Alkaloid wrote:Again, what's your point? You're saying large parts of the country are a shithole and acting like it is a) news to people and b) and excuse for a government to take no action over the massive number of people being shot.
A, it does seem news to people considering people keep saying America should look to Europe to solve their gun violence problem when the violence problems Europe was plagued with that got their bans and the main problem facing America right now, which isn't the mass shootings the "lame stream media" (Zod damn that is such a dumb phrase) tries to paint as the problem, are different. The circumstances are different, the economic situation is different. And the main gun violence problem in America, inner city gun violence, has not been solved in Europe. The main problem with guns themselves, suicide, has not been solved either considering quite a few Europeon countries including Polandball, France, FInland, Based Belgium, and Lithuania all have higher suicide rates then the US. ... icide_rate
B, its not a tumor.......I mean an excuse for the gubmint to take no action as I've said multiple times I want the government to take action. Just taking ineffectual action that would not reduce violence, gun violence, or increase public safety as many of the bills floated in the aftermath of the shootings (and before the shootings and every single law making session, but clearly the people are doing it for public safety, clearly) is arguably worse then doing nothing.
Except in this example Timmy has cut Marys throat, Dianne is over in the corner cutting herself, the student teacher is strip searching Tina because she's black and had the nerve to bring nail clippers and little Johnny has disfigured 3 students plus the class rabbit and is looking for someone else to carve up. Meanwhile the teacher looks on going "well this is all obviously horrible but I can't do anything about it because their daddies said they were allowed to have scissors. I guess this is just the cost of doing business".
No the teacher stops Timmy and then blames everyone else for his crime, tries to take away their scissors and completely ignores when Tina kills Jacob because they are both black. And the asshole bully gym teacher named Nick R Allen attempts to stop the teacher from taking away the scissors while also ignoring Tina and Jacob but more then happy to verbally abuse Mikey, the boy who plays with dolls. And nothing gets done because both teachers are taking extreme positions and ignoring a significant portion of the problem.
(Also seriously what's with this bugbear about guns being banned in Europe? They aren't banned, they're regulated. I can't think of a singe country in Europe where if you need a gun and can demonstrate a a capacity to take responsibility for it you can't get one. Might be why you don't hear stories about toddlers shooting their mothers with a handgun that 'fell out of her handbag' coming from Norway)
Sounds like more or less banned with a few exceptions, regulated to the point of being banned except in select circumstances. Thats almost like NFA weapons in the US except anybody can still get those weapons if they pass the rigorous back ground checks and can afford their substantial prices.
Having to demonstrate a need to own something is downright childish, the fact someone has to prove they need it, has to get permission from mummy and daddy to own something, can be denied just on the whim of some governmental idiot is amazingly demeaning. I know for a fact most Eurocommie countries self defense is not a reason to need a gun, for the most part the only reasons someone in most Europeon countries can own a gun is to defend live stock from predators.
OK, cool. Care to give me some examples of this great American approach of not half arseing the job? You know, the ones making concrete progress in reducing the murder rate to something the rest of the first world would consider an acceptable level? I'll wait.
NFA items are restricted, background checks are mandatory on all non-private gun sales and even on private ones over state lines, and beyond that not alot and nothing relatively recently I can think of. Which is a problem but not one that can be solved by half arseing the job the other direction.
More laws aren't going to help much to reduce the murder rate or suicide rate considering as I have shown the suicide rate is higher in some Euro countries and the murder rate isn't significantly lower. A 2nd or possibly 1st world country (I'm not sure if the old political rules of anything Western and a democracy being 1st, any Commie or former commie nation being 2nd, and everyone else being 3rd still apply, I could have swore those definitions have changed to meet economic criteria but I could be mistaken.....hmm steak) of Russia despite having much stricter laws has nearly double the homicide rate. Even in America places with stricter gun laws don't have fewer homicides. DC has some very strict laws and their violent crime rate is 3 times the national average. Chicago despite having some pretty heavy gun laws Doc has a homicide rate usually found in warzones but nobody cares except Spike Lee and nobody cares about Spike Lee.
More laws doesn't mean fewer deaths. Even if more laws were a good things, which some more laws ARE so long as they aren't dumber then a box of Trump voters......or Hillary voters.......or Gary Johnson voters, clearly more then new laws need done. But far more then that needs done.
Ironically America SHOULD look to Europe for that. Europe despite being a somewhat repressive, nanny state with funny accents does have some really really good ideas when it comes to social welfare, police policy, prison systems, and possibly beer. I don't drink beer or any alcohol so I couldn't say but everyone says Euro beer is substantially superior to American beer, with most American beer being fermented piss. Sure smells like piss.