I'll admit I am a bit naive when it comes to such things.Dragon Angel wrote:What? No, not at all. Your reasoning just struck me on the same note as that; even people without bigotry in their hearts can think this sentiment. That's just naivety.
I know the historical wrongs made by white people. Minorities, even some other white people, got a raw deal. Now I ain't going to say its all in the past and therefore all better because even I'm not that naive. But I will say we should be striving for equality, to move beyond the horrors of the past into a future free of terrible racism.It kind of is your privilege showing. In a perfect world, I would agree there should be no barriers. That perfect world only exists in the future of Star Trek at the moment though with no end in our lifetimes in sight. Whites being excluded from black clubs is not equivalent to blacks being excluded from white clubs due to history such as exactly what you said. Historically, we haven't had enormous amounts of white people being enslaved by black slave owners. Historically, we haven't had black-majority global powers colonize and rape the resources of white nations, leaving desolation and tribal warfare when they finally left. Historically, we haven't had an all-black national government impose restrictive laws that basically relegated white people as third-class citizens.
What is necessary is ceasing the thought process that these two are at all equivalent. They're both undesirable, but one has vastly more historical weight and trauma behind it. You can't just force all of that out of someone without taking major steps to truly equalize society for every human being of every race. We haven't nearly done that yet.
To do so one must understand the past so we might learn from it, so we might never ever fucking ever repeat it. Burying our heads in the sand and saying "la la la" allows the past to be repeated. But not only whites should be learning from the past. Others should learn the ills of prejudice too so as to not do the same damn thing.
Some black club telling a white person they aren't allowed is nowhere near as bad as other crimes committed in the past by whites (and not doubt still perpetrated some) but its still a crime, its still prejudice. Yes its got a history behind it of white people doing it first but you can't fight prejudice with prejudice, two wrongs don't make a right. They are both undesirable, historical weight behind one or not.
Yeah thats probably my privilege talking but also the talk of someone who honestly believes in equality. And I don't believe equality can be achieved by more inequality.
Now I acknowledge that maybe there is a real world need for some inequality (positive inequality I guess). Things like affirmative action is inequality but done so in order to level the playing field. Grants for less well off people, minorities of all kinds. From what I heard even being from Appalachia can get you some minority grants. Its not equality, the government is handing off the same grants to well off people especially white people from well off areas. But those grants help minorities get helping hand to compete with more well off people.
But I don't see denying entry based on race or gender or religion or whatever to a meeting or establishment as on the same grounds as providing a boost to a less fortunate group.
I don't actually think its thats extensive. Other then a few noisy attention whore assholes in mainstream and crap tons of internet groups who existence is debatable, I don't believe most black oriented groups are prejudiced against all white people. I believe, I hope, that people who have suffered from prejudice and profiling would know the pain and danger of it and not do it themselves.How widespread do you think this "profiling all white people" effect is in terms of organized black-oriented groups? Aside from speaking of certain people on an individual level who have, rational or not, beliefs about white people, and aside from things like the professional listing I mentioned for people of color, I don't believe this is quite as extensive as you think it is.
It would be like me as a atheist doing religious prosecution. I know whats its like to have a hard time because of my religion (or rather lack of) and so I know I wouldn't want to give people shit for their religion. But I'm sure some atheists do attack people for their religion because they are massive douchebags who think because they were attacked they have cause to attack.
You can disagree because you are not a number, you are a free woman. Them dictating what you can call them would be like you dictating what they can call you. Do you think if you said white people should be called the Floofypants anyone would be inclined to listen? Its best to follow the term they want because it would be rude to not do so but you can have an opinion on it and even choose to not use it if you wanted to be a d-bag. I choose to dislike "people of color" because it sounds racist as crap, that my opinion rightly or wrongly.I dunno man. If people in communities of color want me to use that term, who am I to disagree? It's not in my purview to judge what a person of color considers is beneficial or harmful to themself as a white chick.
It sounds like you just really disagree with the concept of color, which sounds like what people say about "not seeing race". You can't just remove all context and expect the people who have been affected by it to agree with that. It just blinds you to why these problems even exist in the first place.
And no I don't disagree with the concept of color even if I have trouble seeing it sometimes. Not because I'm some post racial person or something but I bit colorblind literally.
I believe in equality and believe are terms should reflect that. It should not be terms that have one race against every other race unless its done in an equal manner. "People of color" does not seem equal.
Beyond that it doesn't take into account the context. It lumps everyone together except white people. What does a African American male in Failifornia have in common with an Asian woman in asia? The fact they aren't white? Other then that they have two completely different lives, experiences and histories. Why are they lumped together. I mean lumping everyone into a solid homogeneous race is bad enough considering the cultural differences even of the same race have but lumping a bunch of races together solely for the fact they aren't white seems really stupid.
I'm aware of the transphobia some in the LGBT community have. Even in my limited experiences in bumfuck nowhere I've seen some gay people acting like tools towards trans people. One of my friends adoptive dads actually got into a fist fight at some gay club because some idiots there made a scene because they brought their friends who was I guess a transvestite, he was as far as I knew a dude who wore dresses. For some reason that offended them.Alyrium can provide you more information, but what he says is quite true. I'll also add that there are certain white gays/lesbians who are violently opposed to groups like trans people existing. Look up Cathy Brennan for an egregious example of this.
As far as "allies" are concerned, there is a place for them. However, as they are allies, as in not part of the specific marginalized group, they should not be involved in deciding what is best for that marginalized group. White gays/lesbians should not be deciding matters for trans people, and so on. Listen, yes. Boost their voices, yes. A role in activist decision making? Extremely minimal, at best.
Allies was probably the wrong word, but as a part of the group. If you are involved with a group you want to be part of it, to be officially part of it. To use a completely stupid example say I was involved with a group that wanted to restore the Old Dead Star Wars EU. I don't actually have a stake in the fight because I thought the old EU was so terrible that even the ascended fan fiction that was The Force Awakens was superior, I'm not one of the EU'ers. But I'm sympathetic to their plight, I may not have a stake in the fight or even be affected considering my EU books are mostly long since gone but all that shit means something to them and I want to help.
But what if the only way I could help was from them outside. Couldn't join the group, couldn't attend the meetings, couldn't be a part of it except as an outsider. I'd not feel like my contributions are being appreciated or even that I can give all that I can give.
Yeah thats probably a terrible example but a bit of how people excluded from groups might feel. If there was an Olympics for bad example I'd take home the gold for sure.