Adapting the Dresden Files.

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Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

The Dresden Files is a series that interests me in part because of the challenge that it poses when it comes to adaptation (I'd put it in much the same boat as Honour Harrington or Wheel of Time when it comes to adapting speculative fiction). Leaving personal opinions on the material itself aside, their are a number of practical issues. First, its long- 15 novels and counting, with at least five more announced, plus dozens of short stories and several comic book stories, which makes it almost unadaptable on film and a stretch even on television. Second, the scope of the story in terms of sets/effects is massive, which makes it almost unadaptable on television. Third, the content (quite a bit of explicit sex and gore) would render a "faithful" adaptation unsuitable for some networks/ratings.

Their was, of course, a television adaptation which ran only one season, and was apparently subject to heavy executive interference. It (probably wisely) did not stick too close to the source material, but this had the predictable result of provoking a lot of fan hostility.

So the question I pose to you today is: what would you like to see in a hypothetical adaptation of The Dresden Files? What medium would you prefer? Would it closely follow the books, or be more of an alternate continuity? Hell, who would you like to see cast? Its all fair game.

I'll post my own thoughts shortly, after further consideration.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by Zixinus »

Video game might work. They did make a tabletop RPG after all. Possible genres:
- Adventure game with more focus on the detective-work side of things. Can make the magic puzzle-based too.
- Third person action-adventure. Lots more combat that would fit easily into the setting. Harry's usual entourage does easily lend themselves to being extra playable characters.
- The Red Court war would easily lend itself to more action-heavy, strategic and/or roleplaying games. Maybe an MMORPG even, like Secret Worlds is (I think, I never played that game).
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

A game is an interesting notion, and I can see a lot of possibilities. An RPG is the obvious one, but an MMORPG, an action/shooter game, or a tactical or strategic game would all be options, among others. Maybe a hybrid of different genres.

Their's a strong argument to be made for multiple playable characters, yes. Especially when you've got a lot of Dresden characters with distinct personalities and radically different fighting styles/capabilities. Playing as Dresden himself would play very differently from playing as Molly, or Murphy, or Michael (those would, by the way, probably be my choices if I had to limit it to four possible player characters-maybe add Butters post-Changes but pre-Skin Game as a fifth). Dresden is a fairly tough heavy hitter, but has some more subtle/indirect attacks as well. Molly is more about stealth and finesse. Murphy has less ranged/magical capability, but is a good melee fighter and as the police gear/training/connections. Michael is a superb melee fighter, and has the whole divine power thing. Butters is all about the gadgets.

A big question would be how to handle the intricate magic system of Dresden Files in terms of game mechanics.

It might be interesting to have a game in that setting but with the main character as an OC as well (even if that's a gamble), due to the greater creative freedom it would give.

Edit: The time period is another issue, but their's a lot to be said for the Proven Guilty-Turn Coat period. This can be seen as the height of the classic Dresden era, I think, when Dresden is still working as a P.I and the vampires vs. White Council war is still in full-swing, but most of the main recurring characters have been introduced and Dresden is working with Molly, Thomas, and Michael.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by Zixinus »

I also think that the genre would lend itself well to an anime. Maybe even too easily. Hell, if you are willing to blur the lines a little less than the books (and let's be frank, the series is fairly well black-and-white), a higher-end Saturday morning cartoon like Avatar or SW Clone Wars or even Rebels. Of course, the problem would be the usual refusal to episodes more inter-connected.

I don't think it would work well as a feature film. A lot of things work the way they do because of the setting in Dresdenverse. It would have to be too dumbed down. Like the Hellboy movie.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Dresden Files would only work well on film, I think, if you were willing to do a very loose or partial adaptation. Like how superhero movies borrow from the comics but tell their own storylines without trying to closely follow the whole massive, contradictory comics history.

As to anime, I'm not a fan of anime in general, although I might be willing to make exceptions on a case by case basis.

A Saturday morning cartoon... its not so much the moral ambiguity and "necessary" evil aspects of the series that would be the problem, as the graphic violence and the (admittedly fairly infrequent) sex scenes. You'd have to seriously censor it. And considering that we had Star Wars fans complaining that Rebels wasn't or wouldn't be dark/violent enough... yeah.

