Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

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Will a live-action Barbie movie be a blockbuster, or a bomb?

Potential blockbuster- IF they change the script
Potential blockbuster- IF they change the cast
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Break even
Total votes: 23

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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Iroscato »

Sidewinder wrote:I'm not invested in Barbie. I am invested in other franchises that have suffered because some idiotic writer used them as "bully pulpits" from which they can spew political bullshit, specifically, the 'Transformers' franchise- see 'Beast Machines', 'Star Trek Into Darkness', and the examples I previously listed- and do NOT want to see more toy franchises used as "bully pulpits" for political bullshit.
Poor baby :(

I hear they even made Heimdall in Thor BLACK!! Those fucking fiends, they must be stopped!!
Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by TheFeniX »

streetad wrote:Unless I've somehow missed a beloved cult Barbie film starring John Belushi in the defining role of his career, I'm not sure what this has to do with Ghostbusters?
Fury Road and Ghostbusters (one showing how this works extremely well, the other showing how it works... less well) have, from what I've seen, opened up a new set of flood-gates. The "they changed a thing, SJWs SJWs! My childhood. ZOMG!" has always been around the Internet, but it was mostly centered in certain online cesspools.

Even the smattering of garbage reboots like Total Recall couldn't bring it into the open because no vaginas were involved. But both the mentioned movies showed that men will still watch a woman kick ass even if it "stole" Max's spotlight and men will still avoid mediocre movies trying to cash in on nostalgia no matter what gender is involved (Total Recall and Ghostbusters).

So, just expect trolls to troll anything vagina related but also the Clickbait Industrial Complex to post articles like this because people on both sides will shed blood while the average person clicks as well to find out what the fuck is going on. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if shit like this was pushed specifically to drum up clicks.

That all said, I've seen nothing in the cesspolls I troll about this Barbie movie or Amy Shumer. They don't seem to give fucks because why the Hell would they? This seems nearly completely in the realm of "normal people," so I'm more of the mind of "you done got clickbaited, son." I have no idea why anything related to Barbie would anger even the most MRA of MRAs. Maybe if they made Ken some kind of submissive dolt?
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Khaat »

TheFeniX wrote:*snip stuff about Mae Whitman*
She does lead in an "ugly duckling" movie "The DUFF" which is funny because Hollywood does like to try and pass off beautful women as "ugly" because they don't look like... I don't know. They mostly look the same to me. But they also tried to pass Rachael Leigh Cook off as ugly in She's All That by forgoing make-up and dressing her in overalls. Not Another Teen Movie lampooned the shit out of this.
Also Pitch Perfect:
Jessie: Not me. I’m here for one reason only. I really love stacking CDs. So what’s your deal? You one of those girls who’s all dark and mysterious then she takes of her glasses and that amazingly scary ear spike and you realize that, you know she was beautiful the whole time.
Becca: I don’t wear glasses.
Jessie:Then you’re half way there.
TheFeniX wrote:Another actress continuing to dominate roles and photoshoots: Scarlett Johansson. The bare-ass shots of her in... shit, can't recall the movie, anyways, only two words to describe: Child. Bearing.
Under the Skin. Cannot. Forget. That. Walk.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by LadyTevar »

KNOCK IT OFF. Sidewinder, Vendetta, THIS MEANS YOU.
Stick to the OP, or take it to Private.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Gandalf »

Chimaera wrote:
Sidewinder wrote:I'm not invested in Barbie. I am invested in other franchises that have suffered because some idiotic writer used them as "bully pulpits" from which they can spew political bullshit, specifically, the 'Transformers' franchise- see 'Beast Machines', 'Star Trek Into Darkness', and the examples I previously listed- and do NOT want to see more toy franchises used as "bully pulpits" for political bullshit.
Poor baby :(

I hear they even made Heimdall in Thor BLACK!! Those fucking fiends, they must be stopped!!
Don't forget Nick Fury. He used to look like David Hasselhoff. Nobody seemed to mind when he changed to look like Samuel L Jackson.

Then again, the examples he cited all relate to gender/sexuality as opposed to race, so I don't think Heimdall is an issue unless he's also gay.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Iroscato »

Gandalf wrote:
Chimaera wrote:
Sidewinder wrote:I'm not invested in Barbie. I am invested in other franchises that have suffered because some idiotic writer used them as "bully pulpits" from which they can spew political bullshit, specifically, the 'Transformers' franchise- see 'Beast Machines', 'Star Trek Into Darkness', and the examples I previously listed- and do NOT want to see more toy franchises used as "bully pulpits" for political bullshit.
Poor baby :(

I hear they even made Heimdall in Thor BLACK!! Those fucking fiends, they must be stopped!!
Don't forget Nick Fury. He used to look like David Hasselhoff. Nobody seemed to mind when he changed to look like Samuel L Jackson.

