Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

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Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by Tribble »

I came across this "TNG Movie Plot Generator" and just had to post it:
When watching a movie starring the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation, you may think it's difficult to come up with such storylines. Well, that couldn't be further from the truth! It's simple to make a TNG movie! By filling in the blanks below, you can create your own TNG film script that is JUST AS GOOD as any TNG film that has already been released! Enjoy!


Enter one or two words that collectively have no less than three but no more than four syllables.

First Contact

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
The name of the movie is Star Trek: .


Enter your name (or a nickname).
Your name is .


There is a bad guy in the film. The bad guy's name sounds really "alien".

Soran. (Generations)
Borg Queen. (First Contact)
R'uafo. (Insurrection)
Shinzon. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
The bad guy is named .


The opening to your TNG film needs to have a confusing teaser scene. It doesn't have to involve the TNG crew, but it more-or-less sets up or foreshadows the main plot.

The film opens with a bottle floating in space. (Generations)
The film opens with a double-dream sequence. (First Contact)
The film opens with cloaked people running around randomly. (Insurrection)
The film opens with Romulans melting. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
The film opens with .


Usually, the TNG crew is introduced to the audience doing something strange and silly. This has nothing to do with the actual plot. It's normally something casual.

The TNG crew is on a holodeck boat in silly costumes. (Generations)
The TNG crew is banished to patrolling the Romulan border. (First Contact)
The TNG crew is on a diplomatic mission in silly dress uniforms. (Insurrection)
The TNG crew is at a wedding celebration doing silly things. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
The TNG crew is .


In the strange introduction scene [#5 above], Picard usually complains about something. This is normally resolved later in the film. This is a crude attempt at a character arc. Normally Picard's complaints are totally out-of-character for him, when compared to how he was portrayed on the TV series.

Picard complains about not having kids. (Generations)
Picard complains about being assimilated. (First Contact)
Picard complains about not exploring anymore. (Insurrection)
Picard complains about losing Riker. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
Picard complains about .


The strange introduction scene [#5 above] is interrupted to go on a mission. This mission is somewhat vague and doesn't seem that bad. This mission is not the actual plot of the film. However, this mission will lead into the actual plot.

TNG crew is sent to investigate a research lab. (Generations)
TNG crew goes to help the Borg invasion. (First Contact)
TNG crew is sent to stop Data. (Insurrection)
TNG crew is sent on a diplomatic mission. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
The TNG crew is sent to .


Around this point in the film, usually there is something ridiculous involving Data.

Data gets an emotion chip and acts goofy. (Generations)
Data runs around acting goofy. (Insurrection)
Data finds a goofy lookalike. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
Data .


While performing the mission stated in #7, there is an action sequence that is used to wake up the audience. The scene is usually too short and pretty pointless.

An action scene involving a phaser fight with Soran. (Generations)
An action scene involving a battle with a Borg Cube. (First Contact)
An action scene involving a shuttle chase to capture Data. (Insurrection)
An action scene involving a chase sequence with futuristic Jeeps. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
There is an action scene involving .


Usually shortly after the action sequence stated in #9, there are a couple of scenes where Picard finally stops stumbling around and figures out the actual plot of the film, involving the villian.

Picard finds out Soran wants to return to the Nexus. (Generations)
Picard finds out the Borg want to prevent first contact. (First Contact)
Picard finds out that 600 people are to be relocated against their will. (Insurrection)
Picard finds out that Shinzon is his clone and wants to conquer the Federation. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
Picard finds out .


At some point in the film, there is a pointless cameo from a "Berman Trek" era character or actor.

Guinan (Generations)
The Holodoc, Barclay, and Ethan Phillips (First Contact)
Quark [Cut from final film] (Insurrection)
Wesley, Janeway (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
There is a cameo by .


At some point in the film, Data usually sings something silly.

Data sings "Lifeforms." (Generations)
Data sings "British Tar." (Insurrection)
Data sings "Blue Skies." (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
Data sings '.'


At some point in the film, Worf is humiliated in some way.

