers using
scientific knowledge,* and trial and error. The "bicycles are stable because gyroscopes" brainbug, which I freely admit I fell prey to, is one of those pop-sci myths that emerges at random like "rockets work by pushing on the air so they don't fly in a vacuum."
point in all this is that the people who built working bicycles in real life had a pretty good understanding of the science and engineering that went into them. They designed their bicycle as it was designed
for a reason, not because they were fooling around with random hunks of metal and got lucky somehow.
*(so they knew that a lower center of gravity, or soft tires that provide at least slight resistance force against small torques, or the like, would help)
The laws of thermodynamics are not direct derivatives of conservation principles in chemistry and physics. The first law of thermodynamics has precursors in the sense that the approximate conservation of *kinetic* energy was believed to occur in certain systems, and the heat people thought that heat was conserved, but that isn't the same as having a well-defined conservation law of all types of energy. Of course you could extend the conservation of kinetic energy to heat if you were to use the kinetic theory of heat, but the kinetic theory of heat was not popular before the mid-19th century. At the time before then the popular idea was that heat was a sort of liquid, not caused by the kinetic movement of particles. And you can't really say there is a proper understanding of thermodynamics until the second law of thermodynamics turns up, which didn't have such precursors.
The laws of thermodynamics are
entirely joined at the hip with the conservation laws. Without the kinetic theory of heat, you don't have conservation laws; without conservation laws, you have no particular reason to believe that heat is a conserved quantity.
If you look at how thermodynamics actually evolved, it was an excellent example of the scientific process
extending itself into a new field, a concept you appear to be missing. I'd be missing it too if I hadn't gone digging through my college library, though, so I hope you won't mind if I explain.
[The short form of my explanation is "see
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas Kuhn." Kuhn did a great job of explaining the process by which intellectual disciplines evolve from pre-science or non-science into science. This process occurs
in parallel across different fields, at different rates, and may occur sooner or later in some places than in others. If you read the book, you will understand the root of why I talk about how the process of discovery is
qualitatively different in pre-scientific scholarship, and why you can expect to see a lot of 'we discovered a thing we don't understand' technology in pre-scientific settings.
The long form... basically boils down to a few key ideas:
1) Science is a process, not an object
2) Pre-scientific scholarship lacks a unifying paradigm
3) The emergence of a paradigm greatly accelerates discovery.
1) Science is a process, not an object
'Science' consists of a complex of different ideas and methodologies that all fit together into a system that is different from 'non-science.' The strengths of these different methods reinforce each other, in sometimes complicated ways. Science is not a single thing. Sort of like how an 'army' is distinct from a random collection of guys with weapons. And how you can look at a random bunch of armed men and say 'at this time they were a rabble with weapons, five years later they were beginning to organize, and ten years later they were an army.' You cannot definitively say 'they became an army when they got uniforms' or 'they became an army when they appointed a general.' You have to look at the overall
mix of different features that characterize armies.
So you can't say "science was invented on October 3, 1622" or "how can this Archimedes' work on flotation be 'pre-scientific' when it is so scholarly and smart" or something like that. Because 'science' is not a specific object, technology, or specific idea. It combines many ideas, like:
-The need for logical consistency of explanations with observed fact (no fair claiming objects naturally fly in straight lines until they run out of impetus and fall to the ground, when things like rocks and cannonballs don't actually do that).
-The importance of concrete, falsifiable hypotheses (most pre-scientific fields are riddled with 'unnecessary entities' that cannot be falsified and which distort the thinking of scholars; Bald's Leechbook contains many ideas about disease which are not falsifiable, and
despite its scholarship is a characteristically pre-scientific work in part for this reason).
-Use of controlled experiments to test hypotheses against facts (I have no doubt Bald and those who taught him practiced this to a degree).
