Star Wars vs Star Trek as RPG campaign settings(is either post scarcity?)

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Re: Star Wars vs Star Trek as RPG campaign settings(is either post scarcity?)

Post by Zwinmar »

I think that the problem for me in a ST campaign is that they are a bunch of wannabe paladins, of the lawful stupid variety. "Encounter at Farpoint" has always bugged me a bit with Picards hate of the Marine uniform and ideas, go figure.

The main problem is that in other genres the Captain isn't god like he is in Trek, or rather there is viable alternatives as they ships rarely have more than a handful of crew whereas in Trek the crews are huge.
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Re: Star Wars vs Star Trek as RPG campaign settings(is either post scarcity?)

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Sigh... yet another post treating "typical Starfleet cliche" as the totality of the setting.

You know, their's nothing to stop you playing a Marquis, or a Section 31 guy, or a Kingon, or a Romulan, or a Cardassian, or a random freighter captain (Firefly, Trek-style), or simply a Starfleet guy who doesn't fit the above mould (their are quite a lot of them in canon), etc...
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Re: Star Wars vs Star Trek as RPG campaign settings(is either post scarcity?)

Post by Zwinmar »

closest i get is playing STO at this point, no groups going on around here so.
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