Lord MJ wrote:Bernie missed an opportunity to finish Hillary off at the last debate and he dropped the ball.
When he was asked, name one time donor money has influenced Secretary Clinton. He didn't have an answer.
I would have said
1. Bankruptcy bill, she voted for it after receiving Wall St money when she previously opposed it. That bill benefitted big banks at the expense of the average consumer
2. She does not support brining back Glass Stegall after taking millions in campaign contributions and speaking fees from Wall St.
3. Wall St was sure able to get favorable terms in the bailout with Hillary's support.
4. I can't help but wonder whether Hillary's backtracking on single payer has anything to do with contributions from pharmaceutical industry
5. Lets not forget her support for Fracking.
6. Finally, the Clinton foundation recieving money from Saudi Arabia, and lo and behold Secretary Clinton approves an arms deal with Saudi Arabia. An arms deal that resulted in Saudi Arabia committing mass war crimes in Yemen. Killing thousands of men, women, and children. And what's worse. Saudis gave weapons to terrorists to support what amounts to ethic cleansing of Shiite muslims. YOU armed terrorists Secretary Clinton. You know what they call Saudi Arabia? ISIS that made it. You armed the equivalent of ISIS. Shame on You Hillary Clinton!
Why is it that every time we hear about you associated with money or donations, bad stuff happens? Please explain Secretary!
Despite the fact he would've violated the one sacred taboo of American politics, never criticize Saudi Arabia. I think that would've drove the point home. I doubt Hillary would have an effective counterattack right then and there at the debate. I'm sure her campaign would come up with something. But calling out Hillary for killing civilians and saying that the Saudis are ISIS that made it would certainly make the MSM take notice.
The sexist attacks will undoubtedly come saying "Well men have approved arms deals with Saudis too." The obvious response would be, "when it comes to ethnic cleansing, you lose your ability to pull the sexism card. How many people need to die because of Secretary Clinton's crack addiction with dirty money?"
That Bankrupcy Bill wasn't as cracked up as Sanders Supporters seem to think.
2. Well, yeah. Glass-Stegall: A. Was basically dead by the time it was repealed anyway, B. Wasn't responsible for the financial crisis, and C. Wouldn't have stopped it anyway. AIG, Countrywide, and Lehman either weren't banks or weren't eligible for partition under Glass-Stegall. They were, however, systemically risky institutions, which is what made all the difference in their case.
3. You mean the Bailout run by Hank Paulson and Neel Kashkari? Ex-Goldman Sachs employees both? That Bank Bailout? Otherwise this is a perfect [citation needed] answer.
4. Yeah, no, probably not. Probably has much more to do with the fact that single payer isn't a politically viable option, and hasn't been for a very very long time.
5. Sorry, what does this have to do with Wall Street again?
6. See above. And I'm sure that the Clinton Foundation donations made a world of difference, and not, y'know, the fact that Saudi Arabia (for better and often for worse) has been an American ally for decades. A fragile American ally that would crumble all-too-easily who also, by the by, sits on an ocean of oil.
I bet that response sounded much more persuasive when you wrote it on /r/SandersforPresident, but if you want to persuade a wider audience you'll have to try a bit harder than that. And as for your last, and rather odd, personal attacks on Hillary (she's the one unprepared for a debate?), I'm not sure what to make of it.