-Mathematical analysis of systems (Archimedes was one of the earliest people to do this, and for this reason alone would deserve to be viewed as a legendary genius)
That's not an exhaustive list but those are among the big ones. Basically, different fields embrace these notions at different times. Physics evolved into a science during the late 17th and the 18th century; by 1800 large parts of the 'science' of physics were locking into place, which permitted the burst of major discoveries of the early 1800s. At the same time, chemistry was just becoming scientific (perhaps if Newton's genius had been in chemistry rather than physics, it might have ended up the other way round). Biology was beginning to head this way but was still a discipline in search of a coherent paradigm (which it found in the mid-19th century). Meanwhile, in 1800 economics was still very much pre-scientific for most of the world, and there wasn't anything remotely like a scientific study of psychology.
That's not to say there weren't people with
ideas about economics or the mind, but they were unlikely to achieve useful results except for relatively simple results they'd find by poking around at random. This is because they did not have a coherent understanding of that which they are tinkering with; they lacked, in other words, a paradigm.
2) Pre-scientific scholarship lacks a unifying paradigm
The concept of a 'paradigm' is used by Kuhn to describe very fundamental theories that describe the basic 'order' of a field, and provide unifying explanations for a wide variety of phenomena within the field. Examples of 'paradigms' include evolution in biology, Newton's theories in astronomy and the mechanical motion of objects, germ theory in medicine, Maxwell's equations governing electromagnetism, 'atomic theory' in chemistry, or 'supply and demand' in economics.
These are not merely specific ideas that happen to be helpful, the way, say, alternating current is. These radically alter the way we describe and think about scientific disciplines. They generally have broad predictive power that enables them to explain a wide variety of seemingly unrelated phenomena. And they usually allow us to create whole new
categories of technology for controlling the systems they describe.
So for instance, around 1900-1920 there was a sharp transition in physics. This shift can be described as a move away from the 'Newtonian' paradigm under which space-time was absolute, matter consisted of tiny quantized, rigid particles, and energy was an analog phenomenon. Things moved toward the 'Einstein-Schrödinger' paradigm of space-time being relative, matter consisting of analog, fuzzy, dispersed waves, and energy being quantized. As a consequence of this paradigm shift, in a very real sense, physicists of 1885 and 1935 weren't even speaking the same language on a variety of important subjects, and would find it almost impossible to collaborate meaningfully even on subjects that were a mystery to them both. Numerous things that would seem magical or logically impossible under one paradigm were common sense under the other. Of course, the new paradigm was right about a lot of things the old one got wrong- but that's not the point here. The point is that the paradigm is more than just a single idea, it is a 'keystone' for an entire discipline.
In a very real sense, no field of inquiry can be scientific in a meaningful sense
without a well established paradigm that has a grounding in fact. Even when the paradigm is partially incorrect, it serves useful purposes. It permits scholars to communicate effectively, because they can share the definitions of basic concepts and terms. It provides a logical basis for the design of experiments. It allows people to detect and avoid outright fraud (compare how many medieval alchemists made long careers pretending to turn lead into gold, whereas nonsense like N-rays in the early twentieth century was uncovered within a year or two).
Even within a specific discipline, different sub-fields get their unifying paradigms and become scientific at different times. In 1800 celestial mechanics was very much a rigorous scientific study, and they were using more or less the same paradigm we use today to describe the motion of the solar system. But electromagnetism, another area of physics, was still very much pre-scientific, working at the level of random individuals tinkering with things they didn't understand and couldn't really quantify. Fluid dynamics was a massively useful field of physics... but was not a science at that time, nor was thermodynamics. And yet all these areas have since
become just as much a science as celestial mechanics was.
3) The emergence of a paradigm greatly accelerates discovery and implementation of discoveries
In any event, the key reason this affects our discussion has to do with what happens when a field becomes scientific, once a useful, fact-based paradigm exists.
Within a given field, once a paradigm emerges that is capable of explaining most of what is known in the field, any 'low hanging fruit' will be rapidly snapped up. The only new, useful ways of exploiting the new science are going to come about if advances in other technologies alter the limits of the possible (i.e. computers let us do a lot of things with fluid dynamics that could not be done before). And after a decade or two, large scale research and theorizing allows us to
talk and predict what will become possible, even if we can't build it yet (i.e. hot fusion reactors).