If it was done as a cartoon, though, "Gargoyles" would probably be my main model to follow, especially since both series heavily feature the fae, and I've read that Xanatos was one of the influences on John Marcone. Plus "Gargoyles" kicks ass.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by Elheru Aran »

If you wanted to do a show... well, Netflix is demonstrating that there's a place for more adult adaptions of comic books with its Marvel series. It's not *that* adult thus far-- more of a hard PG-13 or soft R-- but you could do Dresden Files with a soft-R level of violence and language.

You could adapt a couple of books per season without too much issue, I think. Maybe even three, depending on how well they interconnect, if you're willing to rewrite a few things to give the show a more long-term villain, but Luke Cage is working out well enough for me (haven't quite finished it yet) with *three* villains as the series goes.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Yeah, Netflix and HBO would both work, I guess. Plus Netflix has a history of doing super hero shows, and HBO has a history of doing epic fantasy and crime dramas (Dresden Files is a bit of all three, really, in terms of genre).

In terms of how much time each book needs:

You're going to have to do multiple books per season, just to finish the series, because its going to be upwards of 20 books when its done, not counting short stories, and how many series, especially speculative fiction series, run 20 years? Only one SF series I can think of (Doctor Who, thanks in part to its unique recasting gimmick).

Plus, the first few books really aren't very long. Devoting more than a few episodes to Storm Front, for example, would probably be excessive. Changes or Cold Days, on the other hand, could probably warrant their own mini-season, or nearly so.

Of course, if you do the short stories as well (and it might be nice to have some smaller scale stand alones scattered in amongst the major multiparters, both for the audience and for the sake of the budget), then that changes the calculus somewhat too.

Some good potential season enders:

Grave Peril- Ups the stakes, sets off the vampire vs. White Council war, and is often seen as the point where the series really started to hit its stride.

Dead Beat- Marks a shift towards a darker tone, and another escalation of the war. Plus "zombie Tyrannosaur" is a hell of a note to end a season on.

Changes, obviously- the ultimate cliffhanger. Although if you're doing short stories, the presence of "Aftermath" immediately afterward is potentially problematic. I'd hate to cut it, because we don't get a lot from Murphy's perspective, but to tack it on after Changes at the end of a season would be problematic, while its kind of a weak beginning to a season, detached from everything that happens afterward.

Maybe a between-seasons special, Doctor Who-style? ;)
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by Lord Revan »

As with any addaptions it's the question of what's essential and what's essentially fluff. A lot of "faithfull" adaptions fail because they were too conserned at being identical to the source that they forgot to make the story work in the new medium.

To bring this to Dresden Files, what is not important is "Harry did this to this person in this minor subplot of this book" but rather what is the overall story of the work and what subplots become important later and what is just fluff or world building and a good adaption would take the core storyline and important side plots while only taking as little as it's needed of the fluff parts.

In doing so some characters might get combinied or removed outright, but that's something you must accept when it comes to adapting works.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Well, the main overall plot appears to be the Black Council plot to subvert/destroy the existing players and let the Outsiders into the universe. Basically, its building to the apocalypse.

On a more personal level, the main theme running through the story is probably Dresden's struggle to do what he feels he has to do to stop such threats without losing his soul (metaphorically or literally) in the process.

Their are also some major secondary themes of Dresden building a family (at the start of the series he was a fairly isolated, orphaned bachelor with no siblings, children, or girlfriend, while at the present point he has two (sort of) daughters, a brother, a grandfather, a likely love interest in Murphy, and a strong circle of close friends) and of mortals becoming more aware of and involved in the supernatural world.

As a character, Dresden can largely be summed up as "The ordinary, even geeky wiseass who becomes a terrifying force of nature when the people he cares about are threatened".

I think in terms of characters who cannot, or at least probably should not, be cut:

Dresden (obviously).

Bob (handy tool for exposition/comic relief).

Dresden's parents (big role in the backstory, particularly his mother).

Maggie (a huge influence on Dresden's character development and motivations later in the series).

Susan (as Molly's mother and the impetus for the vampire war).

Murphy (main long term love interest/source of sexual tension, a good foil for Dresden, and exhibit A for increasing mortal involvement with the supernatural).

Ebineezer (as Dresden's mentor, and as a key figure in the White Council).

