Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Thanas »

Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Zaune »

And they wonder why British patriotism is dying out...
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Iroscato »


Roll on the damn referendum so we don't inflict any more of that shite on the world.

(Voting to stay, because I'm not a cunt)
Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Crown »

Brexit? Don't fucking ask me!

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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Crazedwraith »

Latest Yes Campaign Fuckup. They're going to use public money to pay for Yes Campagin leaflets to be sent to every home.
The BBC wrote: EU referendum: Government to spend £9m on leaflets to every home
The government is spending more than £9m on sending a leaflet to every UK household setting out the case for remaining in the European Union.

It says the 14-page document, to be sent to 27 million homes, responds to public demand for more details about the EU referendum by setting out the facts behind the government's position.

Leave campaigners reacted with fury.

Boris Johnson said it was wrong to try to "stampede" voters while Nigel Farage said the document was "full of lies".

UKIP leader Mr Farage said the exercise was a "scam" and reinforced his view that the EU referendum on 23 June would be "defined by the battle of the people against the political elite".

But David Cameron tweeted that "key facts" outlined in the document explained why the government believed "we are stronger, safer and better off in the EU".

Royal Mail will start delivering the leaflets - entitled Why the Government Believes That Voting to Remain in the EU is the Best Decision for the UK - to households in England next week and in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland after the 5 May devolved elections.
A digital version is being advertised on social media and is available on a new website.

The government says the mail drop will cost £9.3m, or about 34p per household.

The designated Leave campaign, and its Remain opponent, will be able to spend up to £7m each on advertising and promotion once the official campaign period starts next week. This includes £600,000 of public grants set aside for free mailshots and TV broadcasts.

Katie Ghose, of the Electoral Reform Society, said "rushing" to spend £9.3m on the mail drop before stricter rules kicked in could make people feel the government was "playing fast and loose with the situation".

'Higher prices'

A similar leaflet to that being issued was sent out by the government during the 2014 referendum on Scottish independence and in the 1975 referendum on Britain's membership of the European Community.

But in 1975 the leaflet contained a picture and a signed introduction by the then prime minister, Harold Wilson. The latest leaflet does not include any images of David Cameron.

copyright HMG

Image caption
The leaflet suggests prices could rise and EU exit would lead to a decade of uncertainty

Instead, the leaflet is plain and official-looking, containing pictures of workers, shoppers and families, and concentrating overwhelmingly on what the government sees as the economic case for staying in the EU.

It claims that "over three million UK jobs are linked to exports to the EU" and that "if the UK voted to leave the EU, the resulting economic shock would risk higher prices of some household goods".

Officials described the document as "a straightforward, sober representation of the government case", designed both to change voters' minds and encourage others to register to vote.


They said internal opinion polls suggested 85% of people wanted the government to provide more information so they could make an informed decision on 23 June.

Environment Secretary Liz Truss said the leaflets would help voters do so. She also emphasised the government's view that EU membership "brings economic security, peace and stability".

The government said the leaflets had cost £458,500 to produce and £5.94m to print and deliver across the UK. An additional £2.89m had been spent on the accompanying website and "digital promotion".

But the move was met with thinly disguised anger by groups campaigning for EU exit.

"I think it is deeply disappointing that the government is going to spend taxpayers' money in a bid to distract the media headlines away from the allegations of offshore banks that have dogged the prime minister," Robert Oxley, a Vote Leave spokesman, said.

"Our money should not be used on propaganda, trying to buy votes. We already send £350m to Brussels each week. We should spend our money on our priorities like the NHS."

London Mayor Mr Johnson, one of the most senior Conservative politicians to back leaving the EU, said the move was a "crazy waste of money".

Both sides needed to be able to put across their arguments fairly to guarantee an "informed" debate, he said.

Conservative MP Bernard Jenkin, a prominent supporter of Vote Leave, said it was "an outrageous abuse of taxpayers' money" which "flies in the face of the government's claim that they want a fair referendum".

"In this one act, the government will spend more on their Remain campaign than the official Leave group will be able to spend between now and polling day," he said.

'Error of judgement'

Conservative MP Peter Bone, from Grassroots Out, said the move was a "major error of judgement" by Mr Cameron.

"The prime minister promised Parliament that no taxpayers' money would be spent promoting Remain or Leave," he said.

"What is being done is immoral, undemocratic and against what the government has promised. If this is not reversed it will seriously damage the prime minister's reputation."

But former immigration minister Damian Green, a Britain Stronger In Europe campaign group board member, said ministers were giving people the information they had been asking for.

He told BBC Radio 4's The World Tonight: "People have been crying out for facts. The government has produced a factual leaflet. Both sides will get a leaflet funded by the Electoral Commission during the actual period itself. That's what's fair."

Officials said it was entirely legitimate for the government to make its case and said there was no legal reason why it could not do so.