Then again, the examples he cited all relate to gender/sexuality as opposed to race, so I don't think Heimdall is an issue unless he's also gay.
Probably bats for both sides at least. Thousands of years of effortlessly being able to watch Thor bathe would turn anyone.
Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Q99 »

I just wanna take a moment and comment how incredibly omni-competent Barbie the character is (Doctor-Astronaut-Dancer-Actor-Scientist. For starters. If you're given a choice between having all of Batman's skills and all of Barbie's, seriously consider Barbie's), and how little the pop culture perception mirrors that.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by General Zod »

TheFeniX wrote:
streetad wrote:Unless I've somehow missed a beloved cult Barbie film starring John Belushi in the defining role of his career, I'm not sure what this has to do with Ghostbusters?
Fury Road and Ghostbusters (one showing how this works extremely well, the other showing how it works... less well) have, from what I've seen, opened up a new set of flood-gates. The "they changed a thing, SJWs SJWs! My childhood. ZOMG!" has always been around the Internet, but it was mostly centered in certain online cesspools.

Even the smattering of garbage reboots like Total Recall couldn't bring it into the open because no vaginas were involved. But both the mentioned movies showed that men will still watch a woman kick ass even if it "stole" Max's spotlight and men will still avoid mediocre movies trying to cash in on nostalgia no matter what gender is involved (Total Recall and Ghostbusters).

So, just expect trolls to troll anything vagina related but also the Clickbait Industrial Complex to post articles like this because people on both sides will shed blood while the average person clicks as well to find out what the fuck is going on. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if shit like this was pushed specifically to drum up clicks.

That all said, I've seen nothing in the cesspolls I troll about this Barbie movie or Amy Shumer. They don't seem to give fucks because why the Hell would they? This seems nearly completely in the realm of "normal people," so I'm more of the mind of "you done got clickbaited, son." I have no idea why anything related to Barbie would anger even the most MRA of MRAs. Maybe if they made Ken some kind of submissive dolt?
Schumer's been getting a lot of hate on Reddit lately. I assume for her outspoken feminism. So I assume Sidewinder's bitching has less to do with anything about Barbie and more the fact that Schumer's managed to rustle his jimmies whether he wants to admit it or not.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by streetad »

Q99 wrote:I just wanna take a moment and comment how incredibly omni-competent Barbie the character is (Doctor-Astronaut-Dancer-Actor-Scientist. For starters. If you're given a choice between having all of Batman's skills and all of Barbie's, seriously consider Barbie's), and how little the pop culture perception mirrors that.
True; she's also been reinvented a million times based on what currently best sells plastic dolls to little girls.

At the moment they've cottoned on to the facts that:

1) Kid's films have to be at least tolerable for parents to sit through, probably multiple times.

2) Little girls like cool, funny female leads with agency that they can identify with/aspire to. It's not a coincidence that the most successful Disney 'princess' film by far is about the relationship between two sisters and Prince Charming turning out to be a villian.

I guess when you hold views opposing the mainstream, marketing decisions start to look like political persecution.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Kojiro »

Chimaera wrote:I hear they even made Heimdall in Thor BLACK!! Those fucking fiends, they must be stopped!!
See, while there are undoubtedly people who were upset over race, in my circle we just like accuracy. I didn't like it when they made Ironhide black, but I promise you it's not because I have anything against black 4x4s.

Honestly though this project seems like the kind of thing that will wreck itself if just left alone. It's not worth wasting energy opposing as a concept. Perhaps if it has some horribly objectionable material in it, then have at it but otherwise... eh. This seems destined to be a like Ghostbusters- remembered more for the drama around it than it's own merits.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by hunter5 »

Gandalf wrote:
Chimaera wrote:
Sidewinder wrote:I'm not invested in Barbie. I am invested in other franchises that have suffered because some idiotic writer used them as "bully pulpits" from which they can spew political bullshit, specifically, the 'Transformers' franchise- see 'Beast Machines', 'Star Trek Into Darkness', and the examples I previously listed- and do NOT want to see more toy franchises used as "bully pulpits" for political bullshit.
Poor baby :(

I hear they even made Heimdall in Thor BLACK!! Those fucking fiends, they must be stopped!!
Don't forget Nick Fury. He used to look like David Hasselhoff. Nobody seemed to mind when he changed to look like Samuel L Jackson.