Morgan and the Merlin (as the "establishment" foils to Dresden's maverick in the magical world).

Mab or Lash (I don't actually think both are necessary if you're not doing a close adaptation, as they serve much the same role- offering Dresden power against seemingly greater threats, at the price of his soul).

Molly (having her as an apprenticed forced Dresden to undergo a lot of character growth and put him in a new and interesting role).

Michael (a beautiful foil to Dresden, and a nice ray of idealism and optimism in an often fairly dark series).

Nicodemus (probably the most memorable individual villain of the series, Michael's opposite number, and Lash's boss).

Nemesis (great villain if you're working on a budget, since it invisibly possesses people/affects their minds- you can get a lot of mileage out of paranoia without having to stretch the casting or effects budget).

Justin and He Who Walks Behind (the first real villains Dresden overcame, and it left a huge mark, for better and for worse, on the character. Really defined him to some extent, both as a man tempted by darkness and distrusted by his peers, and a man who will stand up to protect people from monsters).

Or, if not these characters, ones who fill the same roles as well.

That's pretty much the key stuff I think that you have to capture to do the series justice in a full adaptation.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by Crazedwraith »

I'd just go for more of the existing adaption if I could. It was really starting to find it's feet at the end. You can't do a word - for - word adaption but the changes necessary just annoy me and I'd rather they not try.

20 odd episodes a series. Use a very broad strokes of the books plotline. (Vampire war, the outsiders infection thing) as the over arcing plot and fill it with lots and lots of standalone cases for Harry. It's a real shame that as The Dresden Files go on we see less and less of well his case files. I don't see stand alone episodes as pointless filler, myself.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Its a pity the TV show failed so fast and that its been off-air too long to realistically resurrect. For all its weaknesses, I agree that it was beginning to hit its stride towards the end, and you could see hints of things that could have been turned into a stronger overall arc in time.

Incidentally, I don't think the stand-alone based nature of the series was the writers' idea. Considering that the Dresden Files is a heavily arc-based series of books, that the creator/lead writer/executive producer for the show was DS9 veteran Robert Hewitt Wolfe, and the stories of heavy "executive meddling" recounted by Jim Butcher himself, I strongly suspect that it was a case of the show writers wanting an arc based show and being forced into more of a stand alone format by the execs.

Although, I was never particularly sold on Paul Blackthorn as Harry Dresden. However, I do love Terrence Mann as Bob and Conrad Coates as Morgan (the latter is probably the reason that I still can't read the books without picturing Morgan as a black man, even though he's supposed to be an old white guy in the books).
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by Elheru Aran »

If you follow the Netflix formula, they take an existing storyline, dress it up a little, and make a season out of it, then see if it works out or not. Jessica Jones had the basic Purple Man story mixed up with some basic detective work. Daredevil tackled first Fisk, then the Hand and Punisher.

The commercial-free format of Netflix also allows them to make longer episodes-- ~50+ minutes versus 45-ish, up to a full hour or better, because they can dedicate more time to fleshing things out rather than having to prune them for commercial considerations.

So you could conceivably have Dresden handling a major case from one of the early books, perhaps the stuff that ends up with Marcone being a signatory to the treaty or whatever, mix that up with a few short story plots for spice, and wind it up with Marcone signing the Accords and foreshadow the war with the Courts, all that.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

That could work, although if you had Marcone join up before the vampire war, then you'd need a new reason for Dresden to back Marcone to join the Accords. ;)

I think I'd have season one be the build up to the vampire war.

Season two would be more about the Denarians, and Molly becoming Dresden's apprentice, with said war in the background.

Season three we'd go full Black Council.

Or something like that.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

To elaborate further on the above model:

Season one would be more about establishing the world, the main players, and so on. The finale would probably be a several-part story combining elements of Grave Peril and Blood Rites. Start of the vampire war and the loss of Susan, offset by Harry discovering his relation to Thomas to give a little bit of hope to end the season with.

Season two would draw mostly on elements of Death Masks, Proven Guilty, and Small Favour, focusing on the knowledge and temptation offered by Lash and the challenge of training Molly to drive Dresden's growth as a character. The vampire war would mostly take place in the background, though occasionally intrude into the main plot. Depending on how closely one wishes to follow the books, this season could end with Dresden's "death".

