I'm as much of a party man as I am a Trump supporter. I just hate dishonest pissants like Sanders who in any objective analysis is using the Democrats and their party structure for his own gains without contributing anything but discord. The man admits to joining the party for simple fundraising and media exposure! Frankly, I find it disturbing that so many
don't take issue with what this assclown has done and is continuing to do. Especially now that it's clear
he cannot win. But I've only said multiple times, only half-jokingly, that I despise him and his supporters most for making me support Hillary fucking Clinton.
If I had my way under the current 2 party system, the GOP would dissolve as any type of national party, the Democrats would be the mainstream centrist party and we would have an actual liberal party in the US that I might actually see myself being a part of. But I've only said this multiple times.
Though if I
really had my way we'd get rid of the 2 party system and go the parliamentary route, but "UnAmerican, blargle blargle, democracy destroyed, blah blah, it won't work
here!" Not that I'm saying anyone here feels that way, that's just the usual I hear when it's brought up in other places.
But yeah, I'm totally a "party man".