Then again, the examples he cited all relate to gender/sexuality as opposed to race, so I don't think Heimdall is an issue unless he's also gay.
I think people didnt complain about Ultimate universe Nick Fury was because he was kind of bad-ass when compared to the normal Nick Fury. I will admit I didn't have much experience with the old Nick Fury outside the 90s Ironman cartoon.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by mr friendly guy »

I am not that big a fan of mundane matt (which sidewinder linked to), however after the first few minutes where he talks about the plot of Barbie, I am thinking, so what? I mean it boils down to Barbie figures out looks aren't everything, and its whats on the inside that counts, which as a theme pretty much appeared in most of the sanitised cartoons of the 1980s. So what's the big deal?

I will say this though. I can understand someone not liking too many changes to a character which they have become invested in it, although I must say, aside from the race bending of the Last Airbender characters, it hasn't bothered me that much.

Even the female Thor business in and of itself didn't bother me, because I have anything against Jane Foster being Thor (although Sif seems more appropriate to me) but because they had to shit on the original Thor to get her to become Thor. It would be better if they made Thor the All Father and Jane Foster the new Thor. I mean, its not like Thor wasn't the all father at the end of Avengers disassembled. Oh wait, he was.

This sort of "promotion" has been done before in Marvel. For example Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers) became the new Captain Marvel (since previous CM's keep on getting killed) and it was very appropriate given the relationship between Carol Danvers and the original Captain Marvell. They then got a new minority character to become the new Ms Marvel, which works appropriately because they didn't shit on Carol Danvers to give a new character the title. Too bad they didn't do the same for Thor. We just got Nick Fury senior said some magic words, and Thor became unworthy, because... oh wait still waiting for that reveal from Marvel, not that I read Marvel much these days anyway, as opposed to listening to comic reviews for the spoilers.

Going on, since I have no investment in Barbie, it doesn't really bother me that much. Wonder why Mundane Matt finds it bothersome (and no I didn't watch all of his video because I had to go to work).
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Grumman »

General Zod wrote:Schumer's been getting a lot of hate on Reddit lately. I assume for her outspoken feminism.
No, because by her own admission she got away with committing a felony because her uncle's a senator. You don't get to whine about male privilege when the cops won't charge you with grand larceny because you're part of the fucking aristocracy.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by TheFeniX »

General Zod wrote:Schumer's been getting a lot of hate on Reddit lately. I assume for her outspoken feminism. So I assume Sidewinder's bitching has less to do with anything about Barbie and more the fact that Schumer's managed to rustle his jimmies whether he wants to admit it or not.
Isn't Reddit pretty mainstream now? They may talk about a wider range of bullshit than a news site with an axe to grind and tolerate more racism and sexism than your average bbs, but I find it hard not to lump reddit into the "normal people" brigade when you've got game developers worth millions holding Q/As on the website. It's basically Twitter as far as I'm concerned.
Grumman wrote:No, because by her own admission she got away with committing a felony because her uncle's a senator. You don't get to whine about male privilege when the cops won't charge you with grand larceny because you're part of the fucking aristocracy.
I didn't know about that. I did find it fairly amusing when, as she's a noted feminist, another female comedian blasted her by pointing out she only seems to steal jokes from other female comedians, whatever, it's an ad hom, but I still chuckle at it.

I like Shumer's act though. She's funny. No where near the best comedian I've seen, but she isn't terrible. This all just reeks of manufactured controversy. As said, what man actually gives a shit about changing Barbie because THAT (that thing of all things) might bleed into other media? I mean, let's say they made a Metroid movie and cast Shumer as Samus Aran: Ok, then I see Nerd Rage and it's probably legit Nerd Rage.

Hell, I'd Nerd Rage at that point.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by General Zod »

I don't know how mainstream I'd call Reddit. There's a pretty big neckbeard population.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by madd0ct0r »

If you think reddit is mainstream, than all that means is the majority of people on reddit are like you, not that they are like the majority of real life people. Especially with the fractal bubbles that are subreddits and the advertising money that feeds the FrontPage.

Same goes for Twitter.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Q99 wrote:I just wanna take a moment and comment how incredibly omni-competent Barbie the character is (Doctor-Astronaut-Dancer-Actor-Scientist. For starters. If you're given a choice between having all of Batman's skills and all of Barbie's, seriously consider Barbie's), and how little the pop culture perception mirrors that.
You know what?

