The Romulan Republic wrote:Its also possible that Trump managed to mobilize a higher percentage of the working class white racist vote in key states.
Working class, probably. Racist, maybe. Idiots, definitely. But idiots with good reasons.
I'm only speaking for my area but alot of people were not really voting for tRump but voting against Clinton a bit like Starglider was alluding to. Clinton.....Clinton goofed hard with some of her comments. Her comment about putting coal workers and companies out of business really scared the dungarees off of a people already scared shitless about job loss, already reeling from the effects of the supposed "War on Coal" and feeling like nobody gives a shit about poor white people in Appalachia.
Presumably those same sentiments propelled Trump in the lead in other economically fucked up areas. Trump said sweet nothings into their ears while Clinton inserted her foot in mouth. Right or wrong people believed Trump was a candidate for workers while Clinton was not.
I'm sure racism had some to do with his winning even among workers but just saying "they be racist" completely ignores why people were scared enough to vote for Pumpkin Head.
It really sucks too so many people were scared and desperate enough to get suckered by Trump, that Clinton practically handed the worker nomination to that fucking moronic clown when it should have been really fucking easy to show some rich ass silver spoon in his ass blowhard outsourcing shitstain ain't workers best interests in mind.
And I'm totally sure now that the fuck is our President we're totally going to get a deluge of mining, manufacturing, and tech jobs, totally.
Fuck this election.