Season three, then would be Dresden's resurrection and the Black Council moving into the open.

Four would be full on Black Council.

I've read somewhere that if a show gets three seasons, it'll probably get four (something to do with how long it has to run to get syndicated, I think), so if that's the case, then this works.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

I dont think the length is really an issue. Unlike a lot of other books, this is a first person narration. So unlike say, Game of Thrones with multiple simultaneous perspectives, we only really have one, and it lends itself to a three act structure really well that permits you to chunk multiple books into one season.

Here is how I would do it in the first season. Assuming Netflix Formula of 12 episodes in a season.

Season 1 Episode 1: Harry's Origin. You use a teenage actor to portray that he is adopted and being trained in magic. You end the episode with him barely escaping He Who Walks Behind and making a desperate deal with his Godmother.

Season 1 Episode 2: He defeats He Who Walks Behind, and Justin... then gets clapped in irons and put on trial by the White Council. You actually have everything done in Latin (subtitled, but obvious Harry does not understand wtf is going on), and then gets taken in by Ebenezer. End the episode with Ebenezer yodaing him properly.

Episode 3: You start with about 10 minutes introducing Murphey with that issue with the troll on the bridge

2 years later, Harry is a fully licensed private eye. He goes through the beginnings of book 1. The episode ends with Susan and the Toad Demon.

Episode 4: Start the episode with the death of the Hooker, Harry's despair etc. You end the episode with him confronting that photographer.

Episode 5: He visits the Wife, deals with the Scorpion then goes and pays a visit to the lake house and Victor. Episode ends on a high note.

Episode 6: You start with the FBI case, end the episode with him being brought into jail.

Episode 7: the fight in the jail (you know the one), being captured by the Lycanthropes.

Episode 8: Final confrontation with the FBI, and aftermath.

Episode 9: The Hospital, skip the bit about the girl, that is not actually needed. What is necessary is establishing that by this point, Harry and Susan are definitely a Hot Item. Enspelled Cop happens. Harry gets called by Dr. Forthill about someone he is already taking care of. Harry goes looking, finds the vampire abduction and stops it, but he heads home obviously poisoned.

Episode 10: Begin the episode with the partial soul eating, and subsequent rescue of Charity Carpenter. Do the first half of the Vampire Ball, up until a decision regarding the Sword has to be made. Cliffhanger

Episode 11:The Die is Cast. You have the fight at the Ball, flight, and Thomas coming to the door at the end with "Please Dont Kill Me" as the ending.

Episode 12: Going through the Never Never to Chataeu Bianca, confrontation with fey. Capture by vampires (allude, dont show, with what they do to him). Ultimatum and Souls of the Dead yada yada. You end the episode and season with Susan leaving.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by Steve »

I'd sub to a Dresden MMO.

As for adaptation, I'm actually not too opposed to an animated Dresden Files. IIRC Butcher's actually said he imagines it in animated or graphic-novel format, not live action. Plus it saves you on costs, I imagine, since you're not mixing live action with CGI, but animation and probably some CGI.

That, and they could cast James Marsters to voice Harry, and for most fans he is already the voice of Harry Dresden. :)
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Steve wrote:I'd sub to a Dresden MMO.

As for adaptation, I'm actually not too opposed to an animated Dresden Files. IIRC Butcher's actually said he imagines it in animated or graphic-novel format, not live action. Plus it saves you on costs, I imagine, since you're not mixing live action with CGI, but animation and probably some CGI.

That, and they could cast James Marsters to voice Harry, and for most fans he is already the voice of Harry Dresden. :)
Those are definitely strong points in favour of an animated series.

Hell, you could have Marsters voice about half the cast, if he was up for it. He portrays some better than others in the audiobooks, but remember, this is an actor has read every single role in the series.

He's too old to play a start of series live action Dresden now, but voice work... yeah.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:I dont think the length is really an issue. Unlike a lot of other books, this is a first person narration. So unlike say, Game of Thrones with multiple simultaneous perspectives, we only really have one, and it lends itself to a three act structure really well that permits you to chunk multiple books into one season.

Here is how I would do it in the first season. Assuming Netflix Formula of 12 episodes in a season.

