OK, so linguistic barrier and age limit, I understand those. Barring someone on the basis of a birth defect sounds rather... callous, though.Broomstick wrote:It is quite common for nations to ban the immigration of people with birth defects. My spouse was born with spina bifida.Elheru Aran wrote:You've probably said elsewhere but I'm curious why that would be the case. Sounds out of character for the Canadians.I have actually looked into emigrating to another country. The only one I have any chance of moving to at all is Canada - and they will not take my spouse so doing so means abandoning him since he can not follow.
Immigration is NOT easy in today's world. Not for anyone.
It is quite common for nations to put age limits on immigrants - they want young people, not elderly. Another few years I'll be too old myself even if technically I still qualify right now.
Canada prefers you know some French - while he knows some Spanish he knows absolutely no French. Well, he knows escargot are snails, that's about it.[snip]
I do understand that countries would like their residents to be largely productive members of society. Obviously if you're past retirement age or physically incapable of working, then that's a problem. But still, in this day and age, barring people for something they were *born* with?
That's a sidetrack from the rest of this discussion though, so I'll drop it. Just sounds like a real dick move, though.