I'm going to laugh my ass off if Jon Snow really is dead.

Moderator: Steve
Of course he's really dead. The right question is whether he's coming back to life - which of course he is, IMO. I have no special knowledge on that though.Elfdart wrote:Ten minutes to kickoff.
I'm going to laugh my ass off if Jon Snow really is dead.
I think the other two Sand Psychos used a jetpack or something, because that made no fucking sense - along with the rest of the Dorne related plot. In addition, the writing re: Trystane being on that boat was so sloppy they had to explain it on the goddamn website:Elfdart wrote:I just realized that unless someone has seen the future episodes, there can't really be any spoilers. So the "no spoilers" tag is not needed.
Anyway, Dorne is a dumpster fire. I was right in the Season 5 thread that Ellaria would have to kill her brother-in-law and Prince So-and-so. I just want to know how the fuck two of the Sand Snakes standing on the pier when the ship sailed got on board to kill the prince in King's Landing. And why would Jamie leave him on the boat (afraid Cersei would kill him in revenge for her daughter?). I'd also like to know how the third (the one who poisoned Bronn, then flashed her perky tits) was allowed to get anywhere near the chief guard's back. And where the fuck is Bronn while we're at it?
One more thing: I take it the horses and hounds used to track Sansa were just holograms projected by the leader of the hunt. I mean, the instant he gets killed they vanish.
Note we're not doing the no spoiler thing anymore because its redundant given we're past the books.Chimaera wrote:*snip*
The actor playing Rickon is back, so maybe we will see him again in some form.Patroklos wrote:I vaguely remember the season finale, but would it have been too hard to just say the sand snakes were accompanying the prince as body guards as a ploy to get in position to carry out their assassination? The fact that they did not do that further proves in my eyes that this plot twist was not planned for and is being shoehorned in. Also the almost cursory way Hotah gets taken out. That was an opportunity for a decent fight scene but he just gets stabbed in the back and slumps over. A sand snake being able to sneak up on Hotah is especially infuriating for book readers.
Also Sansa appears to be getting the setup as the Stark successor. So are wthe show just going to forget about Rickon?
The whole Dorne plot was being rushed from the start, at least from what I can tell. The problem isn't that. I can deal with that. I can't deal with "shit literally makes no sense but keeps happening." Characters are just allowing shit to happen. Even though Myrcella dies of super-poison from lip contact (when blood contact took hours to take effect and with zero outside symptoms), Jamie doesn't call for help and maybe Bronn is like "Hey man, one of those super-ninja chicks totally did that shit to me, we should go back and beat an antidote out of them." No, instead: Stay the Course!ray245 wrote:As for the Dorne plot, it seems like the writers are trying to advance the plot as soon as possible. The reason it felt so forced was probably because they wanted to finish a plot that would require an entire season in one episode.
No, not that Dorn. Although I bet he won’t miss Dr. Bashir, either.
It seems like the writers really just want to get the whole Dorne subplot out of the way as quickly as possible. They literally do not care about how they execute the plot as long as they are able to give us a scene of Doran being killed off by this episode.TheFeniX wrote:The whole Dorne plot was being rushed from the start, at least from what I can tell. The problem isn't that. I can deal with that. I can't deal with "shit literally makes no sense but keeps happening." Characters are just allowing shit to happen. Even though Myrcella dies of super-poison from lip contact (when blood contact took hours to take effect and with zero outside symptoms), Jamie doesn't call for help and maybe Bronn is like "Hey man, one of those super-ninja chicks totally did that shit to me, we should go back and beat an antidote out of them." No, instead: Stay the Course!ray245 wrote:As for the Dorne plot, it seems like the writers are trying to advance the plot as soon as possible. The reason it felt so forced was probably because they wanted to finish a plot that would require an entire season in one episode.
I get Jamie isn't all captain badass anymore, but this shit was insulting to the viewer. And the sand snakes mystical ninja powers ending up in KL to kill Doran's son (because he is weak, ha, oh man)..... I get Cersei is all cowed, but you think no one else in KL is going to drag everyone off that boat for a beating after the sister of the king was murdered?
No, I would have preferred them just playing the old Chapelle "Wrap that shit up!" skit for 5 minutes because at least I could have a chuckle.
Honestly, ignoring it would have been better than this "My planet needs me, I must go. *Doran died on the way back to his planet" bullshit they pulled. Who the Hell is Elaria? A bastard who had kids with Oberyn. I get Dornies don't take a dump on bastards, but her whole shtick is that people are mad at Doran not protecting his own family... somehow. And so the obvious solution is to.... kill him and his innocent son and another innocent in order to start a war. And "the people" support her because she said so. People are mad enough about some woman they probably never met getting raped and their super-cool ninja heir getting crushed by the Mountain in honorable combat to go to war. But hey, murder our king and his son, no big deal? He was crippled anyway, no loss? His son was trying to score hot Lannister booty? String him up?ray245 wrote:It seems like the writers really just want to get the whole Dorne subplot out of the way as quickly as possible. They literally do not care about how they execute the plot as long as they are able to give us a scene of Doran being killed off by this episode.
I think Den of Geek was good on how bad Dorne was:Elfdart wrote:Once again, Game of Boners is still the best GoT recap there is:
No, not that Dorn. Although I bet he won’t miss Dr. Bashir, either.
But in striking contrast to all these tantalizing questions, there was a thudding sound heard nationwide when Game of Thrones cut back to Dorne. Unquestionably the weak, weak, weakest link of season 5, the Dornish subplots already promise to be an albatross around season 6’s neck as well. Of course, I will give the series some credit since I expected Prince Doran to kill Ellaria Sand at the beginning of this season instead of the other way around. But either way, it was still dippy and feels like an absolute waste of an actor of Alexander Siddig’s talents—forced to just grimace from a chair for a few scenes. It also is distractingly ridiculous to believe that every single one of Doran’s bodyguards besides his personal favorite wanted him dead. Poor writing shortcuts are still poor.
Worse still were the scenes of the other two Sand Snakes murdering Doran’s son, Tyrstane Martell. First of all, Trystane was doomed the second that Ellaria murdered Myrcella Baratheon while he was still aboard Jaime’s ship. Obviously, Cersei would answer blood with blood. So, why have the Sand Snakes kill him?
Presumably, it is meant to make the Sand Snakes seem more dangerous after last year’s clunky misuse. However, seeing Cersei exact her revenge on an innocent young man would have been far more satisfying narratively—as well as instantly make us question our sympathy for her, as she again proved to be just as ruthless and uncaring about who dies as ever. But nope, we are given a scene that makes absolutely no sense. After all, Jaime’s ship arrived in King’s Landing the day before this murder, and yet Trystane was left aboard? Either a royal hostage of immense importance for a war brewing between the Houses Lannister and Martell or a scapegoat for Cersei’s fury is left on a ship and not protected deep within the Black Cells of the Red Keep?! What?!
And just as preposterous is the idea that the Sand Snakes could reach King’s Landing and Jaime’s ship without being noticed, particularly after the death of Myrcella made Trystane the highest of Lannister prizes. Unless, we are to believe the stowed away on the ship or about a week without Jaime, Bronn, or anyone else noticing. No matter the answer, it is simply bad storytelling at the excuse of trying to redeem the Sand Snakes and Dornish intrigue as something worth our time. Better luck with all of that next week…