So let me get this straight.Dominus Atheos wrote:Also, I am under no obligation to participate in making a choice between being shot and being lightly kicked in the shins. Fuck both those choices.
If someone walks up to you and says "if you don't agree to be kicked lightly in the shins, I'll shoot you with this gun that I am holding in my hand," you will say "do whatever you like, I'm not participating in this decision."
Because I think on reflection you will realize that this sounds like an incredibly stupid, immature, or outright insane thing to say.
I mean, what, do you enjoy being shot full of bullet holes? Do you get off on the idea of being horribly injured but it 'not being your fault' because there's someone else you can blame for a disaster you could have averted?
Yes, I'm aware that you like to deflect responsibility for bad outcomes onto other people.If the end result of me refusing to participate in the choice is that the country ends up shot, I won't feel any responsibility for that. There are many other people before me who made many other bad choices that resulted in the present bad choice, any result is their responsibility.
Thing is, this isn't about who's responsible for a hypothetical bad outcome. It's just plain not about that.
We're not teenagers, we're not complete idiots. We're supposed to be thinking adult-ish people. And when you're a thinking adult, if something bad happens, figuring out who to blame isn't even the important part of the process. Because, see...
As an adult, you may not be personally responsible for every bad thing that ever happens to you. Lots of bad things that happen to a person aren't their fault; it happens all the time. But while you ARE NOT responsible for all the bad outcomes that might happen to you... You ARE personally responsible for your own welfare. And you ARE responsible for not being 'reckless' in the criminal sense- for not going around making decisions while totally ignoring their consequences for you or for others.
You don't get to ignore those consequences just because you don't like them, and still consider yourself a responsible adult as opposed to a petulant child.
Because yes, exporting responsibility for avoiding disaster, saying that I will do nothing to avoid the disaster because it's not my fault if disaster happens... that is the act of a child. Children have the luxury of acting that way, because they know mommy or daddy is looking out for them. They don't have to be sensible, they don't have to be rational, they don't have to plan ahead. All that is the responsibility of the adults. So they can indulge their emotions and gratify the underlying monkey-brain, which delights in blaming people for bad things, but isn't very good at predicting consequences or staying out of trouble.
As an American voter, you really, really should not be doing that. There is no grand-scale national mommy or daddy who will look out for you, or me, or for the American voters as a whole. If we want to avoid disaster, we have to make decisions consistent with that. If you make a decision consistent with "I'll happily allow a disaster to happen because I don't care whether it happens or not," you are not making a statement of principle. You are declaring your own immaturity to the world.
Do you really think that you are under no obligation to try to put out a fire, just because you personally didn't start it?Dominus Atheos wrote:I'll cop to "fiddling while rome burns" but non-hillary supporters don't bear any responsibility for rome being on fire.
I know I'm being repetitive on this immaturity thing... But seriously, are you twelve or something?