Boba Fett contracted to hit...

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Post by Darth Yoshi »

No kidding. I once considered being a bounty hunter because of Fett.
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Post by thecreech »

Im not to sure on the whole borg Queen works but if she dies that she is just remade into the collective right? Say if Fett just Captures her does that men that the collective is without a Queen...?
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Post by thecreech »

Sorry im here at work... lets try this again... IF the borg Queen dies then she is just remade into the Collective Right? If she is just captured then she can't be remade and therefore that would leave the collective Queenless? What would happen
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Post by Coyote »

It seems to me that the Collective simply appoints someone within the collective to become a semi-sentient being with limited autonomy-- perhaps I am mistaken in this, though...

I think that you may be correct, once Fett kills her than enother drone is animated with individuality (to an extent) and inheirets the title. In that case, Fett'll be a busy man, bumping off each new Queen as she becomes apparant through the ship.

Perhaps it would have to be a truly unique individual, a 'Queen' spcificlly assimilated to act as a liason between the people of the Federation and the Collective-- say, Picard as 'Locutus'? Wouldn't that be a hoot? The Federation, in a desperate attempt, contracts Fett to assissnate Locutus...
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Predator? He's not a problem compared to Kosh, he's the biggest problem here, only way to take him out is by bombing Babylon 5 with those 12GT mine of his.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Judge Dredd?
Dredd would die easy

The thing is your forgeting if Fett can take Double the KE of a Man(Even Arnold) Swinging a Broad Sword at your Face and not have his Armor even be dented what good is a knife gonna do? The Preditor Dies, Seeing as how Mr Preditor does not have 360 Vision, Focused Hearing and while he does have the Shoulder Cannon thats of questionable Efficnay as EU states even a Blaster Rifle at Short Range is of an Iffy Proposition of getting through the Armor so unless Preiditor Sneaks up(Unlikley given Fetts supiriror sensors)

Or he simple does what I would do and Stays in the Ship Scans for Large Heat Signautres and goes on a strafe run, And if he runs to his ship? Lol gonna be a slaughter

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Post by Akm72 »

Dredd has faced far worse than Boba Fett in his time and lived. The fight would (might) go like this;

Fett spends time studying his prey, as he's good Dredd doesn't notice.
Fett arranges an ambush, with himself armed with a sniper rifle at some distance.
Fett's first shot misses or glances off Dredd's armour (due to Dredds' incredible character shield) Dredd dives behind cover within a second while working out where the assassin is.
From behind cover, Dredd fires a ricochet shot into Fett's hiding place - this hits, but doesn't penetrate, Fett's uber armour.
Fett retreats along a pre-planned escape route, leaving a proximity bomb behind to slow the pursuit and destroy any evidence, but Dredd's uber knowledge of the city let's him take a short cut to head off the assassin.
Fett fires a hail of high-power blaster fire to keep Dredd back, blasting chunks out of the wall and creating a cloud of smoke.
Dredd fires a 'hotshot' through the smoke, which guides in on Fett's body heat and hit's him in the center of mass. Again it doesn't penetrate the armour, but it is powerful enough to knock Fett off balance, which is when Dredd dives through the smoke firing.
Fett has a reasonable character shield of his own, and although many of Dredd's shots hit, only one shot hits Fett's unarmoured thighs.
Fett, muttering curses, activates his rocket pack to escape, firing a blast from his flame-thrower as he does so.
Dredd dives to avoid the blast of flame and by the time he looks back, Fett is gone.
Dredd looks down at the blood spots, and calls for a forensic team; just one more perp to add to the records...
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Post by Jack Lain »

In hand-to-hand I really do think that the Pred beats Fett. Fett is good, but lets face it. The Preds wrote the book on single combat. These guys go to worlds all alone and kick ass. No back up or anything. I'll concede the long range win to Fett, but the Pred isn't that dumb to let that happen. These killers are born to hunt. Fett won't win against the Pred in any normal fight. He gets his head handed to him, much like his father. --gotta love the dramatic of that eh?

Kosh kicks Fetts ass. As someone else stated, the only way to really be sure that Kosh dies is to destroy B5 and even then...

