Purple wrote:We'll see. Really CNN put it right a week or so ago when they said he was the only candidate whose platform is irrelevant because his voters don't support him for the platform but for his personality. And that I think is right. We'll have to see how he adjusts his platform come elections. This might be interesting to watch.
Yeah, but I think that the persona they're largely gravitating towards is "Outspoken bigot/bully who's not afraid to "tell it like it is" (as they see it) about how the evil women and liberals and minorities are threatening us." He's an asshole bigot who appeals to other asshole bigots because they see a kindred spirit who can get away with voicing the things they were afraid to say.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: "Make America Great Again" is basically a polite euphemism for "White Male Power!"
Bigot I can see but why authoritarian? Did I miss him saying he will abolish democracy or something? I mean, I do admit not to have followed him too closely. So I might well have.
Proposing to bar people from the country on the basis of religion, proposing mass deportation of all illegal immigrants, encouraging violence against his political opponents, proposing changing the law to make it easier to sue the press, and proposing to bring back more torture techniques are all Drumpf positions and all, in my opinion, authoritarian positions.
That's not a best case. That's the default case for any and all political figures at all time.
I find this an overly simplistic stereotype that normalizes and encourages acceptance of political dishonesty and corruption.
No one is perfectly honest, perhaps (politician or otherwise), but not everyone is equally dishonest.