I made no claim on the proportions either, beyond the fact that its a substantial factor in the campaign (which you yourself are clearly aware of) and that those who voted for Brexit (whatever their reasons) were therefore ultimately siding with fascists and bigots. The only reason its an issue is because, despite my best efforts, some people seem determined to straw man my arguments.
Crown wrote:The Romulan Republic wrote:You're trolling, Crown.
No, I'm pretty sure that would be you.
The Romulan Republic wrote:I won't give an exact number for how many "Leave" voters are racist, etc. because you and I both know there's no way to accurately measure that. Many people have racist opinions and motivations they do not publicly acknowledge, for one.
If I were to make a claim, and you would to ask me to verify/justify my claim I would either have to do so or concede the point. You made a claim, I've asked you to verify/justify it.
The Romulan Republic wrote:We also both know, if we're being honest, that its more than a few, and included some prominent political backers of "Leave".
You know what I know? You never answer counterpoints directly. You were presented with the face of a British MEP who was actively campaigning Leave which just by
looking at him would have already told you that the assertion of your 'CNN guy' that Brexit was all about racism/xenophobia/etc/etc was full of shit. And did you take a moment to pause and reflect that
hey maybe this attempt of virtue signalling narrative setting, isn't really accurate?
No, you just weasel and worm and pout and stomp your feet. Grow up. But that's only if we're both being honest. Are we? Both being honest?
The Romulan Republic wrote:As to the economic fall out- everyone except apologists like you sees this for the disaster that it is. Will the economy eventually rebound? Sure. That doesn't mean there aren't negative repercussions.
And if I ever claimed that there would be no negative repercussions you would have a point. Instead I've a said the sky is falling is not valid and the fundamentals of the British economy are sound enough to weather a Brexit. Oooh, the apologist nature of me.

You know, I never said this was the end of the world or anything. But it will hurt a lot of people, and I'm not going to downplay the negative effects this could have.
But perhaps you have more faith in the British economy than I do. Fine. I actually hope you're right.
Also, what point is it that you want me to back up? I never once claimed that all Brexit voters were racist. I've previously stated that most of them are not. I won't defend a straw man argument that I never made. And neither of us can give an exact number. The most you can do, apparently, is cherry pick one guy and say based on his appearance that Brexit isn't racist. I could find a picture of a black Trump supporter and it would prove the same thing- absolutely nothing.
Are you actually asking me to prove that a substantial number of them are bigoted, that that was a major factor behind "Leave"? I can do that if you like, but I rather thought it fell under "common knowledge".
By the way, in the video in question, if you watched the whole thing, you'd have seen that he acknowledged later that their were economic reasons people backed Brexit beyond simple bigotry, and I did say up front that he had a deliberately over the top rhetorical style, though I feel that
some of what he said is valid despite that- particularly the argument that liberal complacency lead to this defeat.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver
"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.