Silly me. I thought you were kidding and then I Googled it.Q99 wrote:Good elements like the Mofference room.
Dark greetings!

Moderator: Vympel
Silly me. I thought you were kidding and then I Googled it.Q99 wrote:Good elements like the Mofference room.
Dark greetings!
She's hardly the first person to survive duelling Vader, even not counting his son.K. A. Pital wrote:What, Asoka is alive after fighting Vader? Don't tell me such awful things! I haven't seen this yet... WHY?!
The Romulan Republic wrote:She's hardly the first person to survive duelling Vader, even not counting his son.K. A. Pital wrote:What, Asoka is alive after fighting Vader? Don't tell me such awful things! I haven't seen this yet... WHY?!
Now, if she'd beaten him, I might have had a problem with it, but just surviving... no. Though not formally a Jedi, she is essentially equivalent to one in training and experience, and an excellent duelist.
It does pass up an opportunity to neatly resolve the question of her absence from the OT, but I maintain that its not necessary. Its a big galaxy, and a lot can happen over time. And her existence doesn't even contradict statements about the Jedi being gone or Luke being the last Jedi, because at the end of the day, she is not a Jedi. Not officially, and not by her own self-identification.
Although to my knowledge, her survival is thus far fairly ambiguous/implied, in a "we never saw the body" kind of way. I have no idea weather she'll ever appear again.
Filoni said that scene is very much open to interpretation. She could be alive, it could be a 'spirit' or it could be something else.FaxModem1 wrote:She appears to be walking just fine at 2:51 . So unless she keeled over and died in the cave, she is still alive.
Are you kidding? Samuel L. Jackson can't wait to do it and has stated as much multiple times.The Romulan Republic wrote:Plus it would likely be contingent on Samuel L. Jackson being available and willing to reprise the role (on TV you could more easily change actors, since Rebels is animated).
However, he hates the theory that Mace is Snoke.We then asked Jackson about his theory/wishful thinking that Mace was still alive when he stopped by Entertainment Weekly Radio (SiriusXM, channel 105) on Wednesday morning to chat with us on EW Morning Live and here’s what he had to say. “Of course he is! Jedi can fall from amazing distances. And there’s a long history of one-handed Jedi. So why not?”
So what then has Mace been up to since falling out of Palpatine’s tower — laying low like Obi-Wan did on Tatooine? “Exactly,” says Jackson.
Has the actor shared his views with the creative forces behind the Star Wars franchise? “Only George [Lucas],” says Jackson. “But George doesn’t have anything to do with it anymore.” And what was Lucas’ reaction? “George is like, ‘I’m okay with that. You can be alive.”
I'm sure a competent writer can invent something. Jackson himself thinks Mace went into hiding like Obi-Wan.The Romulan Republic wrote:Well, that makes it a little more likely, though it would still beg the question of where the hell Mace was for all those years while the galaxy went to hell.
He was in TCW, so yes. Hell, he was even mentioned in ROTS.The Romulan Republic wrote:Does Quinlan Vos even exist any more, officially?
Someone who doesn't identify as a Jedi probably still has things that they could teach Luke. So it's not a good reason for Luke never seeking them out.The Romulan Republic wrote:And her existence doesn't even contradict statements about the Jedi being gone or Luke being the last Jedi, because at the end of the day, she is not a Jedi. Not officially, and not by her own self-identification.