As a result becomes highly unlikely that any 'obvious' ways of exploiting real phenomena are going to be found, within a generation or so of the new paradigm emerging. Occasionally a radically new paradigm will emerge and permit a new generation of low hanging fruit to be plucked from the new tree... but this only happens when there is clear, unambiguous evidence that the old paradigm is consistently wrong in significant ways.
Basically, to design a bicycle in 1800 was very hard, because many basic things about how machines should be designed or how forces interact were not understood. What understanding did exist has in many cases not penetrated into the community of technology-builders, who were mostly artisans or managers of artisans (with a few conspicuous exceptions).
To design a bicycle in 1880 was still hard, because while there
were educated engineers in the world, the supply was highly limited and a lot of the work of 'inventing' was still being done by self-taught tinkerers who would try many things that did not work in exchange for discovering each innovation that
did work. As a result, late 19th century bicycles were often ludicrously unsafe or inefficient.
By contrast, if the bicycle has somehow not been invented until 1960, and someone had a brainstorm and decided to build a bicycle, we would probably have safe, working models within a matter of a few years... because the
professional engineers with a clear understanding of mechanics, forces, and material properties would be doing the work.
The rise of a physics-based paradigm of methodical engineering made it
easy to design things that would have been far harder without the paradigm. Simple things became trivial, complicated things became simple, impossible things became merely complicated.
It is
this process that leads us to proclaim all the low-hanging fruit has been swept up. There are occasional exceptions (especially in the field of consumer goods, because it is always possible to devise a product people want which nobody else created), but on the whole, practical experience bears this out. it is now genuinely hard, intellectual work requiring a firm understanding of what one is doing to actually create new things.
Yes, the cold fusion devices probably don't work. What I object to is the idea that in principle, some sort of thing like the cold fusion idea might happen. In fact, this kind of thing has happened. I was also saying that if you were to assume that the cold fusion devices work, then it is likely that the cold fusioneers will get sufficient evidence that it does work before anybody works out any kind of valid theoretical framework for it.
those devices work, then yes, it would be a certainty that they would be proven to work before anyone understood them.
But that is like saying "if wishes were horses, all men would ride;" it's clearly true but is irrelevant to the world as we know it.
The point I'm making is that
because paradigms matter in science, because atoms are fairly well understood under our current paradigm, and so forth, it is
highly unlikely that any simple, crude, "juststick electrodes in a solution with a hunk of metal" method would actually work to induce cold fusion. Now maybe there's a way to induce cold fusion, and maybe there isn't. But if there
is a way to do it, it won't be some childishly simple thing a random idiot could design by fiddling around with a big pile of components.
Cold fusion will, realistically, be discovered either by making a complex application of existing paradigms, or as one of the first new brilliant discoveries associated with a
new paradigm. If it were a likely thing to have happen in the lab with relatively simple and cheap experiments, using only technologies we've had for some time already, it would already have been discovered.
Okay, I'm willing to concede the point on Bald's Leechbook being pre-scientific, but only because the work of Archimedes (and indeed Galen, he may not have been right about everything but he was a scientist) was lost at the time. When these works were re-discovered, you couldn't really call the society pre-scientific because, whether they actually practice scientific research or not, they possess scientific information.
As noted above, 'science' is not a piece of information you somehow have or don't have. It's a process. Knowing a fact discovered by a scientist does not mean you are practicing science. To practice science you have to do certain things, and medieval Europe
with a handful of exceptions was not a place where scholars did those things. Sure, a few scholars practiced something recognizable as science, but science as a whole had not been embraced as a way of discovering relevant truth.
Thus, the society lacked the infrastructure to practice science on a large scale, and was in
this critically important sense "pre-scientific."
[snipping my explanation about how simple things can be developed in a pre-scientific context without understanding how they work, but complex things can't]
But the cold fusion designs typically used *are* simple...
Which is precisely why we can confidently expect them not to work... and our expectations haven't been disappointed, either.
Of course it's the same thing as not understanding bicycles. There was no guarantee before making it that it would be stable apart from mistaken ideas about gyroscopes. There are plenty of ideas of vehicles you could make which would not be stable.
