Crown wrote:What does his self identification as an ISIS militant have to do with anything?
The fact that he self identified as an ISIS militant isn't hearsay; it's in the recordings. ISIS have also long encouraged those living among the west to engage in lone-wolf terrorism (where ironies of ironies it was even suggested that running over a non-believer with your car would be an act showing support to the cause). But all this is a smokescreen; even at the time it was posited there was some internal homophobia self-hatred at play; it isn't a new theory.
Yes, he can say that he is an ISIS militant all he wants, but the CIA has literally gone on record stating there was literally no connection, random ISIS propaganda he may have found aside.
Stop ignoring this.
You're also picking at semantics again. When the shooting occurred, we had talking heads and random right wingers like Trump already exclaiming Islam and the Islamic state were the sole purpose of these attacks. It was later revealed--by witnesses--that Mateen had frequented the club, and/or he'd used gay social networks, and/or he had LGBT friends and visited LGBT social gatherings in years prior. These revealed (the sense that I am using the word in, pay attention) witness accounts are looking dubious from what the FBI is seeing thus far.
I posit since these investigations are incomplete, we still have room to believe there are people who are telling the truth.
However, I also posit since investigators will not be clear as to him having a singular or double motivation, even they do not know for sure what
exactly motivated him to shoot up the nightclub. You have your guesses, I have my guesses. According to your standard, guesses to his motivation being centrally Islamic are just as specious as guesses to his motivation being homophobic self-hatred.
Crown wrote:Which is why I asked YOU to clarify exactly what YOU meant. Can you do this? Try to be succinct and not emote like a weeping child - it would be appreciated.
Oh fuck off with that. If I'm emoting like a child, then you're just attempting to get a rise out of me and trolling. Save your smarmy-ass "Everything I talk is
verified fact and all you're talking is
little itty bitty feels" for someone else. Your lacking capability to read is not my problem.
Crown wrote:If Zontargs guesses correctly, then could we agree that you were misinformed at the time of your post then and that now it turns out no new revelations have been revealed to extend much beyond his religious beliefs"?
Again with the semantics pulling. Apologies if I wasn't clear enough earlier; I would've thought people would remotely understand the context like Zontargs did, but I suppose some are too caught up with trying to start a pompous firestorm.
Sure, if agreeing according to your personal definition of "revelations" will cease your massive ego and bring this discussion back to current events, then why the fuck not. Have your victory.
Crown wrote:This is important because I don't fucking know if you're capable of being an honest conversationalist. No not because you made a mistake, but because you literally replied with "well I don't think there's an FBI conspiracy but something fishy is going on because a lot of people are claiming they were fucking him so ..." And as I replied straight away; you're entitled to be a cynic, but we're not bound by your cynicism when setting what can reasonably termed 'an honest conversation'.
You realize you are just as guilty trying to get me into an argument to concede that Islam is his central motivation, when even investigators aren't saying that for certain?
You are just as baselessly guessing as I am. None of us are bound to your moral certainty that looking to Islam as his murderous motivation is the right way to go, either. Have a rest with it.
Crown wrote:You understand how burden of proof works right? What am I saying! Demonstrably you don't. Someone makes claim A. The onus is on them to prove it, not on someone else to disprove it (you can't prove a negative).
Some people have claimed they've been banging Omar. They've presented zero evidence to substantiate their claims. The FBI has interviewed them, has had access to their electronic equipment and Omar's equipment and have found the claims and witnesses to be non-credible.
Yes, and I have acknowledged already that I found the article interesting and am taking it into consideration. While also saying I have personal reservations still, noting them and explaining my reasoning as given within what I linked.
Why are we still arguing this?
Is the concept of civilly "agreeing to disagree" without a massive nuclear explosion alien to you?
What else would you like, oh good sir?
Would you like me to grovel before your feet and beg you for forgiveness while I'm at it?
Christ, you are insufferable.
Crown wrote:Yeah that's all great, you might want to inform the FBI who obviously don't know how to electronically snoop.
Prove the FBI's exact methodology and process in every single detail you can muster or fuck off please.