Though, since you brought up health care I will note that this year Colorado will be voting on switching to a single payer system. Perhaps that biases me? Well, its one reason I like to pay attention to local politics, because I don't see such a system being proposed at the federal level any time soon.
(this post has been edited for minor clarifications)
Actually, I don't fear that we will regress that far just because of a Trump election. Culture at large would have to regress, not just the office of the PotUS. I would like to see evidence that he could actually get away with anything unbecoming, or whether he would get shut down. There are lots of examples in US history of presidents that were basically powerless because Congress and the Senate were doing all of the hard work, including shutting down the PotUS at every turn. Granted, most of those examples are from the 19'th century, but it does show that the President is only as powerful as he is allowed to be. Since Trump is not liked by either the Democrats nor really with the Republican Party despite being their nominee, I can actually see it as a valid possibility that he won't be allowed to do any of the things he wants to do, especially if it gets expensive (like a mass deportation would be).Alyrium Denryle wrote:So... we should not be terrified of a return to the racism of the 1940s, this is politics as usual and not different from the position of the republicans for 20 years?
You will excuse me if I find the argument you just made (intentionally or not) laughable. Your position here is more than slightly incoherent.
And the War on Terror doesn't seem the slightest bit racist to you? Come on, Aly, you know better. Trump is offerring his alternative take on the same damn concept, only one which won't require him to fabricate evidence against other countries and sending troops abroad. I don't like it, but I know where it is coming from. That's why I see it as merely a variation of existing themes, not a complete change in form for the GOP.This proves to me that you have not been paying attention. I was not referring to mexicans. I was referring to Muslims. Oh, dont worry, he hates mexicans too. Including US citizens of mexican descent. But I was referring to Muslims.
Uh, yes? And no. The goals have stayed put, its just that you are taking a domestic view of the last two decades while I'm focusing on international actions. The last twenty years completely destroyed two different countries, plus Syria albeit through indirect channels rather than by an invasion of US troops. And it just so happened that all three countries are Arab and Islamic. Do you really think that is a coincidence? The main difference, then, is that Arabs and Muslims in the US will be experiencing greater suffering under Trump, whereas in the past it was people far off on another continent that were sufferring. Will it mark a difference in kind or of magnitude? I think you feel more affected by it when its Trump because he would be attacking the rights of people who are, in fact, in your own neighborhood. But its the same thing, only closer to home.Wait. Now it makes sense.
You are actually shifting your goal posts from your original argument in a self-defeating fashion. Your original argument was the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are not substantially different from their parties of the last 20 years. Except when challenged on this, you appeal to a trend toward rancidity in the republican party for the last 20 years.
So if you understand that point, why are you accusing me of goal post shifting? I think he is an expression of something that has festered for a long time, but I don't think he is worse. Just more obvious.Has the republican party been bad for a while and getting worse? Absolutely. But Donald Trump is the first candidate they have had for the oval office who has accurately reflected their inner rancidity. There might even have been an inflection point (say, the advent of the Tea Party) where the rate of change increased for the worse.
The fact that she has, in her capacity as Secretary, committed crimes against the peace, I don't think she should ever hold such a high office where she can command the military directly. TRR called me anti-American, but you know what? As an American, I feel uniquely qualified to hold that title. I think that four more years of more of the same under Hillary is no better than four years of domestic abuses by Trump. I can see beyond the boarders of my own nation. I won't vote for either of the, because I don't think we are much better now than in the 40's. Better for Black people, sure, better for Gays, sure, better for women, sure. But we're harming a lot more people abroad than in the 40's, and have been doing so ever since hte Cold War. We're different, but not a lot better.Is Hillary Clinton markedly different in attitude or policy from the majority of her party? Not really. Has the democratic party been getting slowly but surely better for some time? Yes. Might we be seeing an inflection point where the rate of change improves? Probably.
So how exactly is one of these candidates not to be vastly preferred over the others using the logic of your argument here?
How exactly are we doing anything but trying to stem the tide of a regression back to the attitudes and policies that--by your own argument--resemble the attitudes and policies of the 1940s?
You just beat yourself.
Besides which, in order to truly go back to the 40's we would have to undergo a massive culture change, and while Trump can do a lot of damage in office one thing he cannot do is change the attitudes of the people that radically. Indeed, I personally doubt he will win on that account. One more reason I find the doomsaying annoying.
Really now? Care to give some concrete example of him bullshitting, as it were? Genuine request.George Bush II lied. As in, he knew the truth and elected to tell something else. Trump disregards the concept of truth.