Worf falls in water. (Generations)
People make fun of Worf's ship. Picard calls him a coward. (First Contact)
Worf is ordered to sing. Worf has a zit. (Insurrection)
Worf has to be nude at a wedding. Worf is hung over. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
Worf is humiliated because Worf .


At some point in the film, Troi does something. This is to let the audience know she's in the film.

Troi crashes the Enterprise. (Generations)
Troi gets drunk. (First Contact)
Troi has a bath. (Insurrection)
Troi hallucinates. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
Troi .


The bad guy isn't really bad. The bad guy acts this way because the bad guy has "issues".

The bad guy is obsessed after the death of his family. (Generations)
The bad guy must bring order to chaos. (First Contact)
The bad guy was treated badly in the past. (Insurrection)
The bad guy wants Picard's life. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
The bad guy isn't really bad, because the bad guy .


There is a world in danger.

Veridian III. (Generations)
Earth. (First Contact)
The Bak'u Planet. (Insurrection)
Earth. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
is in danger.


Throughout the film, there will be scenes of really forced humor.

Data does a Joker impersonation. (Generations)
Cochrane be-bops to "Oobie Doobie". (First Contact)
Picard dances a mambo. (Insurrection)
B-4 rambles endlessly. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
In a funny scene, .


From time-to-time, there will be an irrelevent soundbite that will hopefully be used in the trailer for the film, or to make fans quote it. Usually, the soundbite will simply feel out of place.

"Yyyyesss!" (Generations)
"The line must be drawn HERE!" (First Contact)
"Saddle up, lock and load!" (Insurrection)
"Don't fear!" (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
A TNG crew member says the memorable line: '!'


At some point in the film, a pointless profanity will be said to make the movie look "edgy." It usually winds up feeling more childish than edgy.

"Oh, shit!" (Generations)
"Bullshit!" (First Contact)
"Bastards!" (Insurrection)
"Move your ass!" [mercifully cut from the final film] (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
A character in the film swears by saying: '!'


In an attempt to build tension, there will be a strange science-fictiony device of some sort. The TNG crew has to stop it. This usually rips off the Genesis Torpedo used in Wrath of Khan.

Star destroying rocket. (Generations)
Interplexing beacon. (First Contact)
Radiation collector. (Insurrection)
Flesh melter. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
There is a strange device, which is a .


There is always a scene that is inserted soley because the filmmakers thought it would look "kewl." It usually feels cheesy, since the scene normally has nothing to do with the main story.

The Enterprise saucer crashes. (Generations)
Crewmen walk on the Deflector Dish. (First Contact)
The Enterprise warp core is ejected. (Insurrection)
The Scimitar and Enterprise collide. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
In a very kewl scene, .


In the TNG films, there's always a scene filmed outside, to make it look like a "movie" instead of a two-hour episode. It still winds up feeling like an episode, unfortunately.

The desert. (Generations)
The woods. (First Contact)
The mountains. (Insurrection)
The desert. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
There is a scene outside, in the .


Picard usually has to be saved by someone.

Kirk saves Picard. (Generations)
Data saves Picard. (First Contact)
Riker saves Picard. (Insurrection)
Data saves Picard. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
Picard is saved by .


In spite of the fact TNG was supposed to be a "mature and diplomatic" crew, the bad guy is always killed violently by the TNG crew without the slightest glimmer of mercy. And they never try to save the bad guy.

Soran is blown up thanks to Picard. (Generations)
The Borg Queen is melted by Data and her spine is snapped by Picard. (First Contact)
Ru'afo is burned to death by Picard, and is not beamed up by Riker. (Insurrection)
Shinzon is stabbed to death by Picard. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
Picard kills the bad guy by .


At some point in the film, Picard tries to wax philosophic with some speech. Unfortunately it feels forced, and the philosophy is usually incorrect.

Picard talks about mortality. (Generations)
Picard quotes Moby Dick. (First Contact)
Picard defends letting billions die in order to save 600 people. (Insurrection)
Picard's "He IS me!" speeches about Shinzon. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
Picard gives a speech about .


