Simon_Jester wrote:2) On the other hand, several high-profile mass shootings recently have involved nasty and highly dangerous rifles, enough to form a pattern, so we might want to at least consider if maybe they're too available.
The civilian AR-15 has been available for purchase since the 60s. It's recent popularity didn't just come out of a vacuum. So what happened?
Price dropped and availability went up. That said, remove it and what are mass killers left with? Multiple other guns that are functionally the same yet might cost a bit more. Fact is, the AR-15 is functionally the same as something like the Mini-14 (which has been around since the 70s). They both accept the same mags. We go after them to? Any rifle that can accept a mag? Maybe they swap to something like the CX4 which accepts standard 92FS mags, which can come in 30 rounds. Or, like the Columbine kids, they look at the Hi-Point with 15-round mags and they just reload because no one is shooting back at them.
You talk about the AR-15 like it's this magical weapon, way above the destructive capabilities of other firearms. It's just not. Your average criminal does not bother with them. Only one specific subset of criminals seems to lean on them and it's really asinine to believe that not being able to lean on them will somehow stop the bloodshed, or even reduce it.
You could possibly make the argument that lower mag capacities would lower the body count, but you can't even guarantee that because mass-killers, like criminals, seem to alter their methods based on what tools are available to supply them the largest body count. For Americans, this mean guns with hi-ammo capacity. All your government lets you have is a knife? Go stab a bunch of toddlers. Or maybe, and after just going to a 4th of July celebration and thinking "I hope some idiot doesn't run the barricade and kill a bunch of people because Houston drivers are D-U-M, DUM, dealing with the scary shit of someone just driving a truck through a crowd.
This fight isn't about the weapon or the method. It's about identifying the at risk people and doing something about them before they can go for a gun, knife, truck, bomb, whatever. Because just accepting the possibility of a lower body count by banning hi-capacity weapons is the chicken-shit way out of it.