The decision to send the leaflet was agreed by the Cabinet sub-committee on the EU and was signed off by Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood.

Speaking in Parliament last June, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond ruled out sending mail shots during the so-called "purdah period" - the last 28 days before the vote when any official government role in the campaign will be banned.

The government faced a backlash from Conservative MPs last autumn when they sought to relax the rules limiting ministerial activity in the immediate run-up to the poll, only backing down after losing a parliamentary vote.
I'm probably voting in. But this still seems very dodgy to me. Technically we haven't reached the time when the Government promised not to do this, apparently.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Eternal_Freedom »


Though I really wish some journalist would call Farage out on his claim that the document is "full of lies."
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Vendetta »

Eternal_Freedom wrote:Indeed.

Though I really wish some journalist would call Farage out on his claim that the document is "full of lies."
Most of our press wants out, because then Dacre and Murdoch can get on with running the country without EU interference.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by madd0ct0r »

Most of the press want it to be close. Nothing like a close and divided competition to help boost sales.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Crown »

Can't speak to whether it's 100% factually correct, but this is hilarious. And if it is 100% factually correct, it's even more hilarious;

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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Knife »

No offense, but glad to see my country isn't the only one with really fucked up politics this year.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by LaCroix »

Hear, hear...
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Thanas »

Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

It's quite depressing really. And I have to live here and deal with the aftermath. Either we'll vote leave and all the ill-informed morons get to spend years crowing about it while things go tits up, or we vote to stay and the ill-informed morons spend years bitching about how we've made the wrong choice, we should go, we need another referendum because we didn't get our way (a la some elements of the SNP wanting another independence vote soon, because fuck democracy).
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Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Crown »

Work just told me if Brexit is on, the Government has indicated they won't make a decision about EU workers within the UK for at least a couple of years ... might start looking for a job on the continent soon. Or back in Oz.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Dartzap »

Europe: Them or us 1

Part 2

Documentry by Nick Robinson looking at how Britains relationship with Europe has devoloped since the 50s. Quite faciscinating just how we envision the politics of the past as being more competent, when it was equally face-palm worthy as our own now.

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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by madd0ct0r »

Crown wrote:Work just told me if Brexit is on, the Government has indicated they won't make a decision about EU workers within the UK for at least a couple of years ... might start looking for a job on the continent soon. Or back in Oz.

we've had a detailed internal report sent to all staff looking at the effect on buisness and concluding it would be better for our company to stay in.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by mr friendly guy »

I am not sure if RT is being deliberately facetious, but good grief, the guy they got on to argue for Brexit seems a walking caricature.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Captain Seafort »

mr friendly guy wrote:I am not sure if RT is being deliberately facetious, but good grief, the guy they got on to argue for Brexit seems a walking caricature.
I got as far as "from the English Democrats" before I switched that off. Not that I really expected much from Putin TV, but for clarity, that's the equivalent of inviting the KKK in to discuss racial politics in the US.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by K. A. Pital »

:lol: Putin-TV is full of schadenfreude because of the prospect of the pan-European confederation (which the EU pretty much is, now) falling apart. They don't care if they have the Devil himself on air, as long as it fits their goals.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by mr friendly guy »

So its in Russia's interest for a Brexit? I am still trying to work out who will benefit overall.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Zaune »

mr friendly guy wrote:So its in Russia's interest for a Brexit? I am still trying to work out who will benefit overall.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Hillary »

mr friendly guy wrote:So its in Russia's interest for a Brexit? I am still trying to work out who will benefit overall.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by Starglider »

I have heard quite a few people (young adult to middle aged working males) speaking forcefully about leaving the EU on commuter trains into/out of London, generally to the agreement of their friends and onlookers. I haven't heard anyone arguing to remain. Annecdotal as that is, it surprises me because London is supposed to be multicultural, multinatinal, financialised and more likely to vote to stay. But if so that doesn't seem to include working people commuting in from suburbs.
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by madd0ct0r »

I had someone try it on me in the airport. I argued that given the airline we were flying on was dutch, and the train we got to the airport was run by Deutchbahn, perhaps Brits simply weren't as good at managing things. His jaw hit his chest. But he was an oil rig guy flying out to Singapore to check on malaysian companies building rigs for us, so he couldn't argue to hard without hypocrisy. Then we swapped horror stories about engineering in developing countries for a bit, I didn't want him leaving angry and dismissive of my earlier points. :)
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Re: Uk Referendum on The EU Announced for 23rd June.

Post by mr friendly guy »

Well the British retired gentlemen next to me at the Eurovision final also wanted a Brexit.

However I was thinking in terms of nations benefiting from a Brexit rather than individuals per se. I could sort of see US geopolitical rivals benefiting in the sense that the UK in the EU tends to support the US on issues, case in point the clusterfuck in Iraq, whereas France and Germany opposed it. An EU less compliant with the US will certainly benefit Russia and to a lesser extent China.
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