Throughout the movie, there will be parts that directly rip off TOS films.

Examples (there's tons more):
Kirk's fake death rips off Wrath of Khan. (Generations)
The time-travel plot rips off The Voyage Home. (First Contact)
The "needs of the few" plot rips off Search For Spock. (Insurrection)
The obsessive pursuit of Picard rips off Wrath of Khan. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
In a scene that directly rips off a TOS film, .


There's normally a nebula of some sort that rips off the Mutara Nebula seen in Wrath of Khan.

The Nexus. (Generations)
The Briar Patch. (Insurrection)
The Bassen Rift. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
There is a strange nebula called .


Riker has one memorable scene at best. Usually, it involves him shooting at someone.

Riker shoots at Soran. (Generations)
Riker shoots at Cochrane. (First Contact)
Riker shoots at Son'a. (Insurrection)
Riker shoots at Remans. (Nemesis)

For your TNG film, finish this sentence:
Riker shoots at .
Who here thinks that they can compete with the awesome writing gods known as Rick Berman and Brannon Braga? Share your scripts below!
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Well this is what it spewed out for me:
Star Trek: Maelstrom wrote: The film opens with some credits that make the audience's eyes hurt.

After the credits, we see A Dominon War battle scene. This confuses the audience to no end.

Next, we cut to the Enterprise. Throughout the movie, the ship interiors are filmed too dark to see things clearly. On the Enterprise, we see the TNG crew. They are Attending a funeral. During this scene, Picard complains about having children aboard in wartime.

There is an incoming hail, where Picard is instructed that Picard and the TNG crew must rescue a medical convoy. Thus, beginning their mission.

When they arrive at this mission, Data deals with grief after having to euthanise Spot after she's mortally wounded in the battle.

This scene abruptly switches to a scene involving driving off Dominion attackers! This scene could have been very action-packed, but is very short, unfortunately.

Later on, Picard finally finds out that Johnson is developing extremely dangerous weapons to win the war t any cost, and thus the plot of the film finally begins.

As the crew work toward resolving this plot, a member of the TNG crew talks to Captain Maxwell, though this person doesn't really help anything.

Then, Johnson, the film's obvious bad guy, is revealed. But Johnson is not REALLY that bad, because this villian has seen too many men and women die pointlessly when there is an easy way to win.

The crew then learns that Mars is in grave danger! They must come to the rescue!

While they are working on this rescue, Data sings 'Danny Boy.' The audience groans.

A little later, Worf is rescued from a glorious fight. This ticks off many Worf fans in the audience.

Later on, Troi, who had nothing else to do in the film, tries to counsel Data and fails miserably.

A little later, Troi dies.. The audience doesn't laugh, however.

Trying to resolve things, Picard and his Away Team beam down to the red Martian desert. Which looks almost cinematic, but not quite.

Crusher and Geordi do absolutely nothing for the duration of the film.

Soon, the Enterprise has to stop renegade Starfleet admirals. This seems verrrry familiar to the audience, for some reason...

Then, for no reason, someone in the film says 'Well fuck!' The audience pretends this is cool and edgy.

Finally, the crew discovers that Johnson has a planet-destroying subspace weapon! This makes the situation very dangerous!

In reaction to this, one of the crewmembers says 'Too many have died needlessly for me to turn back!!' ...even though this makes no sense.

In their attempts to stop Johnson, Enterprise casually blows up a wing of Dominion fighters. This looks really cool... but doesn't stop Johnson.

Soon, Riker shoots at Jem'Hadar. But this doesn't help anything.

There is a final showdown in a nebula called Orion Nebula. Almost defeated, Johnson, in a fit of rage, attempts to activate his planet-destroying subspace weapon! Time is running out, so Picard beams over and attempts to stop him.

Eventually, Picard violently and mercilessly kills Johnson by leaving him behind when the test weapon detonates in deep space. Picard is almost killed in the process, but luckily Worf saves Picard at the last moment.