Dredd vs. Fett. Now come on. We are in Dredd's hometown. Dredd takes the fight. Maybe not in the first meeting, but in the second or third??? Yep, it's Dredd. I like Fett but there are many Sci Fi characters, based solely on their skill in single combat, which would beat him. He may rock, but a stick to the back and into the pit does some damage to his character shield.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Since it's been generally accepted that Fett kills all his marks with relative about taking his contracts alive? This would be more difficult, but Fett could probably do it.
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Post by Jack Lain »

I agree with you on that Captain. Vader's warning about no disintegrations is poignant.
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Post by Kon_El »

Captain Kirk? -- Kirk has a more powerfull cha shield.

Captain Picard? --Fett

Captain Janeway? --Fett (these three don't even belong on the list)

Captain Sisko? --Fett

an Alien? --Fett

a Predator? --Predator these guys are just too sneeky

a Borg Queen? --I think Fett would realize the fuitility and refuse this one whats the point they will just make another one just like her. Fett would see this as a waste of time

Judge Dredd? --Dredd has mad skills Fett is good but Dredd was born to kick ass literaly

Buffy the Vampire Slayer? --tough fight but I think that because Fett falls outside of Buffys speciality she would lose

I would like to add Batman but I can't bring myself to do that to Fett
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Re: Boba Fett contracted to hit...

Post by weemadando »

Coyote wrote:Okay, here's a scenario--

Captain Kirk?

Fett awaits Kirk on surface of otherwise Eden-like planet. Redshirt stumbles into the path of Fetts attack/onto his sniper hide. Fett and Kirk engage in fisticuffs. Fett is beaten and Kirk steals his woman.

Captain Picard?

Fett docks with the Enterprise and fights his way to the bridge. After killing/KOing countless redshirts, punching out Worf and Riker, he confronts Picard. Who drops off into a prolonged soliloquy which bores Fett to death.

Captain Janeway?

Voyager stumbles across Slave 1 and beams Fett aboard. Fett slaughters half the crew as he battles towards the captains quarters. Somewhere along the way he expends all of his ammunition attemping to kill the Doctor. Upon encountering Janeway he goes to kill her, but its too late, she begins to talk and Fett coughs up his own spleen and intestines (not nice in a helmet that small).

Captain Sisko?

Fett and Sisko engage in fisticuffs. Fett is somehow defeated when there is 1.5 minutes remaining in the episode. Just enough time for the requisite shot of everyone happy again.

Captain or President Sheridan?

After a prolonged battle against station security, rangers and working his way through a massive brawl in the "restaurant area", a somewhat shaken Fett stumbles into Garibaldi. Fisticuffs ensues. Garibaldi uses every dirty tactic known to man until he is finally KOed. Fett arrives at the quarters of Sheridan and enters. Sheridan is calmly awaiting his and engages him in a meaningful dialogue. After several hours of negotiations Fett agrees to join the cause of the ISA.


Dies hideously burning and screaming.

Ambassador Kosh?

Brown or purple?
Brown - Senses him coming and calmly awaits him. Calmly accepts death and dies.
Purple - Goes out eventually after blowing the crap out of an entire deck with enough psionics for another big-bang.

Commander Adama?


Cylon Imperious Leader?

Is beaten like a red-headed stepchild.

an Alien?

Beaten reasonably easily. An Alien queen would present a greater challenge.

a Predator?

This would be a PPV even I'd fork out for. Or at least go to Vegas to watch. Too close to call. Would be TKO on either side. If it was a TKO Fetts way, I'd run before the laughing started.

a Borg Queen?

Killed. By a KE weapon. Within 30secs.

Judge Dredd?

Comic or movie version?
Comic - Judges Fett after a gruelling 100 panel duel.
Movie - Utters some incomprehensible babble and is beaten like a $2 hooker.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Killed. But not before Xander, Willow, Spike, Tara and everyone else has thrown in the towel.

anyone else you can think of...
Ash (Evil Dead)
John McClane (Die Hard)
Harry Callahan (Dirty Harry)
Max (Dark Angel)
47 (Hitman)
Max Payne (duh)
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Post by Coyote »

I think Weemadando wins for the best interpretation of the confrontation with Captain Sheridan... :)
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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