Season 1 Episode 1: Harry's Origin. You use a teenage actor to portray that he is adopted and being trained in magic. You end the episode with him barely escaping He Who Walks Behind and making a desperate deal with his Godmother.

Season 1 Episode 2: He defeats He Who Walks Behind, and Justin... then gets clapped in irons and put on trial by the White Council. You actually have everything done in Latin (subtitled, but obvious Harry does not understand wtf is going on), and then gets taken in by Ebenezer. End the episode with Ebenezer yodaing him properly.

Episode 3: You start with about 10 minutes introducing Murphey with that issue with the troll on the bridge

2 years later, Harry is a fully licensed private eye. He goes through the beginnings of book 1. The episode ends with Susan and the Toad Demon.

Episode 4: Start the episode with the death of the Hooker, Harry's despair etc. You end the episode with him confronting that photographer.

Episode 5: He visits the Wife, deals with the Scorpion then goes and pays a visit to the lake house and Victor. Episode ends on a high note.

Episode 6: You start with the FBI case, end the episode with him being brought into jail.

Episode 7: the fight in the jail (you know the one), being captured by the Lycanthropes.

Episode 8: Final confrontation with the FBI, and aftermath.

Episode 9: The Hospital, skip the bit about the girl, that is not actually needed. What is necessary is establishing that by this point, Harry and Susan are definitely a Hot Item. Enspelled Cop happens. Harry gets called by Dr. Forthill about someone he is already taking care of. Harry goes looking, finds the vampire abduction and stops it, but he heads home obviously poisoned.

Episode 10: Begin the episode with the partial soul eating, and subsequent rescue of Charity Carpenter. Do the first half of the Vampire Ball, up until a decision regarding the Sword has to be made. Cliffhanger

Episode 11:The Die is Cast. You have the fight at the Ball, flight, and Thomas coming to the door at the end with "Please Dont Kill Me" as the ending.

Episode 12: Going through the Never Never to Chataeu Bianca, confrontation with fey. Capture by vampires (allude, dont show, with what they do to him). Ultimatum and Souls of the Dead yada yada. You end the episode and season with Susan leaving.
I wonder if you could fit Harry's pre-Chicago backstory into one episode, just because I'd kind of like to fit "Welcome to the Jungle" in their. :wink:
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

The Romulan Republic wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:I dont think the length is really an issue. Unlike a lot of other books, this is a first person narration. So unlike say, Game of Thrones with multiple simultaneous perspectives, we only really have one, and it lends itself to a three act structure really well that permits you to chunk multiple books into one season.

Here is how I would do it in the first season. Assuming Netflix Formula of 12 episodes in a season.

Season 1 Episode 1: Harry's Origin. You use a teenage actor to portray that he is adopted and being trained in magic. You end the episode with him barely escaping He Who Walks Behind and making a desperate deal with his Godmother.

Season 1 Episode 2: He defeats He Who Walks Behind, and Justin... then gets clapped in irons and put on trial by the White Council. You actually have everything done in Latin (subtitled, but obvious Harry does not understand wtf is going on), and then gets taken in by Ebenezer. End the episode with Ebenezer yodaing him properly.

Episode 3: You start with about 10 minutes introducing Murphey with that issue with the troll on the bridge

2 years later, Harry is a fully licensed private eye. He goes through the beginnings of book 1. The episode ends with Susan and the Toad Demon.

Episode 4: Start the episode with the death of the Hooker, Harry's despair etc. You end the episode with him confronting that photographer.

Episode 5: He visits the Wife, deals with the Scorpion then goes and pays a visit to the lake house and Victor. Episode ends on a high note.

Episode 6: You start with the FBI case, end the episode with him being brought into jail.

Episode 7: the fight in the jail (you know the one), being captured by the Lycanthropes.

Episode 8: Final confrontation with the FBI, and aftermath.

Episode 9: The Hospital, skip the bit about the girl, that is not actually needed. What is necessary is establishing that by this point, Harry and Susan are definitely a Hot Item. Enspelled Cop happens. Harry gets called by Dr. Forthill about someone he is already taking care of. Harry goes looking, finds the vampire abduction and stops it, but he heads home obviously poisoned.