Later, Picard contemplates on what has happened. As a result of this mission, Picard has resolved his problems with having children aboard in wartime. Picard then gives a speech about how genocide is wrong and victory always comes at a price.

The TNG crew then beams back to the Enterprise, which warps off into space.

The TNG theme plays on the soundtrack.
I do believe this would at least have been better than Insurrection or Nemesis or Generations.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

How is the same basically shitty plot from all four TNG trainwrecks and the two Abrams abominations any better?! No, seriously, the only thing missing from Trek Malestrom is Jean-Luc Dickhead telling the bad guy "time's up!" before leaving him to die horribly inside the guts of his own doomsday weapon.

The only thing worse than that would be some numbskull STO gamer making a movie based on all the outrageous fanboy wank from that]/i] failed abortion. Or more Hidden Frontier garbage.
"Beware the Beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone amongst God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of Death.."
—29th Scroll, 6th Verse of Ape Law
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by FaxModem1 »

This is my blending of some elements from Insurrection and Nemesis, and what I would have liked Star Trek 10 to be:
Star Trek:Escalation

Written By:FaxModem1
The film opens with some credits that make the audience's eyes hurt.

After the credits, we see Sela winning a space battle for the Romulans against the Dominion. This confuses the audience to no end.

Next, we cut to the Enterprise. Throughout the movie, the ship interiors are filmed too dark to see things clearly. On the Enterprise, we see the TNG crew. They are attending the refit of the Enterprise after the Dominion War's close. During this scene, Picard complains about how the Romulans are dropping the alliance now that the war is over.

There is an incoming hail, where Picard is instructed that Picard and the TNG crew must test out the new technologies brought back by the USS Voyager. Thus, beginning their mission.

When they arrive at this mission, Data discovers that Sela is in charge of the Tal Shiar.

This scene abruptly switches to a scene involving the refit Enterprise fighting Romulan warbirds attacking a Federation colony! This scene could have been very action-packed, but is very short, unfortunately.

Later on, Picard finally finds out that Sela is trying to conquer the Federation by taking over the Romulan Empire, and thus the plot of the film finally begins.

As the crew work toward resolving this plot, a member of the TNG crew talks to Admiral Ross, explaining about how the Tal Shiar are pushing for war with the Federation, though this person doesn't really help anything.

Then, Admiral Sela, the film's obvious bad guy, is revealed. But Admiral Sela is not REALLY that bad, because this villian was thrown away by the Empire after she dedicated her life to serving it.

The crew then learns that Berengaria VII is in grave danger! They must come to the rescue!

While they are working on this rescue, Data sings 'Nat King Cole's Stardust.' The audience groans.

A little later, Worf is refused help from the Klingon Empire for the upcoming war from the Klingon High Council. This ticks off many Worf fans in the audience.

Later on, Troi, who had nothing else to do in the film, briefs the crew on why Sela is acting this way, and what effect her political exile has done to her.

A little later, Crusher and Picard dance a tango. The audience doesn't laugh, however.

Trying to resolve things, Picard and his Away Team beam down to the mountains of Berengaria VII, with dragons flying around. Which looks almost cinematic, but not quite.

Crusher and Geordi do absolutely nothing for the duration of the film.

Soon, the political allegory of real life events from Star Trek VI. This seems verrrry familiar to the audience, for some reason...

Then, for no reason, someone in the film says 'Dear lord!' The audience pretends this is cool and edgy.

Finally, the crew discovers that Admiral Sela has a fleet of loyal but genocidal Romulan warbirds! This makes the situation very dangerous!

In reaction to this, one of the crewmembers says 'The war starts today!' ...even though this makes no sense.

In their attempts to stop Admiral Sela, The Klingons arrive with Worf leading them, helping the Federation fleet. This looks really cool... but doesn't stop Admiral Sela.

Soon, Riker shoots at Admiral Tomalak. But this doesn't help anything.

There is a final showdown in a nebula called Berengaria's Cradle. Almost defeated, Admiral Sela, in a fit of rage, attempts to activate his fleet of loyal but genocidal Romulan warbirds! Time is running out, so Picard beams over and attempts to stop him.