If they film Barbie as a superhero movie, I will pay good money to see it.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by General Zod »

Grumman wrote:
General Zod wrote:Schumer's been getting a lot of hate on Reddit lately. I assume for her outspoken feminism.
No, because by her own admission she got away with committing a felony because her uncle's a senator. You don't get to whine about male privilege when the cops won't charge you with grand larceny because you're part of the fucking aristocracy.
So I googled the case . . . and it looks like it happened when she was 21, so it's not like it's something recent. Frankly I think it's funny that people are more angry with Schumer than the cops that let her go.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by TheFeniX »

General Zod wrote:I don't know how mainstream I'd call Reddit. There's a pretty big neckbeard population.
Neckbeard really doesn't mean anything to me. I've dealt with them all my life living in Texas. Namely football fans and their obsession with the sport, talking about it constantly, even taking Pee-Wee and high school areas of the sport way to seriously. Hating one team, loving another, for reasons that make sense only to them and/or geographic location. They start fights over it (even physical ones) and spend their time talking about drafting X randomguy will be the death of Y team, or conference, or whatever else annoys them about handegg.

I would expect Reddit to have rather large populations of all types considering the popularity. Jesus, the site has it's own official iPhone app.
madd0ct0r wrote:If you think reddit is mainstream, than all that means is the majority of people on reddit are like you, not that they are like the majority of real life people. Especially with the fractal bubbles that are subreddits and the advertising money that feeds the FrontPage.
No, it just means you see news sites of all varieties linking to it and their Q/As or even just random "blog" posts. The real cesspools of the Internet even sites like this usually have rules against linking to, for good reason.

But you don't have to be a shithole to avoid being mainstream. Can you find about anyone with an Internet connection who hasn't heard of Reddit?

I'll grant that "mainstream" isn't the right word. But let's face it, the word has been abused for quite some time, so I'd think it'd be clear via context what I meant. "Reddit" complains about anything because it is a bastion of all sorts of people. Meanwhile, your sites that shat out movements like MRA don't seem to care at all about Shumer. Though I'll grant I've not been all that interested in this topic, so I haven't really dug that much. But when those types get pissed off, you usually don't have to dig much at all.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Kojiro »

mr friendly guy wrote:Snip Thor stuff...
It's been almost 2 years since Thor became mysteriously unworthy and we still don't know why. And since taking action to address the issue would undoubtedly reveal the nature of the issue, he appears to be just letting it go. "Oh I'm unworthy? Oh well, what can you do? Not like it's important to my identity or anything." We'll never know and if we do ever get an answer, it'll be terrible.

As to Barbie, while it's great that she's going to learn that beauty isn't everything, I'll be interested to see who they get to play her Ken and where he fits on the beauty scale.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Sidewinder »

My main problem with the proposed film's script, is the line "Schumer’s Barbie gets kicked out, basically because she’s not perfect enough."

What kind of government will exile its citizens for being "not perfect enough"? A Fascist or Communist dictatorship. When did the toy franchise begin to promote Fascist or Communist ideals?

As for gays in comic books, my problem is not the fact there are gay characters in comic books, it's the fact the comic book writers chose to "re-invent" those who were previously portrayed as being heterosexual, as being gay, as if a "gay virus" infected them. With Batwoman, DC Comics was willing to devote the time (number of issues) to portray her in her adolescence, showing readers she was always gay, she's struggled with the consequences of this lifestyle choice (being expelled from West Point because of "Don't ask, don't tell"), etc., so I have no reason to complain about her portrayal. With Iceman, Marvel Comics was not willing to devote the necessary time (number of issues), meaning it seems a "gay virus" infected him- an insulting idea to real-world gays who'll undoubtedly say, "We're not like this!" as well provoking fear in Christian fundamentalists and other conservatives regarding what may happen if they allow their children to associate with homosexuals.
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Gandalf »

Sidewinder wrote:My main problem with the proposed film's script, is the line "Schumer’s Barbie gets kicked out, basically because she’s not perfect enough."

What kind of government will exile its citizens for being "not perfect enough"? A Fascist or Communist dictatorship. When did the toy franchise begin to promote Fascist or Communist ideals?
Freedom Patriot, you never disappoint. :lol:
As for gays in comic books, my problem is not the fact there are gay characters in comic books, it's the fact the comic book writers chose to "re-invent" those who were previously portrayed as being heterosexual, as being gay, as if a "gay virus" infected them. With Batwoman, DC Comics was willing to devote the time (number of issues) to portray her in her adolescence, showing readers she was always gay, she's struggled with the consequences of this lifestyle choice (being expelled from West Point because of "Don't ask, don't tell"), etc., so I have no reason to complain about her portrayal. With Iceman, Marvel Comics was not willing to devote the necessary time (number of issues), meaning it seems a "gay virus" infected him- an insulting idea to real-world gays who'll undoubtedly say, "We're not like this!" as well provoking fear in Christian fundamentalists and other conservatives regarding what may happen if they allow their children to associate with homosexuals.
So isn't this issue just lazy writing?
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by General Zod »

Sidewinder wrote:My main problem with the proposed film's script, is the line "Schumer’s Barbie gets kicked out, basically because she’s not perfect enough."

