1. I had more than a few drinks.
2. I played WC3 AGES ago.
3. There's a load of revisionist shit on the WoW wikis for numerous reasons.
4. I was posting tons of stuff because "my bro" was all "post those stuffs, I want MONIES!" In his defense, I just split 55k gold between the both of us this morning for about 5 minutes of work prospecting and milling mats. But I was trying to do both. At the least I didn't screw up any auctions.
That's what I specifically recalled about the situation: Cenarius, the Legion wanting him dead, and the Orcs having no answer for a Demigod trashing them. I also recall the WC2 Horde banner being similar to the current one. At the least, the aestetics of the Horde haven't changed much at all even if their standard did. And the Nelfs had other scouts over the years keeping an eye out on all the bullshit. Not saying they had all GOOD information, but The Horde wasn't exactly hard to track and information about their exploits was easily enough available.Civil War Man wrote:I seem to recall that in WC3, one of the first NE cutscenes involved Cenarius and I think Tyrande spying on the Orcs as they cut down the trees, and Cenarius immediately detecting that all of the Orcs there were Fel tainted.Also, the NE's had no clue the orcs were tied with the legion. Fenix is outright lying about that. They didn't know a damn thing what was going on in the east, and Tyrande is clearly shocked to see Archimonde back.
There was no good reason to show their hand early and rely on negotiation. For a "peaceful" Horde, they were driving back the Nelves until Cenarius got involved.* Once that happened, well: Demon Blood.
People bash Humans as a faction for allowing bullshit to happen, then expect Humans to understand a rogue Forsaken gassing everyone was somehow not a Forsaken proper plan when said Forsaken have shown they'll stomp anyone, Horde or Alliance, if they see fit. The Forsaken intro alone supported this and Wrathgate was before Blizzard ever attempted to turn the faction around.Though, on the other hand, it's unfair to blame one nation for refusing to trade with the allies of an enemy nation. And you could easily argue that the Night Elves are perfectly justified in not wanting to trade with the Orcs, considering that the Orcs' first instinct once the Night Elves cut off trade was to invade Night Elf territory and start deforesting it. At that point, the Orcs would not be trading with the Night Elves. They'd be committing extortion. Give us lumber, or we invade your lands and take it from you.
Even still, it's not like that Blight was made without the Dark Lady's knowledge. She was stockpiling it anyways.
This is what I was trying to get across and failed. The Orcs are content for as long as they choose to be content. When they want something, they take it. So laying a portion of the blame on the Nelves because they were Xenophobes doesn't mean anything to me. Yea, ignoring the plight of others while you hide in the woods doesn't make you a paragon of virtue, but it's not actively evil.The mass starvation that happened after the Shattering reveals some deep-seated cultural issues with the Orcs. Namely, they don't seem to build much in the way of infrastructure beyond what's required to feed a war economy, they refuse to change how they do things even when it's not sustainable, and when they lose access to the most convenient source of resources, they immediately try to take it by force instead of looking for alternatives.
If anything, Nelf actions tens of thousands of years ago are a much better example of them being jerks, such as bringing the Legion here in the first place and kicking in Troll teeth.
*This takes me back to Legion as to how fucking lucky or awesome the Horde must be. The Alliance ambushed the Forsaken fleet in Stormheim, wrecks them hard, and said Forsaken are able to fight back and inflict massive casualties after being caught with their pants down, downing the Alliance Flagship in the process. So, with these types of writers at the helm, it's no wonder the Alliance can only burn down a few MooCow huts.