Eventually, Picard violently and mercilessly kills Admiral Sela by revealing her plan to the Romulan Senate, leading them to stab her to death, Caesar style. Picard is almost killed in the process, but luckily Crusher via surgery saves Picard at the last moment.

Later, Picard contemplates on what has happened. As a result of this mission, Picard has resolved his problems with how the Romulans are dropping the alliance now that the war is over. Picard then gives a speech about how a leader, using patriotism and blind anger, can lead a government into needless war.

The TNG crew then beams back to the Enterprise, which warps off into space.

The TNG theme plays on the soundtrack.

The generator misspells villain, and doesn't know how to use gender neutral pronouns for the villain.
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

U.P. Cinnabar wrote:How is the same basically shitty plot from all four TNG trainwrecks and the two Abrams abominations any better?! No, seriously, the only thing missing from Trek Malestrom is Jean-Luc Dickhead telling the bad guy "time's up!" before leaving him to die horribly inside the guts of his own doomsday weapon.

The only thing worse than that would be some numbskull STO gamer making a movie based on all the outrageous fanboy wank from that]/i] failed abortion. Or more Hidden Frontier garbage.

Well we avoid Troi's driving, Troi dies, no pointless car chase (so we're beating Nemesis) and no fucked up mixed message about 600 lives being more important than billions (beating Insurrection) plus we don't kill Kirk in the most ignominious way (so beating Generations).
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by Iroscato »

Star Trek: Uprising.
The film opens with some credits that make the audience's eyes hurt.

After the credits, we see A man desperately tries to avoid assassins in vain. This confuses the audience to no end.

Next, we cut to the Enterprise. Throughout the movie, the ship interiors are filmed too dark to see things clearly. On the Enterprise, we see the TNG crew. They are Re-enacting Hannibal crossing the Alps. During this scene, Picard complains about his latest batch of synthocaine being tainted.

There is an incoming hail, where Picard is instructed that Picard and the TNG crew must attend a crisis meeting focusing on secessionists within The Federation. Thus, beginning their mission.

When they arrive at this mission, Data was intimately interfacing with the Enterprise's replicators, causing Picard's synthocaine to be tainted.

This scene abruptly switches to a scene involving another bunch of assassins who interrupt the conferance and leave Worf apparently dead! This scene could have been very action-packed, but is very short, unfortunately.

Later on, Picard finally finds out that an Andorian sect is attempting to split the Federation down the middle due to being manipulated by the Undine, and thus the plot of the film finally begins.

As the crew work toward resolving this plot, a member of the TNG crew talks to Q, seen mainly in the background chatting up various female diplomats (and a few males). He does have a small role throughout the film, though, though this person doesn't really help anything.

Then, Dainos, the film's obvious bad guy, is revealed. But Dainos is not REALLY that bad, because this villian is being manipulated by the Undine the whole time. And also, gives to charity and shit.

The crew then learns that Earth, because it's definitely the most important planet in a galaxy of nearly half a trillion star systems is in grave danger! They must come to the rescue!

While they are working on this rescue, Data sings 'Drunken Sailor, after finding Picard on the verge of a synthocaine OD.' The audience groans.

A little later, Worf comes back to life via act of (by this point very drunk) Q, who then proceeds to remind him several times throughout the movie that he is now in his debt for life. This ticks off many Worf fans in the audience.

Later on, Troi, who had nothing else to do in the film, mentions she senses feelings of rebellion within the Federation, immediately after a massive attack by secessionists which leaves an entire solar system obliterated and billions dead.

A little later, Worf looks even more apoplectic with rage than usual thanks to being indebted to Q, and growls all sorts of 'hilarious' threats towards him. The audience doesn't laugh, however.

Trying to resolve things, Picard and his Away Team beam down to the bootom of the Pacific Ocean. Which looks almost cinematic, but not quite.

Crusher and Geordi do absolutely nothing for the duration of the film.

