Romney won in 2012, and defeated several crazies in order to do so. So I'm not sure your basic conclusion is actually true. I'd like to believe it but I'm not sure.Alyrium Denryle wrote:K. A. Pital wrote:I have meant a candidate outside the current pool of morons and political cripples that they have.Does. Not. Compute.
They dont have any. Their base is too radicalized to permit anyone sane through a primary election on a national scale. This is why they have had to pull ridiculous stunts like obstruct SCOTUS appointments. It is the only way they can keep their incumbencies and even then they are slowly losing to the reactionary wing of their party.
Anyone the national republicans can nominate, cannot win the general election where sanity prevails.
What is most likely true is that a crazy CAN defeat all sane contenders IF conditions are favorable, IF the sane Republican vote is split too widely allowing the crazy to gain momentum, and IF the crazy has the right background and skills to avoid simply melting down in front of Republican primary voters. Trump's nomination in 2016 qualified on all three counts.
In and of itself, Trump's decision to run was an anomaly. But if Trump-like nominees become 'the new normal' for Republicans, if others decide to try imitating him on a regular basis, the Republican Party as we used to know it will probably cease to exist for the reason you cite.