Civil War Man wrote:I would not be surprised. One of the biggest weaknesses of Jaina as a character is that sometimes it seems she only exists as a foil to another character. Jaina's switch from being the main human trying to create peace between the Alliance and Horde to the main human trying to cause war between the Alliance and Horde coincides precisely with Varian's attitude getting toned down and Anduin becoming a more prominent character.
I remember thinking "not even Blizz would off their only lead female....... oh wait, Sylvannas." I wouldn't put it past them because they have Dead Chick on tap and they obviously aren't afraid to start offing old-hat characters for drama since the writers really just don't give a shit.
I'm thinking she starts railing horde asses hard and the Alliance ends up helping the Horde out. And they're all "psha, like we needed your help." Either that or they give Sylvy her "you go girl moment" and she somehow beats Jaina is a straight up fight. Which would be pretty laughable.
But whatever they do, they can kiss my ass. Any enemy of Laura Bailey is an enemy of mine.
The way I see it, if we were to look at what mechanics would fit the aesthetic of each spec, tanking with a Blood theme involves leeching health, tanking with a Frost theme would be more soaking damage through hardened defenses like Warriors and Paladins, while tanking with an Unholy theme would involve debuffing opponents so they can't hit as hard. Meanwhile, DPSing with a Blood theme would be fast-paced and frenzied (by that standard, Blood would have made more sense as the DW tree), Frost DPS would be slower attacks that hit like an avalanche, and Unholy DPS would be swarms of undead, magic, and diseases. Going by that standard, Blood and Unholy are appropriate, but the devs seem to be trying to force Frost into a play style that is thematically more appropriate for Blood.
Obviously, we couldn't have 3 viable tank specs. Even I wouldn't ask Blizz to do that. But, like you said, Frost got DW dumped off on it due to old shit, even though it really didn't fit thematically and the old talent system meant you could pick it up for any spec. At the time these changes were made, hitting the boss was a big deal and threat was actually an issue again. The parry hasting mechanics alone would have kicked DW tanking out.
But literally any other spec would have fit DW better other than Frost. And normally I wouldn't bitch and I never did up until this "Class Fantasy" shit started getting thrown around. Because, as a guy who mains DK and Paladin: "Class Fantasy" seems to translate to "Fuck Paladins and Death Knights."
As a side note, regarding one of the dev comments (I think from Celestalon) about their vision of DK mobility, one of the best responses I've seen to it can be summed up as, "Nothing captures the class fantasy of a mounted unit from the RTS's quite like a lack of mobility."
When my work is finished, I'm coming back for you.
Grumman wrote:I'm with you 100%, Fenix. I do have more Alliance characters than Horde, but Sylvanas, Garrosh and their followers are one of the three big reasons why. On the Alliance side I've got no problem doing zone questlines for any race unless I'm doing something ridiculous like trying to play a pacifist, but on the Horde side I've pretty much stopped short at Ashenvale and anything to do with the Forsaken. Every time I've gone into Forsaken territory and had a look at the quests they offer, it only takes a few before they're asking me to do something morally reprehensible to prisoners or help them restock the WMDs that turned Hillsbrad into such a shithole.
And none of that would annoy me, but since Cata: Blizzard has been telling us that the Horde is the same as the Alliance: just looking to get by, make a home, whatever. It's bullshit. Across nearly any contested zone. The Horde may never have been the "Bad guys" in Classic (unlike the Imperials in SWTOR), but they were definitely not just anti-heroes. They were brutal, savage, and didn't subscribe to the same code of honor the Alliance did. They were blood thirsty, with the exception of the Tauren. Man, even the Belfs are
But Blizzard constantly SHOWS us all this, then in dev interviews say "nah guys, nah. They're really cool. We changed some dialog, Sylvy is totally NOT mind-controlling the undead. She's not the Lich King! GAH, YOU GUYS ARE SO MEAN!"
Meanwhile, Varian is "bloodthirsty" in WotLK because he tells the Crusades guys "if the Horde pull anything, I'll fuck them up." This is in the same zone where pre-leader Garrosh is saying shit like "Fuck all this, we should just kill all the Alliance right now. To Hell with the armistice." Considering what the Horde put Varian through, he should be the one wanting to eat every fucking Horde chicken at the tournament. Instead, we have to spend an entire expansion ignoring him (Cata), then having him "learn things" (MoP). I mean, holy shit: they made TYRANDE (WoW Tyrande, mind you. Post-WC3: the Nelfs are now tree-hugging weenies Tyrande) into the impatient and violent one
just to show Varian as becoming more of a leader than an ass-kicker.
I miss ass-kicking Varian because he was also one of the few sane people. Wrathion was so right: Alliance banners should be hanging in Org. What are the Tauren going to do? Throw cow patties at the gates?