Well started work on it, I have a page up and ready with a preview sketch, and unlike the other xcom topic I setup a while back, this is just for the comic which I'm looking at 2-3 years to complete, producing on average 2 pages a month.
If you want to check full size pics as this progresses then by all means click on the deviant folder where I'm also uploading this.
Bit longer then planned but here is the second page complete. The three human characters at top aren't original I modelled their designs from earlier kid shows that I watched when younger, because if I want to create a cast of tropes then what better then the ones that fuelled it. Feel free to guess which shows their from. (The girl is probably the toughest) On another note pacing was a bit problematic because of trying to fit in dynamic pace and switch to perspective of the "bad guys" as they quickly depart within that page.
Ok I have some updates, first here is a sketch design of two characters, one of them is the antagonist and the other..is to leave you guessing but you can note her clothing is similir. Also to those who have seen my eariler xcom work you have seen this girl before, she's just older now.
And here's the third page
Just to also let you know the human characters in top frame were modelled from:
Goose (galaxy rangers)
Zack (where on earth is carmen sandiago)
Amanda (The hurricanes, a cartoon football series)
Here's the current pages of chapter 2, there won't be an update till nov-dec as I'll be creating slideshow pictures for a friend on his XCOM LP series. The character lara for example is a direct copy from that friend's LP series taking advantage of xcom 2 customizing for troops.
While i'm working on the chapter I completed a mini comic based on the rest of the show that Amir would had seen if it weren't paused.
The mini comic mostly uses the customised characters from my friend faleg and is a refrence to his youtube LP series. I'm simply useing those characters to create a mini propaganda show. The final page isn't connected to the overall story and was made to be more aimed at Faleg's channel and his viewers.
Also "Dan Texan" is in fact me, it's how I appear in faleg's first LP but in his latest i am reborn as a enemy VIP.