Flagg wrote:It's funny how rightwing shits who assumed (like everyone) that Clinton would win were calling for her impeachment before the election and how outraged the left was by that, and now how the leftwing shits are calling for Donnie Douchebag's impeachment before he's even been sworn in.
Man, I've been laughing my ass off at the hypocritical nature of both sides. I mean its not surprising, about as surprising as water being wet, but still the mental disconnect is a bit astonishing.
There is of course what you said, the right wing rejects whining about Benghazi and the emails and what other bullshit charges they could.....Trump up (heh) and calling for her impeachment then the lefty loons doing the exact same fucking thing about tRump's bullshit with his school and crap.
But other shit too. The lefties wanting to run to Canada just like right wing gasbags wanted to do when Obama was elected or when Obamneycare was passed (despite Canada actually having actual Commie socialist universal healthcare and not the shitty abomination that is still better then what we had before that is ACA).
The dumbasses in Failifornia wanting to play some IRL Fallout and secede from US to create the New California Republic so they can get their butts beat by closeted dudes in skirts armed with pointy sticks because their candidate didn't win, boo fucking hoo. The exact same fucking thing minus the Fallout references that Chucklefuck Norris and others in Texas wanted to do when Obama was elected with Carlos wanting to be President of Texas. And people made fun of Norris about, called him a traitor, and whiny baby and also failed fundie Christian actor who is the King Midas of shit yet is inexplicably loved by the internet because of the fucking stupid as fucking fuck Chuck Norris facts. Okay maybe the last part was just me. Here's a real CHuck Norris fact, Chuck Norris loves America and the Constitution soooooooo much he wants to secede from the country and wants to shit all over the Constitution by removing the separation of Church and State and wanted to elect Mike Huckabee, as assclown so bad he makes Trump almost.......almost look like Presidential material in comparison.
Seriously fuck Chuck Norris.
Where was I? Oh yeah, whiny bitches on both sides whining.
Another thing they are both doing is acting like its the end of the nation when the opposing candidate gets elected. Dems did it when Bush got relected and probably when he was first elected (I don't remember but in my defense I was an angsty ass teen at the time so I've been trying to actively forget that time period), Repubs did it when Obama got elected and now Donny Trump some fucking how despite all odds and common sense got elected and OH NOES the Americas is going down the shitter, its the end of the US, the Constitution is toilet paper. I mean for fucks sake, Trump is a massive piece of shit but he ain't the end of America or the world and he ain't going to do anything untoward to the Constitution beyond proverbially shit on it as President after President has done before. Probably not going to be a nice 4 or 8 years but the 8 years of Obama weren't nice for some people (like anyone trying to buy a gun without paying out the ass) and the 8 years of Bush weren't nice for several countries and the world economy and the 8 years of Clinton weren't nice for anyone wanting to own a penis compensating assault weapon. While shittons of brown people in foreign lands aren't here after those Presidents America is still here, the world is still here, there were no FEMA death camps or mass slaughter of minorities (mostly) or all white people forcefully reverse Micheal Jacksoned or anything of the sort.
One thing I will say that liberats are doing different from conservaturds is making goddamn petitions, always with the petitions. I'm so sick and tired of these goddamn petitions on this motherfucking internet. Petitions don't do squat (which don't exist), certainly aren't going to sway the fucking election or get pumpkin Hitler impeached and email harpy put in office to be impeached, goddamn I'm in the mood for some peaches. Seems like every fucking hot button issue these days there is some stupid ass petition. I mean I have little room to talk sitting here behind a computer screen I need to clean bitching into the void, but goddamn you lazy fucks, if you want change get off your asses. Signing some shit on the internet don't do shit, no matter how many petitions you fire at Obama Firefly won't get uncanceled and EA won't give up the Star Wars game license. Hope and change into a truck ain't going to come from signing some bullshit, that only thing that does is makes people feel better about themselves while doing jack and shit.
The ONLY thing I can say positive about conservative assholes really is the fact they don't CONSTANTLY make stupid fucking petitions. I mean they do petitions too, some idiots did a few petitions to have a bunch of states secede back in 2012 starring John Cusack, so they aren't off the hook but they don't do petitions in such stupid volume. Way to go conservatives, you might be a bunch of idiots with terrifying views on gays, women, and war but you don't sign a petition everytime someone stubs their toe, yay for you, have a cookiee but not really because fuck you thems my cookiees.
This whole election is really illustrating just how stupid alot of people are. And theres probably something ironic about that statement.