Soon, the dark conspiracy within the Federation, from The Undiscovered Country. This seems verrrry familiar to the audience, for some reason...

Then, for no reason, someone in the film says 'well, fuck (after discovering the Undine are behind the whole thing)!' The audience pretends this is cool and edgy.

Finally, the crew discovers that Dainos has a Undine mind-control device, which almost causes the crew of The Enterprise to fire on Federation HQ! This makes the situation very dangerous!

In reaction to this, one of the crewmembers says 'you'll never take us alive, puny Earthlings!!!!!' ...even though this makes no sense.

In their attempts to stop Dainos, Picard, Data and Worf engage in hand to hand combat with several Undine footsoldiers (and somehow win). This looks really cool... but doesn't stop Dainos.

Soon, Riker shoots at an Andorian rebel. But this doesn't help anything.

There is a final showdown in a nebula called Harani Void. Almost defeated, Dainos, in a fit of rage, attempts to activate his Undine mind-control device, which almost causes the crew of The Enterprise to fire on Federation HQ! Time is running out, so Picard beams over and attempts to stop him.

Eventually, Picard violently and mercilessly kills Dainos by spacing them out of an airlock and then blasting them to oblivion with a quantum torpedo. High-fives all round then ensue. Picard is almost killed in the process, but luckily Troi, who helpfully comments that she's sensing the Undine nearby after the entire crew just fought for their very lives to repel them from the ship saves Picard at the last moment.

Later, Picard contemplates on what has happened. As a result of this mission, Picard has resolved his problems with his latest batch of synthocaine being tainted. Picard then gives a speech about the importance of unity and resilience in the face of enemies.

The TNG crew then beams back to the Enterprise, which warps off into space.

The TNG theme plays on the soundtrack.
Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

EF, I could never understand why the Feds and the S'ona couldn't just simply plunk a hospital down somewhere else on the B'aku planet, instead of evicting 600 voluntarily backwards peasants from their hovels. I mean, they didn't own the whole fucking planet. Damn.

No, Insurrection was just another bad, cliched TNG-era episode inflated to movie length, because, the Trek writers have been starved for ideas since 1986.

I have nothing to say about the Mad Max shit from Nemesissy that better writers haven't said already. And, yes, Kirk did die like a damned redshirt in the movie that should never have been made, at all. Well, that would apply to all of the last six Trek movies, as well as to TMP, but, damn, if they wanted a movie with both TOS and TNG casts, there was this script lying around Paramount that was to become the novel Federation..

Which is what I would've done if I was in charge of TNG. Make a movie based on Federation.

No comment on Troi or her driving in Desecrations.
"Beware the Beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone amongst God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of Death.."
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

Chimaera wrote: In reaction to this, one of the crewmembers says 'you'll never take us alive, puny Earthlings!!!!!' ...even though this makes no sense.
Are you he doesn't say, "and we would've succeeded, if it weren't for you meddling kids?!"

And, still, you don't have Picard saying "time's up!" before he horribly murders the bad guy. :P
"Beware the Beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone amongst God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of Death.."
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by Prometheus Unbound »

U.P. Cinnabar wrote:EF, I could never understand why the Feds and the S'ona couldn't just simply plunk a hospital down somewhere else on the B'aku planet, instead of evicting 600 voluntarily backwards peasants from their hovels. I mean, they didn't own the whole fucking planet. Damn.
They actually addressed that in the film. The S'ona were too close to death. Admiral Stretchyface Dougherty said when asked by Picard that very question, "It would take over tens years to reverse the effects on the S'ona - some of them don't have that long".

What they SHOULD have done, is put their foot down - the Federation, I mean. The planet is in Federation space. The S'ona are Dominion allies. Destroy their ships, and then set up a hospital / facility on the other side of the planet. At this time they didn't know the Ba'ku were space faring so the Prime Directive (silly as it is) still applies. So yeah - fuck the S'ona, they are only needed for the tech to wipe out the planet and harness the radiation in one big go - They're war enemies - kill them! Or escort them out and send a FLEET of ships to protect that world.

