Crazedwraith wrote:I wasn't claiming the ion cannon were each equal to an ISDs, Just that in the old EU they had them and they allowed them to effective engage 'bigger' vessels. I don't recall that they ever stated how big those vessels were. The EU had plenty of ships bigger than a carrack and smaller than a star destroyer,
And again the ions were the default not the pd lasers.
If it's ions -> pd, then I can buy that the guns are ...maybe 20xMTL equivalent, and trade some ion for antifighter weapons. That'd be ok from a structural standpoint without major modification. MTL equivalent ion I could see working against frigates, though once you get to...maybe Strike size, it'd take a decent amount of MTL/M-ion fire to wear down the shielding.
Small ships scale very weirdly for reactor volume and power. The smaller you get, the worse the scaling effects. If they used destroyer power density, small ships like CR90s could potentially be packing MTL, but seems like LTL are the defining gun caliber of that size ship. Carracks could potentially scale ~5e22W if they used destroyer power density, but given the much much larger Acclamator yields 2e23W... I think a high 1e22W range powerplant is unlikely. ~1e22W might be a reasonable high-end estimate though.
20xMTL would be, well, that depends on what you think the rate of fire is, but it's its 5 shots/s (calculated from Acclamator numbers) then it'd be 1TT/s, so say 8e22W for 20. That would be at the high end of destroyer power density. Now if it's actually 10xMTL and the rest fighter-weight marginalia, then we're back down to ~5e22W and bog standard destroyer power density. Also to consider is that Carracks have no alpha arc and so may mount 20 MTL equivalent but can only use half in a sustained way anyway.
A lot depends on if you think the Acclamator part of the power scaling curve is an anomaly or not (the next largest ship with hard numbers is a yacht...). If it's heavily derated from a heavy frigate plant, than a Carrack working at 8e22W is plausible. If not, and heavy frigates normally manage 1e23-1e24W only, then a Carrack is likely to be operating at 1e22W.
For now, I'm sticking with low e22W range, so both ships are mounting ~10-20 MTL, and both are dipping into capacitor power if they have to use all of them at once.