Mitth'raw'nuruodo wrote:If the MODs ignore this, they are either blind or just don't give a shit. (it would probably be the latter, but who knows?) You may have won this battle O' spam, but I will fight back! (Ok, maybe I'll just ignore your attempted hijackings, I haven't decided yet)
I told you, ancient Gnomese secrets hide us in plain site! there is no way we would've lasted so long without it.
Attempted? I think we're past the point of attempted. This thread is ours to plot the demise of civilization as we know it, and give rise to the Gnomish Empire!
Join us Mitth'raw'nuroudo, together we can conquer this planet. You don't know the
POWERof the Gnomish Side!
[/hijack]I think maybe the MODs are amused by our antics, and it is by there will this thread still exists
[hijack]Kidding of course. The MODs will never know of this thread, the Gnomish stealth is impermeable to all but Gnomes! And Chiss, apparently...Regarldess, this is your only chance Mitt, join-or be cast aside like so much wasted human flesh!