Set up on the other side of the planet, u can treat people as needed and protect the Ba'ku.

Everyone wins. Except the S'ona who ---- sorry at the end, we are meant to see them as a sympathetic villain - one who will "come to terms" etc? ok... but they are still Dominion Allies - um... you're at war... escort them out the middle of your territory at the least?
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

Prometheus Unbound wrote:They actually addressed that in the film. The S'ona were too close to death. Admiral Stretchyface Dougherty said when asked by Picard that very question, "It would take over tens years to reverse the effects on the S'ona - some of them don't have that long".
And, strip-mining the planet of it's atmosphere would've changed that somehow? Oh, yeah, the S'ona are supposed to be the villains, so, of course, they have to do a dick move like that.

Oy, vey.
"Beware the Beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone amongst God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of Death.."
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by Crazedwraith »

That's what got me. Everyone goes 'oh why do they save 600 when the tech will benefit so many.' but (although I fully admit the film does nothing to establish this) who says the Son'a were on the up and up? The plan to harvest the whole planet at once may well have been a' kill the goose that lays the golden egg' style scenario. The Son'a steal all the magic radiation, cure themselves and leave everyone else in the lurch.
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

U.P. Cinnabar wrote:EF, I could never understand why the Feds and the S'ona couldn't just simply plunk a hospital down somewhere else on the B'aku planet, instead of evicting 600 voluntarily backwards peasants from their hovels. I mean, they didn't own the whole fucking planet. Damn.

No, Insurrection was just another bad, cliched TNG-era episode inflated to movie length, because, the Trek writers have been starved for ideas since 1986.

I have nothing to say about the Mad Max shit from Nemesissy that better writers haven't said already. And, yes, Kirk did die like a damned redshirt in the movie that should never have been made, at all. Well, that would apply to all of the last six Trek movies, as well as to TMP, but, damn, if they wanted a movie with both TOS and TNG casts, there was this script lying around Paramount that was to become the novel Federation..

Which is what I would've done if I was in charge of TNG. Make a movie based on Federation.

No comment on Troi or her driving in Desecrations.
Preaching to the choir there old boy. On balance, my "script" cliched as it is, at least avoids those idiotic ideas.

As for making a film of the book Federation, oh hell yes. I don't care if it would fuck up Cochrane's backstory or anything like that, it was awesome.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by Prometheus Unbound »

U.P. Cinnabar wrote:
Prometheus Unbound wrote:They actually addressed that in the film. The S'ona were too close to death. Admiral Stretchyface Dougherty said when asked by Picard that very question, "It would take over tens years to reverse the effects on the S'ona - some of them don't have that long".
And, strip-mining the planet of it's atmosphere would've changed that somehow? Oh, yeah, the S'ona are supposed to be the villains, so, of course, they have to do a dick move like that.

Oy, vey.
Well, exactly.
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Re: Can you make a script as good as the TNG movies?

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

Eternal Freedom wrote: On balance, my "script" cliched as it is, at least avoids those idiotic ideas.
As well as that of Sherlock Khan and the Case Of the Magic Jesus Blood. And, the open contempt for orders and rule of law TNG(and JJprise)characters are notorious for(and all too often get away with).

As I stated elsewhere, the only time the franchise got good for me were the five TOS movies after Roddenberry's plotless abortion. It had a solid story throughout, as well as fully-developed, three-dimensional characters. You had Kirk finally facing the consequences of his actions, even to the point where he(and his crew)are willing to submit themselves to judgement for their actions in The Search For Spock, even after saving Earth. Which they saw in the same light as they saw saving Spock's soul, and McCoy's sanity: As their job, not some entitlement to special treatment, as certain bald captains in the TNG era would take it.

Also, I liked the way Spock summed up, in one line, what it took Sherlock Khan an entire rambling sermon to get across about what crew means to him.
"Beware the Beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone amongst God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of Death.."
—29th Scroll, 6th Verse of Ape Law
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---Doctor Christine Blasey-Ford
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