What kind of government will exile its citizens for being "not perfect enough"? A Fascist or Communist dictatorship. When did the toy franchise begin to promote Fascist or Communist ideals?
Welcome to Hollywood, Comrade!
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Sidewinder »

Gandalf wrote:
As for gays in comic books, my problem is not the fact there are gay characters in comic books, it's the fact the comic book writers chose to "re-invent" those who were previously portrayed as being heterosexual, as being gay, as if a "gay virus" infected them. With Batwoman, DC Comics was willing to devote the time (number of issues) to portray her in her adolescence, showing readers she was always gay, she's struggled with the consequences of this lifestyle choice (being expelled from West Point because of "Don't ask, don't tell"), etc., so I have no reason to complain about her portrayal. With Iceman, Marvel Comics was not willing to devote the necessary time (number of issues), meaning it seems a "gay virus" infected him- an insulting idea to real-world gays who'll undoubtedly say, "We're not like this!" as well provoking fear in Christian fundamentalists and other conservatives regarding what may happen if they allow their children to associate with homosexuals.
So isn't this issue just lazy writing?
It's not just lazy writing, it's promoting insulting stereotypes. I wrote on Marvel Comics' laziness in the Should Spider-Man be "pansexual"? thread.
Me wrote:
Jub wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:another thing that when depicting minorities, especially sexual minorities the comic book companies want to "show" how progressive they are so more often then not you end up with characters (even when making a new one) whose characterization is dominated by their sexuality to the point that it becomes their sole defining characteristic.
You have to start somewhere and even if they're shaky first steps they're steps that should be taken. If you never try for fear of failure you're never going to go anywhere new.
Jub wrote:They just need one of these characters to take off, and that means throwing more darts. If we get a minority or openly gay character and something about them grabs people then we'll get more of them.
I am speaking this as a Chinese-American, a member of the minority you claim to represent.

As a child, I wanted to see more Asians among the superheroes in the cartoons I watched and the comic books I read. Unfortunately, not only were these characters often token, but they were also INSULTING STEREOTYPES, due to hack writing. I'd rather not see an Asian superhero AT ALL, if all the comic book companies and animation studios could offer, were such stereotypes.

In pushing for a "pansexual" Spider-Man, you will likely make Marvel Comics push the job of creating a "pansexual" superhero, into a hack writer who will reinforce the idea a bisexual person is a sex-crazy and out-of-control "swinger" straight from a porn addict's most lurid fantasies. The result will be a Broken Aesop so bad, it'll poison comic book fans' (and comic book fans' parents') opinions of bisexual people, for a decade.

A topic we hold so personally, must be handled with the respect and sensitivity it REQUIRES, or the effort will be counterproductive.
Me again wrote:
Jub wrote:Here's the question then, would you rather see stereotyped heroes or no heroes at all? That seems to be the sum of our options. Most comic writing is hackneyed, stilted, and cliched even for white straight male characters.
I'd rather see no heroes at all, than to see heroes who reinforce OFFENSIVE STEREOTYPES.

To counter your question, would you rather see no "gay heroes" in comic books, or see only "gay heroes" who are child molesters that prey on Boy Scouts, due to hack writers reinforcing that offensive stereotype? Would Jewish board members rather see no "Jewish heroes," or see only "Jewish heroes" who are money-grubbing misers? Would black board members rather see no "black heroes," or see only "black heroes" who are brainless brutes with rapacious sexual appetites?

That's the dilemma I face regarding heroes who supposedly represent a minority. Very few writers handle the subject with the respect and the sensitivity required.
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Gandalf White Wizard
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Re: Amy Schumer to play Barbie in live-action film

Post by Gandalf »

So it's more of a "change is hard, don't try" thing? Stupid Americomis!
General Zod wrote:
Sidewinder wrote:My main problem with the proposed film's script, is the line "Schumer’s Barbie gets kicked out, basically because she’s not perfect enough."

What kind of government will exile its citizens for being "not perfect enough"? A Fascist or Communist dictatorship. When did the toy franchise begin to promote Fascist or Communist ideals?
Welcome to Hollywood, Comrade!
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

"I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately."
- George Carlin
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