Not understanding
one thing about bicycles (with empirical testing revealing that they are in fact rideable) is not the same as not understanding
any thing (not having the faintest clue how a bicycle can even move around and operate and do things). The people who built the first bicycles knew enough about wheels, gears, and human musculature to design a machine that would function. They may not have been able to predict it would work
well until they tried, but if they had possessed only Stone Age knowledge, or if they'd just been bashing bits of metal together randomly, it wouldn't work at all.
I'll point out that the early bicycles didn't have gears. The ones you usually think of are penny farthings, which have a giant front wheel, and the actual oldest pedalled bike seems to work via rope. It seems to me you are throwing out bits of history assuming that you are right without actually checking what really happened.
On your main point, there was no guarantee the bicycle would be stable, in fact from what Terralthra said it sounds like it was initially thought that bikes would be unstable. On the note of it slowly developing, in terms of stability, according to Jones, Penny farthings and modern racing bikes are comparable (although there are obviously other reasons to prefer modern bikes, but stability is the relevant aspect we are talking about here). But really the point is that at one point there was not a ridable bike-like device and at another there was, and there was no guarantee from theory beforehand that it would work.[/quote]And to bridge the gap required
massive trial and error and successive improvement. Which is the usual way that pre-scientific people (like a lot of hobbyists and tinkerers who do not know the math and science behind the things they work with) tend to go about inventing things.
Eventually something like the modern bicycle emerged from the evolutionary sequence... but this process was far more complicated and laborious than it would have been in more recent times. Which is in large part why the low-hanging fruit become exhausted. It's so much
easier to design things you understand and predict phenomena you understand, that almost any simple thing that can be done with well understood things
gets done.
There's a reason Edison tried a thousand light-bulb filaments before finding one that would work- he didn't know enough to predict which substances wouldn't work. To some extent because
nobody knew that, to some extent because he personally didn't know things that were known elsewhere in the world.
The cold fusioneers are not claiming to do the kind of procedure you are outlining. The most common (and original) claim was that it occurs when you electrolyse heavy water using palladium electrodes. Many of these fusioneers now say it only works if the palladium sample passes a certain quality threshold and the experiment ran beyond a certain time period (because otherwise they don't have an explanation for the negative replications), but that still doesn't make is massively complicated.
And, notably, their experiments
don't work, which is exactly what I'd expect, and exactly my point. Devices for doing strange and unknown things in modern times tend to be complicated precisely because if they were simple they'd be done already. If all you had to do to make cold fusion work was use very pure palladium, the math would support that (since we know how hydrogen behaves in a palladium lattice). If all you had to do was sit and wait a while, likewise.
Okay, I might be a decade or two out, but I wasn't out by a lot. But Carnot was talking about his "perfect" heat engine *in comparison with other existing imperfect heat engines*.
Yes, because Carnot was the first guy to model an engine in thermodynamic terms. Other successors expanded on his work and we learned a lot as a result.
In terms of your examples, not all of them have experiment coming before theory (and I never said that this always does happen, just that it can happen), but brain surgery happened before the brain was understood with Trepanning, and later was expanded to actually operating on the brain. This probably mostly did more harm than good, but sometimes it would have worked.
Yes, but trepannation cannot be said to work- because it
does do more harm than good, especially if you do it without understanding why it works. If you use it as a treatment for 'evil spirits in the brain,' it will usually kill the patient or at best fail to kill the patient but also fail to cure them. It
does work if you use it to cure a hematoma under the skull... but you have to know what a hematoma is and how to expect one to happen.
Engine-powered aircraft didn't turn up until after aerodynamics was established, but more primitive ideas like kites, Chinese lanterns and gliders happened well beforehand. When gas turbine engines were developed depends on your definition of gas turbine engines.
Yes, because kites are
simple (a quadrangle of fabric being the easiest option). Gliders happened some time before powered aircraft but actually not long- because of a lack of understanding. A lot of people built gliders that just plain wouldn't fly, because they had no idea how to design one that would.