Episode 10: Begin the episode with the partial soul eating, and subsequent rescue of Charity Carpenter. Do the first half of the Vampire Ball, up until a decision regarding the Sword has to be made. Cliffhanger

Episode 11:The Die is Cast. You have the fight at the Ball, flight, and Thomas coming to the door at the end with "Please Dont Kill Me" as the ending.

Episode 12: Going through the Never Never to Chataeu Bianca, confrontation with fey. Capture by vampires (allude, dont show, with what they do to him). Ultimatum and Souls of the Dead yada yada. You end the episode and season with Susan leaving.
I wonder if you could fit Harry's pre-Chicago backstory into one episode, just because I'd kind of like to fit "Welcome to the Jungle" in their. :wink:
It is not really necessary, and because there are are only so many episodes, you have to cut things.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

I suppose. I just have a soft spot for that particular story.

Although it is a good introduction to early series Dresden, his backstory, and the Dresden/Murphy dynamic before the larger, more epic stories of the novels.

I'd actually recommend it as a good introduction to the series for newcomers.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by LadyTevar »

"Welcome to the Jungle" is a great comic/graphic novel, and could work well for background-building, but for in-between novel stand-alones, there's "Down Town", "War Cry", "Ghoul Goblin", and a new one due out soon
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Haven't read all of those. Where do they fall in the timeline, relative to the books?
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by LadyTevar »

From his website:
The Graphic Novels
“Welcome to the Jungle”
Written By: Jim Butcher
Illustrated By: Ardian Syaf
Chronology: Before the events of Storm Front
Plot: Harry investigates a grisly murder at the zoo.

“Storm Front”
Based On The Novel By: Jim Butcher
Adapted By: Mark Powers
Illustrated By: Ardian Syaf and Brett Booth
Plot: When Harry investigates a dark wizard killing people with magic, he ends up next on his list.

“Fool Moon”
Based On The Novel By: Jim Butcher
Adapted By: Mark Powers
Illustrated By: Chase Conley
Plot: A werewolf stalks Chicago.

“Ghoul, Goblin”
Story By: Jim Butcher
Adapted By: Mark Powers
Illustrated By: Joseph Cooper
Chronology: Set between Fool Moon and Grave Peril
Plot: A small town family is tormented by creatures of the Nevernever.

“War Cry”
Story By: Jim Butcher
Adapted By: Mark Powers
Illustrated By: Carlos Gomez
Chronology: Set after Dead Beat. [WARNING: This story contains a MASSIVE spoiler for Turn Coat on its last page. If you’re reading the books in order, you may want to skip that page, or just read “War Cry” after Turn Coat.]
Plot: Harry and a trio of young Wardens defend an outpost of Venatori from a Red Court attack.

“Down Town”
Story By: Jim Butcher
Adapted By: Mark Powers
Illustrated By: Carlos Gomez
Chronology: Set after White Night, just prior to the short story “It’s My Birthday Too.”
Plot: Harry and Molly fight a slime monster slaughtering local businessmen.

“Wild Card”

Story By: Jim Butcher
Adapted By: Mark Powers
Illustrated By: Carlos Gomez
Chronology: Set between Small Favor and Turn Coat
Plot: The villainous faerie Puck comes to town, and he proves to be much less of a “good fellow” than Shakespeare would have you believe.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by The Romulan Republic »


Another question for an adaptation would be how close to follow the graphic novels in terms of the "look" of the characters and setting.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Adapting the Dresden Files.

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

The Romulan Republic wrote:Nice.

Another question for an adaptation would be how close to follow the graphic novels in terms of the "look" of the characters and setting.
I would do it live-action, shot as much as possible in Chicago (or Vancouver. Vancouver has been the stand in for virtually every city ever).

But with computer-assisted 2D animation, there is no particular reason why it could not a perfect or near perfect match.
Although it is a good introduction to early series Dresden, his backstory, and the Dresden/Murphy dynamic before the larger, more epic stories of the novels.

I'd actually recommend it as a good introduction to the series for newcomers.
It might be a good introduction, but it is not necessary for the main plot and would take at least a full episode to get through. The Origin Story and Murphey's introduction you do kinda have to get through, because we wont have Harry's internal monologue to refer back to how he met her and how she got won over with respect to magic.
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